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Clive James Quotes

Australian television host, Birth: 7-10-1939 Clive James Quotes
Whoever called snooker "chess with balls" was rude, but right.
Clive James

Snooker is just chess with balls.
Clive James

Billiards is akin to a game of strategy.
The British secret service was staffed at one point almost entirely by alcoholic homosexuals working for the KGB
Clive James

A sceptic finds Dallas absurd. A cynic thinks the public doesn't
Clive James

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.
Clive James

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A life without fame can be a good life, but fame without a life is no life at all.
Clive James

Fiction is life with the dull bits left out.
Clive James

Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail.
Clive James

Quote Topics by Clive James: Writing Funny Thinking Men Tennis Humorous People Art Classic Looks Want Reading America Book Wisdom Italian Age Country Dancing World Mean Balls Interesting Artist Australia Giving Sports Girl Water Mind
They had a... dog called Bluey. A know psychopath, Bluey would attack himself if nothing else was available.
Clive James

She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short.
Clive James

Prejudices are useless. Call Los Angeles any dirty name you like - Six Suburbs in Search of a City, Paradise with a Lobotomy, anything - but the fact remains that you are already living in it before you get there
Clive James

Sick of being a prisoner of my childhood, I want to put it behind me.
Clive James

Twin miracles of mascara, her eyes looked like the corpses of two small crows that had crashed into a chalk cliff.
Clive James

When I was young I never believed that Australia was anything else except blessed. I thought it was a little dull when I was young, but that was 'cause I was a snob.
Clive James

When I finally embraced abstinence it was because of the simple urge to work a longer day. Thus, without joining Alcoholics Anonymous, I was at last able to leave Piss-Artists Notorious.
Clive James

Generally it is our failures that civilize us. Triumph confirms us in our habits.
Clive James

As a work of art, it reminds me of a long conversation between two drunks
Clive James

When you cut it up, put the pieces in your mouth and swallowed them, the British hamburger shaped itself to the bottom on your stomach like ballast, while interacting with your gastric juices to form an incipient belch of enormous potential, an airship which had been inflated in a garage. This belch, when silently released, would cause people standing twenty yards away to start examining the soles of their shoes. The vocalized version sounded like a bag of tools thrown into a bog.
Clive James

Like most people who smoked umpteen cigarettes a day, I tasted only the first one. The succeeding umpteen minus one were a compulsive ritual which had no greater savour than the fumes of burning money.
Clive James

Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing. Those who lack humour are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing.
Clive James

Arnold Schwarzenegger looks like a brown condom full of walnuts.
Clive James

Spending all my remaining money on a ticket to Florence was rendered needlessly complicated by the fact that none of the ticket-sellers had ever heard of the place. At last their supervisor showed up and set them straight by informing them that the city they had always referred to as 'Firenze' was in reality called Florence.
Clive James

Writers quite often starve. And I'm mainly just writing critical prose and poetry, that's a formula for starvation.
Clive James

If an artist is any good at all, then he or she will have a later phase that's more interesting than the early one.
Clive James

Stop worrying, nobody gets out of this world alive.
Clive James

I try to be specific. One thought at a time. Clear. Articulate. And above all, memorable, if you can be. You'd like to write phrases that people can't forget as soon as they read them.
Clive James

Beyoncé and pathos are strangers. Amy Winehouse and pathos are flatmates, and you should see the kitchen.
Clive James

Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it's in Hamburger Technology.
Clive James

On the correctly formed pubescent girl, a Speedo looked wonderful. When it was wet, it was an incitement to riot.
Clive James

Visitors who come from the Soviet Union and tell you how marvelous it is to be able to look at public buildings without advertisements stuck all over them are just telling you that they can't decipher the cyrillic alphabet.
Clive James

The literary critic, or the critic of any other specific form of artistic expression, may detach himself from the world for as long as the work of art he is contemplating appears to do the same.
Clive James

I won't have to miss smoking any more. Nobody smokes where I'm going: It's like a row of restaurants in California.
Clive James

I was a big pothead for a short period. That was what ticked me off that I shouldn't go near hard drugs, actually, because I would consume the stuff as if it was going out of style and it rapidly occurred to me that if I ever tried a hard drug, the same thing would happen, so I never did.
Clive James

The thing about making a documentary in Las Vegas is there isn't much to film apart from other people making documentaries about Las Vegas.
Clive James

A lot of my poems are about how ill I am and how I probably won't live beyond next week. I publish a poem and everyone says 'cluck cluck, how wonderful, how brave', but then embarrassingly I'm still here! You see the problem?
Clive James

Even in moments of tranquility, Murray Walker sounds like a man whose trousers are on fire.
Clive James

Jack Aubrey is a tremendous tower of strength and you always want to read about him.
Clive James

In Italy, for the same price as a typical British hamburger meal including sweet, a builder's labourer could eat like a king - rather better in fact, because pasta dishes gain from being kept simple.
Clive James

All I can do is turn a phrase until it catches the light.
Clive James

The repeat run of Fawlty Towers (BBC2) drew bigger audiences than ever and deservedly so. Statistical surveys reveal that only the television critic of the Spectator is incapable of seeing the joke, which is that Basil Fawlty has the wrong temperament to be a hotel proprietor, just as some other people have the wrong temperament to be television critics.
Clive James

I actually didn't like that feeling of being out of touch because what I do depends on being in touch. But it's fun to talk about. That's one of the real dangers of drugs: they're too much fun to talk about.
Clive James

I've only got a fraction of the energy I once had, but I think I probably use it better.
Clive James

The entrée wasn't tender enough to be a paving stone and the gravy couldn't have been primordial soup because morphogenesis was already taking place.
Clive James

The key to effective teaching is to remember how you learned.
Clive James

If the humanism that makes civilization civilized is to be preserved into the new century, it will need advocates. These advocates will need a memory, and part of that memory will need to be of an age in which they were not yet alive.
Clive James

A traditional fixture at Wimbledon is the way the BBC TV commentary box fills up with British players eliminated in the early rounds.
Clive James

The Canadian version of Julius Caesar's memoirs? I came, I saw, I coped.
Clive James

The inevitable effect of a biographer's hindsight is to belittle the subject's foresight.
Clive James

The first language that I learned was Italian in Italy in the early and middle-'60s and I had to do that to keep up with the young men who were courting my wife.
Clive James

All television ever did was shrink the demand for ordinary movies. The demand for extraordinary movies increased. If any one thing is wrong with the movie industry today, it is the unrelenting effort to astonish.
Clive James