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Charlaine Harris Quotes

American author and poet, Birth: 25-11-1951 Charlaine Harris Quotes
Hereā€™s to books, the cheapest vacation you can buy.
Charlaine Harris

And since Iā€™m going to be in the neighborhood, you thought I might do as an escort? To an orgy?
Charlaine Harris

You trust me?" Eric sounded surprised. "Yes." "That's . . . crazy, Sookie.
Charlaine Harris

You know I love you more when you're cold and heartless.
Charlaine Harris

Should I just bite you, and end it all?", he whispered. "I would never have to think about you again. Thinking about you is an annoying habit and one I want to be rid of.
Charlaine Harris

Similar Authors: Ralph Waldo Emerson William Shakespeare Rush Limbaugh Cassandra Clare C. S. Lewis Rumi Samuel Johnson Charles Spurgeon Deepak Chopra Stephen King George Bernard Shaw Winston Churchill George Herbert Neil Gaiman Richelle Mead
Well in two months, it'd be sunbathing time. That made me smile. I enjoyed lying in the sun in a little bikini, timing myself carefully so I didn't burn. I loved the smell of coconut oil. And I don't want to hear any lectures about how bad tanning is for you. That's my vice. Everybody gets one.
Charlaine Harris

My gran had always told me that a woman--any woman worth her salt--could do whatever she had to.
Charlaine Harris

Not a creature was stirring, not even an elf.
Charlaine Harris

Quote Topics by Charlaine Harris: Eric Thinking Vampire Men People Hands Eye Want Book Beautiful Night Hate Long Years Love You House Feelings Reading Might Pain Should Children Doors Crazy World Way Firsts Voice Eric Northman Kissing
You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
Charlaine Harris

They say there's no harm in daydreaming, but there is.
Charlaine Harris

Maybe she was being so hoity-toity because she didn't have her own fairy godmother.
Charlaine Harris

"I'm hoping that the more you see me, the more I'll grow on you." "Like a fungus?
Charlaine Harris

Sometimes you just have to regret things and move on.
Charlaine Harris

Vampires. They wrote the book on possessive.
Charlaine Harris

Woo woo, secret vampire stuff!
Charlaine Harris

It's probably a bad indicator of your lifestyle when you miss your ex-boyfriend because he's absolutely lethal.
Charlaine Harris

I'll show up at every classroom open house and teacher conference,' she said, now in a voice that was almost frightening in its intensity. 'I'll bake brownies. My child will have new clothes. Her shoes will fit. She'll get her shots, and she'll get her braces. We'll start a college fund next week. I'll tell her I love her every damn day.' If that wasn't a great plan for being a good mother, I couldn't imagine what a better one could be
Charlaine Harris

You won't find a vampire in a Ford Fiesta
Charlaine Harris

Gay rights is just one of the social issues I'm interested in. I think that people might be less tense about it if we would all accept the fact that not everyone is wired the same way.
Charlaine Harris

The sweetest part of being a couple is sharing your life with someone else. But my life, evidently, had not been good enough to share.
Charlaine Harris

If it pleases you and you can write at all, it's gonna please somebody else.
Charlaine Harris

All the pictures on the walls, they all white as lilies and smiling like alligators.
Charlaine Harris

I have a big hole in my heart," I said. "But it'll close over." I don't want to sound all Dr. Phil," she said. "But don't let the scab seal the pain in, okay?" That's good advice," I said. "I hope I can manage it.
Charlaine Harris

As I climbed up into the high old bed, the large fly in my personal ointment did the same. Had I actually told him he could get in bed with me? Well, I decided, as I wriggled down under the soft old sheets and the blanket and the comforter, if Eric had designs on me, I was just too tired to care. "Woman?" "Hmmm?" "What's your name?" "Sookie. Sookie Stackhouse." "Thank you, Sookie." "Welcome, Eric.
Charlaine Harris

I've often wished when I started a book I knew what was going to happen. I talked to writers who write 80-page outlines, and I'm just in awe of that.
Charlaine Harris

I thought about making biscuits, but there seemed to be more than enough calories on board.
Charlaine Harris

The last time I wore an animal hide; but this time I settled for this." Eric had been wearing a long trench coat. Now he threw it off dramatically, and I could only stand and stare. Normally, Eric was a blue-jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy. Tonight, he wore a pink tank top and Lycra leggings[...]They were pink and aqua, like the swirls down the side of Jason's truck.
Charlaine Harris

But there's a juicy artery in your groin," he said after a pause to regroup, his voice as slithery as a snake on a slide. "Don't you talk dirty," I told him. "I won't listen to that.
Charlaine Harris

