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Code Quotes

Codes are a puzzle. A game, just like any other game.
Alan Turing

Codes are a conundrum. A challenge, just like any other contest.
Authors on Code Quotes: Larry Wall Hadewijch will.i.am Pauline Hanson Mark Zuckerberg Henry James Sumner Maine Tom Cruise Bill Joy Nicholas Sparks Terry Pratchett Drunvalo Melchizedek Jon Kyl J.R. Ward T.R. Reid Peter Welch Jay Asher Frederick Lewis Allen Tom Duff Alan Turing George Brandis Scott Berkun Billy Joel Mary Wesley Vanessa Redgrave Barbara Kingsolver Jennifer Beals Kevin Brady Richard Powers Alexis Ohanian Queen Rania of Jordan Ken Thompson Thomas S. Monson Bjarne Stroustrup
Muslims are not compatible with the Australian way of life because they have a different region code
Pauline Hanson

To me, no one has fully cracked the code on social recruiting yet.
Eric Lefkofsky

The photographic image... is a message without a code.
Roland Barthes

Someday. That's a dangerous word. It's really just a code for 'never'.
Tom Cruise

Nonverbal communication is an elaborate secret code that is written nowhere, known by none, and understood by all.
Edward Sapir

We follow the codes not because they bring gain, but because we loathe the people we would otherwise become.
Brandon Sanderson

You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself.
Ken Thompson

I got hoes in different area codes
Tiger Woods

Whenever possible, steal code.
Tom Duff

Modernity is not about dress codes.
Queen Rania of Jordan

Code writers, they are my idols.

It is written in the code of love: He who strikes the blow is himself struck down.

There is a sort of an unwritten code in Washington, among the underworld and the hustlers and these other guys that I am their friend.
Marion Barry

I am sure that the Israelis and the Pentagon and everyone else are searching through this Bible Code minute by minute to see what the future holds.
Drunvalo Melchizedek

I had almost rewritten all of the display code for windows, and that was when I gave up.
Bill Joy

I really don't know why the Muslims do what they are doing. Those terrorists don't seem to have a moral code.
Jack Higgins

Destiny had a 518 area code..who knew." - Ehlena
J.R. Ward

The bottleneck is never code or creativity; it's lack of clarity.
Scott Berkun

The society Shakespeare knew was heading for tremendous change, and he seems to have recognized that and written about it in a coded way. I understand those codes, I think
Vanessa Redgrave

Adding functionality is not just a matter of adding code.
Wietse Venema

For The Chicago Code, I did some boxing. It makes you stand differently when you know you can punch someone out.
Jennifer Beals

As a Senator I am opposed to duelling. As Ben. Wade, I recognize the code.
Benjamin F. Wade

The code of the road is, if there is anything to eat, eat; if there is a place to sit, sit; if there is a restroom, go.
Jessica Savitch

It's harder to read code than to write it.
Joel Spolsky

Learning to code is the single best thing anyone can do to get the most out of the amazing future in front of us.
Marc Andreessen

Many days I don't write any code at all, and some days I spend all day writing code.
Larry Wall

There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible. And not a one of them is as good.
Ted Cruz

"Legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling.
Bjarne Stroustrup

If there is a bug in your code than you have to drop everything you're doing and go fix it.
Mark Zuckerberg

Your own family resemblances are a frustrating code, most easily read by those who know you least.
Barbara Kingsolver

I think everyone should learn how to code.
Alexis Ohanian

Type a few lines of code, you create an organism.
Richard Powers

The Roman Code was merely an enunciation in words of the existing customs of the Roman people.
Henry James Sumner Maine

Our code of conduct is definitive; it is not negotiable.
Thomas S. Monson

Do you know what you're saying when you say, "Whatever"? It's just a code word for the f-word, followed by "you." And at your age, you never, ever. say that to anyone.' " Blaze leaned back. "So now, when someone says it to me, I just say, 'You too.' (72)
Nicholas Sparks

Judge [Samuel] Alito, I'll tell you the same thing I told John Roberts. I expect you to adhere to the Code of Judicial Conduct.
Jon Kyl

It's hard to tune heavily tuned code.
Larry Wall

It's up to the reader to decipher the code, or the words, based on everything they know about life and emotions.
Jay Asher

I love learning languages, and actually computer code is another language as well.
Tang Wei

It is easier to tear down a code than to put a new one in its place.
Frederick Lewis Allen

A person’s zip code shouldn’t decide their destiny.
Barack Obama

Perhaps we could write code to optimize code, then run that code through the code optimizer?
Stephen Hawking

The crime of bribery of foreign officials is an offence under the Commonwealth Criminal Code.
George Brandis

I found out only recently that we were making an index of enemy code signs.
Mary Wesley

In code, it never pays to rush.
Brian Marick

Even if you aren't in doubt, consider the mental welfare of the person who has to maintain the code after you, and who will probably put parens in the wrong place.
Larry Wall

As soon as you start mixing up politics and some sort of ethical code in music, you've got it all wrong.
Patrick Carney

I buried everything under layers and layers and layers of code, but the signifiers of my emotionality were there, for me.
William Gibson

Americans deserve a new tax code for a new era of American prosperity.
Kevin Brady