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Chelsea Leyland Quotes

Wear an unusual accessory to complete your outfit.
Chelsea Leyland

The best thing about being a DJ is making people happy. There is nothing like seeing people get up from a table to dance or the expression on their face when they hear a song they love. I also love to educate people on music they have never heard.
Chelsea Leyland

I love vintage shopping in flea markets, vintage stores and even Ebay.
Chelsea Leyland

FKA Twigs is stunning. She has beautiful contemporary and unique sound with an almost psychedelic vibe. Her music is great for the runway.
Chelsea Leyland

[I would] just stick to the festival as much as possible. Because it's about the music for me, really. [I don't come] all the way here to go to trendy parties. There are some people who come here to go to parties. [The exception is when] it's an after-party and the festival has closed. Festivals are kind of magical places, and you need to soak as much of that up as possible.
Chelsea Leyland

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When in doubt, just throw your hair in a topknot
Chelsea Leyland

They call it collective energy. It's that same feeling that you get when you meditate amongst a ton of people. What actually makes the festival feel so special is that while you're watching a band or an artist, you're standing there, kind of feeling the same feeling with so many people in such a small space and that gives you collective energy. It's that kind of strange feeling in which you almost feel people breathing.
Chelsea Leyland