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Charlize Theron Quotes

South African-American actress and producer, Birth: 7-8-1975 Charlize Theron Quotes
I'd love to get pajamas. Good, nice and warm flannel ones.
Charlize Theron

I don't think you can create anything interesting from a comfort zone. You have to work from a place of fear and failure.
Charlize Theron

If they ever do my life story, whoever plays me needs lots of hair color and high heels.
Charlize Theron

I think, like many women, I was judgmental toward women as they aged.
Charlize Theron

I don't believe in charmed lives. I think that tragedy is part of the lesson you learn to lift yourself up, to pick yourself up and to move on.
Charlize Theron

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When a person lives a very happy life they become beautiful.
Charlize Theron

I love being a woman and I love being feminine.
Charlize Theron

I was raised with the idea that you can feel sorry for yourself, but then, get over it, because it doesn't get you anywhere. There was always this awareness that you have to be responsible for yourself in order to have what you want
Charlize Theron

Quote Topics by Charlize Theron: Thinking People Want Looks Mom Jobs Careers Mother Character Actors Men Girl Trying Ideas Kids Real Beautiful Play Home Needs Kind Country Years Mean Children Believe Way Nice Watches Hate
We all understand situations where it's swim or drown. Sometimes we surprise ourselves when we start swimming and see how well we can do it.
Charlize Theron

You choose the life you want for yourself, and then you just shut up and go about it. That's how I've lived my life.
Charlize Theron

What I know in my heart is that women and girls on the ground are powerful and that they are leaders.
Charlize Theron

I'd rather put on a pair of jeans and get on my Harley and act like a guy.
Charlize Theron

People are so involved with immediate care, but at the same time there needs to be investment in educating people as adolescents when they're still HIV negative.
Charlize Theron

I think there is a great quote - and I feel horrible that I don't know who said this - but it was a great quote, it says, "The only difference between all of us are the ones who are loved and the ones who are not."
Charlize Theron

I think more than anything, people just want to be understood.
Charlize Theron

I do this because I'm an observer of people. That's why I want to be an actor. I'm fascinated by human beings and the circumstances they find themselves in.
Charlize Theron

Hey, I'm a girl, and we like to play dress-up.
Charlize Theron

Looks alone won’t get you that far. It may get you in the door, but there’s always somebody younger, somebody prettier. You have to rely on something else.
Charlize Theron

I hate actors who come and quote Nietzsche.
Charlize Theron

My job as an actor, and the part of my job that I love is the transforming-and-becoming aspect of it, and so it doesn't become about me anymore.
Charlize Theron

I've always been comfortable with my sexuality. I'm blessed to have been raised by a woman who never made me feel ashamed about what's underneath my clothes. That's a part of me and I don't run away from it.
Charlize Theron

I think today women are very scared to celebrate themselves, because then they just get labeled.
Charlize Theron

've had good friends who got married after they've been together for years and they've said that it was the "next step" for them. Or, they've said, "You just can't bail out anymore." And I've wondered, What made you think you could just bail out before [the wedding]? You don't invest that kind of time and energy with somebody and then just go, "All right, see you later."
Charlize Theron

Marriage equality is about more than just marriage. It's about something greater. It's about acceptance.
Charlize Theron

You are only as great as the opportunities that are given to you.
Charlize Theron

There's nothing I despise more than people trying to be something that they're not.
Charlize Theron

I was raised in a country [South Africa] with a lot of political turmoil. I was part of a culture and a generation that suppressed people and lived under apartheid regimes. I don't know how you can come out of that and not have an awareness for the world. I think that if my life had turned out any other way and I was working in a bank, I would still feel this way about it, because there's a connection to humanity that to me is really important.
Charlize Theron

When I'm working I don't have room to think about myself and my own issues. It's really freeing. There is no room for me, which is really nice.
Charlize Theron

I'm a true believer that everything happens the way it should.
Charlize Theron

We just need to put our foot down. This is a good time for us to bring this to a place of fairness, and girls need to know that being a feminist is a good thing. It doesn't mean that you hate men. It means equal rights. If you're doing the same job, you should be compensated and treated in the same way.
Charlize Theron

You always have this fear in a movie of just being somebody's woman.
Charlize Theron

I think it's interesting that women, by nature, are way more conflicted than men.
Charlize Theron

I like being a cog in a wheel. I like being a small aspect of a much bigger thing, and I think my interest in that takes the pressure of myself.
Charlize Theron

I've always said that I worry about being with a man who doesn't flirt.
Charlize Theron

I know that I'm only as good as I am because of the things that I allow into myself and into my soul, because that's the stuff that I project back out.
Charlize Theron

I love fragrance for the pure fact that I think it's something that women utilize in a way to make themselves feel good, and I think this idea that we do it for men or for other people is such a misconception.
Charlize Theron

I am human, and, yeah, I have very bad days.
Charlize Theron

You have to discipline yourself and not carry the character with you. You need to switch it off and take time to re-energize.
Charlize Theron

I make a real effort to try and live in the real world and not just the dream world.
Charlize Theron

It's ironic that we've built the beauty world around 20-year-olds, when they have no f - kin' concept about wisdom, what life is about, having a few relationships below [their] belt and feeling hardships, to grow into [their] skin and feel confident within [themselves] and to feel the value of who [they] are, not because of a man or because of something like that. And I think that's such a beautiful thing.
Charlize Theron

I never take that for granted, but I'm always very aware that I'm one person and I can't wear everything.
Charlize Theron

I hate table reads. I hate anything where you have to say the words out loud.
Charlize Theron

You can live vicariously through the characters you play.
Charlize Theron

People need to understand that what happens in people's homes and behind closed doors, unless you were there, you really shouldn't make any analogy or any assumption, which writers do quite a bit. It's not something I ever for one second thought about. This is not my life story, and I've never told my life story, and I have no interest in telling my life story.
Charlize Theron

Yet there's a hunger in me still. I'm like only beginning. I feel like I still have so much to learn.
Charlize Theron

I have OCD, which is not fun. I have to be incredibly tidy and organized or it messes with my mind and switches off on me.
Charlize Theron

I want my son to grow up with a mom that he could see and look at her life with all the mistakes and with all the failures and all the flaws and say, "My mom lived an authentic life. That was the life she wanted to live."
Charlize Theron

Right now the institution of marriage feels very one-sided, and I want to live in a country where we all have equal rights. I have so many friends who are gays and lesbians who would so badly want to get married, that I wouldn't be able to sleep with myself [if I got married before they could].
Charlize Theron

I grew up in South Africa and I would look at maps and we were at the bottom of the world. There was this whole thing up there. I was always reading encyclopedias about the world. So travel was something I was always attracted to.
Charlize Theron

There's an instant access to luxury that I think women really appreciate.
Charlize Theron