I drank lots of water and orange juice and took a multivitamin and iron supplement for breakfast, which was my regimen since Bill had come into my life and brought (along with love, adventure, and excitement) the constant threat of anemia.
Charlaine Harris

Once again, I had that feeling of drowning when I hadnā€™t even known I was in the pool
Charlaine Harris

Hey, our hair's the same color," I said, eyeing us side by side in the mirror. Sure is, Girlfriend." Eric grinned at me. "But are you blond all the way down?" Don't you wish you knew?" Yes," he said simply. Well, you'll just have to wonder." I am," he said. "Blond everywhere," I could tell as much from your chest hair." He raised my arm to check my armpit. "You silly women, shaving your body hair," He said, dropping my arm.
Charlaine Harris

I certainly think we're going to see more and more graphic novels and more illustrated novels.
Charlaine Harris

Could I tell them I was sorry their loved one was dead, when heā€™d tried to kill me? There was no rule of etiquette for this; even my grandmother would have been stymied.
Charlaine Harris

Self-pity is like chocolate; as you get older, you can only afford a little bit.
Charlaine Harris

Fiction just makes it all more interesting. Truth is so boring.
Charlaine Harris

We could go back to your house. I can stay with you always. We can know each others bodies in every way, night after night. I could love you. I could work, you would not be poor. I would help you.
Charlaine Harris

The god entered some women so completely that they became immortal, or very close to it. Bacchus was the god of the grape, of course, so bars are very interesting to maenads. In fact, so interesting that they don't like other creatures of darkness becoming involved. Maenads consider that the violence sparked by the consumption of alcohol belongs to them; that's what they feed off, now that no one formally worships their god. And they are attracted to pride.
Charlaine Harris

If I have to choose between you and me - I like me better.
Charlaine Harris

Itā€™s called Two and a Half Men,ā€ Dermot was telling his guest. ā€œI understand,ā€ Bellenos said. ā€œBecause the two brothers are grown, and the son isnā€™t.ā€ ā€œI think so,ā€ Dermot said. ā€œDonā€™t you think the son is useless?ā€ ā€œThe half? Yes. At home, weā€™d eat him,ā€ Bellenos said.
Charlaine Harris

My mother finally took me to a child psychologist, who knew exactly what I was, but she just couldnā€™t accept it and kept trying to tell my folks I was reading their body language and was very observant, so I had good reason to imagine I heard peopleā€™s thoughts. Of course, she couldnā€™t admit I was literally hearing peopleā€™s thoughts because that just didnā€™t fit into her world.
Charlaine Harris

Who wants a bag of bones?ā€ he said, with absolute sincerity. ā€œI donā€™t want to hurt myself on the sharp edges of the woman Iā€™m bedding.
Charlaine Harris

We could go back," he said. In the dome light of the car, his face looked hard as stone. "We could go back to your house. I can stay with you always. We can know each other's bodies in every way, night after night. I could love you." His nostrils flared, and he looked suddenly proud. "I could work. You would not be poor. I would help you." "Sounds like a marriage," I said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. But my voice was too shaky. "Yes," he said.
Charlaine Harris

My bullshit meter is reading that as 'false'.
Charlaine Harris

I hurt with you. I bled with you - not only because we're bonded but because of the love I have for you. -- Eric Northman
Charlaine Harris

Angelic Sookie, vision of love and beauty, I am prostrate that the wicked evil maenad violated your smooth and voluptuous body, in an attempt to deliver a message to me. -Eric
Charlaine Harris

I don't write the kind of 'happily ever after' that romance readers enjoy.
Charlaine Harris

You think that itā€™s not magic that keeps you alive? Just ā€˜cause you understand the mechanics of how something works, doesnā€™t make it any less of a miracle. Which is just another word for magic. Weā€™re all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magicā€™s just a little different from yours, thatā€™s all.
Charlaine Harris

You've reached Fantasia, where the undead live again every night," "For bar hours, press one. To make a party reservation, press two. To talk to alive person or a dead vampire, press three. Or, if you were intending to leave a humorous prank message on our answering machine, know this: we will find you.
Charlaine Harris

Why was it librarians had such a prim image? With all the information available in books right there at their fingertips, librarians could be the best-informed people around. About anything.
Charlaine Harris

Do you sometimes wish you could fast-forward a week? You know something bad's coming up, and you know you'll get through it, but the prospect just makes you feel sick. I worried for about thirty minutes, and though I knew there was no point in doing so, I could feel my anxiety twisting me up in a knot. 'Bullshit,' I told myself stoutly. 'This is utter bullshit.
Charlaine Harris