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Choices Made Quotes

Life is a sum of all your choices". So, what are you doing today?
Albert Camus

The decisions you make today determine the future you will have; thus, what actions are you taking now?
Authors on Choices Made Quotes: Ursula K. Le Guin Stephanie Dowrick Edward Said Tom Hanks Marvin J. Ashton Alan Turing George W. Bush Zig Ziglar Evan Williams Tony Abbott Matthew Tobin Anderson Ayn Rand Gregg Braden Natalie Dormer Adam Gopnik Serge Lutens Hunter S. Thompson Albert Camus Linda Foley Daniel H. Wilson Natalie Coughlin Robert Foster Bennett Paul Cezanne John Sparkman Daphne du Maurier Larry Niven Robert Moss Edgar Cayce Ravi Zacharias John Dewey Bob Newhart George Papandreou
There is, however, one feature that I would like to suggest should be incorporated in the machines, and that is a 'random element.' Each machine should be supplied with a tape bearing a random series of figures, e.g., 0 and 1 in equal quantities, and this series of figures should be used in the choices made by the machine. This would result in the behaviour of the machine not being by any means completely determined by the experiences to which it was subjected, and would have some valuable uses when one was experimenting with it.
Alan Turing

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.
Hunter S. Thompson

Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present.
Gregg Braden

Perfume is a form of writing, an ink, a choice made in the first person, the dot on the i, a weapon, a courteous gesture, part of the instant, a consequence.
Serge Lutens

Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.
Robert Foster Bennett

The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.
John Dewey

Serenity comes from the ability to say “Yes” to existence. Courage comes from the ability to say “No” to the wrong choices made by others.
Ayn Rand

Every choice you make has an end result.
Zig Ziglar

Look at situations as contingent, not as inevitable, look at them as the result of a series of historical choices made by men and women, as facts of society made by human beings, and not as natural or god-given, therefore unchangeable, permanent, irreversible.
Edward Said

Do not allow yourselves to be made to feel inadequate or frustrated because you cannot do everything others seem to be accomplishing. Only you and your Father in Heaven know your needs, strengths, and desires. Around this knowledge your personal course must be charted and your choices made.
Marvin J. Ashton

Happiness can come in a single moment. And in a single moment it can go again. But a single moment does not create it. Happiness is created through countless choices made and then made again throughout a lifetime. You are its host as well as its guest. You give it form, shape, individuality, texture, tone. And what it allows you to give can change your world. Happiness can be stillness. But it isn't still. It wraps, enchants, heals, consoles, soothes, delights, calms, inspires and connects. It is on your face and in your body. It is in your life and being.
Stephanie Dowrick

Well, my career choice made a difference because I never would have met my wife, Jenny. I met her through comedian Buddy Hackett. He set us up on a blind date and then we got married.
Bob Newhart

There were timelines branching and branching, a mega-universe of universes, millions more every minute. Billions? Trillions? The universe split every time someone made a decision. Split, so that every decision ever made could go both ways. Every choice made by every man, woman, and child was reversed in the universe next door.
Larry Niven

Leading a healthy, active lifestyle is all about momentum. If I'm in the middle of training it's easy for me to keep that up. It gets tough when I'm on a break. I just try to start my day with a good breakfast and a quick walk, something simple that gets the day off on the right foot. The more I do that, the more I make healthy choices that reflect the good choices made earlier.
Natalie Coughlin

As the attuning of music arouses emotions in the body to an unusual degree, well that there be choices made as to what the emotions are that are aroused by the character of music.
Edgar Cayce

Nothing, absolutely nothing, has a more direct bearing on the moral choices made by individuals or the purposes pursued by society than belief or disbelief in God.
Ravi Zacharias

Our problem wasn’t that it blew up and was impossible to scale, but there were some bad choices made. One of the biggest lessons time after time was to focus. Do fewer things.
Evan Williams

Painting, like any art, comprises a technique, a workmanlike handling of material, but the accuracy of a tone and the fictitious combination of effects depend entirely on the choice made by the artist.
Paul Cezanne

As an actor, your text is your bible, so you're not making a documentary, but you still have to follow the choices made by your writer.
Natalie Dormer

Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward towards the light; but the laden traveler may never reach the end of it.
Ursula K. Le Guin

A moral choice in its basic terms appears to be a choice that favors survival: a choice made in favor of life.
Ursula K. Le Guin

The power granted the Attorney General to intervene in all equal-protection-of-the-law cases is extremely broad and dangerous. Choices made by the Attorney General could follow a political and selected pattern.
John Sparkman

He lacked tenderness; he was rude; and he had more than a streak of cruelty in him; he was a thief and a liar. He stood for everything she feared and hated and despised; but she knew she could love him... This was no choice made with the mind.
Daphne du Maurier

Choices are our choices so I am not taking away anyone's personal choice, but we run into difficulty when we're having choices made for us rather than making our own.
Robert Moss

There are certain moments in the history of a nation when the choices made define the decades to come.
George Papandreou

Let's not pretend there isn't a huge industry driven by the choices made by editors and writers who decide what a story is.
Tom Hanks

Our enemies send other people's children on missions of suicide and murder. They embrace tyranny and death as a cause and a creed. We stand for a different choice - made long ago, on the day of our founding. We affirm it again today. We choose freedom and the dignity of every life.
George W. Bush

Music is a current of hard choices made to seem easy by the mind.
Adam Gopnik

The choice made by families not to immunize their children is not supported by public policy or medical research nor should such action be supported by taxpayers in the form of child care payments.
Tony Abbott

And I realize that the decision to be human is not one single instant, but is a thousand choices made very day. It is choices we make every second and requires constant vigilance. We have to fight to remain human.
Matthew Tobin Anderson

There are no truer choices than those made in crisis, choices made without judgment.
Daniel H. Wilson

The reality is you must realize that this was a choice made by the impostor. We all have choices, and there is always a better solution than to steal. They have chosen to sacrifice you for their own needs.
Linda Foley