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Classical Music Quotes

Works of art make rules but rules do not make works of art.
Claude Debussy

Authors on Classical Music Quotes: Esa-Pekka Salonen Varg Vikernes David Gilmour Jon Gordon Frank Fairfield Andre Rieu Elizabeth McGovern Kiesza Zubin Mehta Simon Helberg Birdy Michael Tilson Thomas Philippe Petit Gustav Mahler Ralf Hutter Dennis Ritchie Jon Lord Marianne Faithfull Adam Jones Eva Green Jan Garbarek Katharine McPhee Sonny Rollins Bruno Mars Planningtorock Norah Jones Theo Hutchcraft Dizzy Gillespie Julie Andrews Leila Josefowicz Saint Augustine Jeanine Tesori Itzhak Perlman
To sing is to pray twice.
Saint Augustine

What is best in music is not to be found in the notes.
Gustav Mahler

I've always been heavily influenced by classical music, mostly by baroque music.
Yngwie Malmsteen

The death of classical music is perhaps its oldest continuing tradition.
Charles Rosen

Everybody loves classical music they just don't know about it yet.
Benjamin Zander

I had to listen to the classical music because it calms me down, calms my nerves down.
Novak Djokovic

Jazz will be the classical music of the future.
Dizzy Gillespie

I'm not really involved with politics... I'm living in my cocoon with my classical music around.
Eva Green

It's not that people don't like classical music. It's that they don't have the chance to understand and to experience it.
Gustavo Dudamel

A musicologist is a man who can read music but cannot hear it.
Thomas Beecham

It's hard to find an emblem of cultural, national pride that burns as bright as Israel's success in classical music.
Zubin Mehta

I listen to mostly-classical music, but mostly by radio - I'm not an audiophile.
Dennis Ritchie

I listen to classical music at home probably more than pop music.
David Gilmour

I grew up with classical music, and to a lesser extent electronic music, and that's where I belong, so to speak.
Varg Vikernes

Most of the music I've become interested in is hybrid in its originsClassical music, of course, is unbelievably hybrid. Jazz is an obvious amalgam. Bluegrass comes from eighteenth-century Scottish and Irish folk music that made contact with the blues. By exploring music, you're exploring everything.
Edgar Meyer

The peculiar characteristic of classical music is that it is really better than it sounds.
Edgar Wilson Nye

What I wanted to do was music, until I was about 16. But it was jazz and rock, never classical music.
Simon Helberg

I'm a self-taught guitarist, but I have a classical music background.
Adam Jones

I got so much love for classical music and I hear so much incredible music.You should know a bunch of music and have respect for all sorts of genres and styles of music.
Bruno Mars

My influences are with Irish music, church music and classical music.

I got involved with classical music when I was in high school and it's followed me throughout my entire life and probably had a profound effect on my life.
Benjamin Carson

Another classical music teacher from Performing Arts that I've stayed in contact with is Jonathan Strasser.
Jon Gordon

The classical music world is so snobbish.
Andre Rieu

I got my interest in Lotte Lenya and the Brecht-Weill canon from my parents. And I love classical music - I got that from my parents. I love Cole Porter - that I got from my dad.
Marianne Faithfull

Even the most jingoistic person would have to admit that even American cultural music comes from Europe. That's what classical music is, real European music.
Sonny Rollins

As a rule, my focus is on classical music, but I love jazz. I love everything, actually.
Julie Andrews

I'd been trained as a classical musician, but also as a pop musician. My teacher made sure that everything was available.
Jeanine Tesori

A good deal of classical music is, today, the opium of the good citizen.
George Steiner

What I do for migraines when I get them, I listen to classical music, and I turn it up really loud.
Ian McLagan

I also like Western classical music and jazz.
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

If you're alive, you have all the experience necessary to understand classical music.
Michael Tilson Thomas

Jazz, for me, is a closed circuit, like the term baroque in the world of classical music.
Jan Garbarek

Classical music is a genre of music. It's no more complex or less complex than pop music or R&B. The elitism is weird.
Theo Hutchcraft

Whenever I visit a city, I like to see what classical music concerts are on offer.
Park Chan-wook

I was interested in both Western and Indian classical music.
Satyajit Ray

Classical music is one of the best things that ever happened to mankind. If you get introduced to it in the right way, it becomes your friend for life.
Yo-Yo Ma

Being a classical musician, you're doing many things anyway. One day you're doing Bach concerto and the next you're doing some avant-garde thing. It's just another hat that I'm allowed to wear.
Joshua Bell

Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky were not classical musicians while they were alive and active, they were the rock stars of their day.
Seymour Stein

The history of music is nothing more than the history of art-music or classical music, the music that was commissioned by aristocrats.
Frank Fairfield

You cannot go wrong by learning classical music because it trains the ear.

I love Adele and Lykke Li. I also listen to classical music as well.

Classical music was my starting point. My mum would expose me to a lot of music and take me to really weird concerts when I was possibly too young.

We don't want to limit ourselves to any specific sound like that was before when we were brought up in classical music.
Ralf Hutter

I love classical music; I love the way it's worked... all those chord sequences so I often use that sort of effect in my solos.
Jon Lord

I love listening to classical music.
Katharine McPhee

Our audience, it has been a more difficult process for classical music audiences around the world, and I'm not completely certain why.
Esa-Pekka Salonen

Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas!
Norah Jones

Classical music has been based on works people love and come back to for aural comfort.
Leila Josefowicz

The sort of commercial parameters of classical music changed after the [World War II] , and the whole industry became more backward-looking.
Esa-Pekka Salonen