Africa is a paradox which illustrates and highlights neo-colonialism . Her earth is rich, yet the products that come from above and below the soil continue to enrich, not Africans predominantly, but groups and individuals who operate to Africa’s impoverishment.
Kwame Nkrumah
The result of neo-colonialism is that foreign capital is used for the exploitation rather than for the development of the less developed parts of the world. Investment under neo-colonialism increases rather than decreases the gap between the rich and poor countries of the world.
Kwame Nkrumah
We always said that our struggle was not only against the British as representatives of colonialism, it was against all the evil that existed in India. The evil of the feudal system, the evil of the system based on caste, the evil of economic injustice.
Indira Gandhi
I am opposed to globalism, I am opposed to colonialism, I am opposed to any sort of complusion of one nation over another. (...) I also deeply believe in human rights.
David Duke
I reject internationalism, I repudiate imperialism, I decry any form of subjugation of one nation by another. (...) Additionally, I am firmly committed to human rights.
If you do not condemn colonialism, if you do not side with the colonial people, what kind of revolution are you waging?
Ho Chi Minh
If you do not oppose imperialism, if you are not supporting the colonized population, what sort of revolution are you fighting for?
You can cuss out colonialism, imperialism, and all other kinds of ism, but it's hard for you to cuss that dollarism. When they drop those dollars on you, your soul goes.
Malcolm X
You can rail against colonialism, imperialism, and all other forms of oppression, but it's hard to resist the lure of money. When those coins come raining down, your spirit is moved.
A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.
Kwame Nkrumah
It is only the ending of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism and neocolonialism and the attainment of world communism that can provide the conditions under which the RACE question can finally be abolished and eliminated.
Kwame Nkrumah
... As long as you continue to tar social democracy with all the crimes of communism, I feel equally entitled to tar the free market with the crimes of slavery, segregation, colonialism and genocide; piss me off and I'll add fascism and the Nazis.
Greg Erwin
The native must realize that colonialism never gives anything away for nothing.
Frantz Fanon
Colonialism is known in its primitive form, that is to say, by the permanent settling of repressive foreign powers, with an army, services, policies. This phase has known cruel colonial occupations which have lasted 300 years in Indonesia.
Ahmed Ben Bella
The liquidation of colonialism is a trend of the times which no force can hold back.
Kim Jong Il
A country that relies on aid? Death is better than that. It stops you from achieving your potential, just as colonialism did.
Imran Khan
They, OLDEFO (Old Established Forces), carry out l'exploitation de l'homme par 'homme (the exploitation of man by man). Do not let them live, so that there's no colonialism anymore in the world.
Western interests: imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, racism, and other negative -isms.
Malcolm X
People are really beginning to see the mechanisms of imperialism. When colonialism existed people could see colonialism. When racial segregation existed in its apartheid form, people could see the "whites only" signs. But it's much more difficult to see the structures of neo-imperialism, neo-colonialism, neo-slavery.
Assata Shakur
Look at Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution and the slogans that they used: anti-imperialism; anti-colonialism; the struggle of the have-nots against the haves; the state monopoly over economy, which was very much patterned after the Soviet Union. All of these things did not come out of Islam. Islam is not that developed.
Azar Nafisi
At the heart of globalisation is a new kind of intolerance in the west towards other cultures, traditions and values, less brutal than in the era of colonialism, but more comprehensive and totalitarian.
Martin Jacques
Are you ready to sacrifice to end world hunger? To sacrifice to end colonialism? To end neo-colonialism? To end racism? To end sexism?
Assata Shakur
Colonialism. The enforced spread of the rule of reason. But who is going to spread it among the colonizers?
Anthony Burgess
We should understand that in the context of the US, where our legal system is based in settler colonialism, capitalism and white supremacy, changing laws will never sufficiently change the conditions of harm and violence our movements seek to transform.
Dean Spade
Is globalization about 'the eradication of world poverty,' or is it a mutant variety of colonialism, remote controlled and digitally operated?
Arundhati Roy
Personally, I regard myself as an intellectual 'rebel,' kicking against the 'old colonialism-imperialism paradigm' which has landed Africa in a conundrum.
George Ayittey
The deep inequalities that persist are visible reminders of the effects of apartheid and colonialism. Until these scars are healed, the vision of our Constitution will not have been achieved.
Kate O'Regan
Justice-seekers everywhere will celebrate Dunbar-Ortiz's unflinching commitment to truth-a truth that places settler-colonialism and genocide exactly where they belong: as foundational to the existence of the United States.
The Banh Mi sandwich is really the only good argument for colonialism.
Calvin Trillin
Colonialism has completed the destruction of the American Indian in the United States - the cultural destruction.
Russell Means
Colonialism has a bad reputation in the modern context, but Colonial Africa was a far better place for both black and white before the colonists gave up.
Jeff Cooper
Jews and Muslims 'dialoguing' has nothing to do with Palestine. The problem is settler colonialism, apartheid and occupation, not religion.
Remi Kanazi
Colonialism of one kind or another, imperialism of one kind or another, and slavery, and on and on and on.
Bill McKibben
The history of colonialism is long and bloody. And it continues today, in the shape of Western arrogance vis-Ã -vis everyone else. "Us against the rest of the world" is the formula that drives the West.
Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
May Allah bless Iran, bless the leadership of Iran, and bless our Muslim Umrah to throw off the yoke of neo-colonialism, and the divisions that Shaitan is exploiting, causing us to fight and kill one another.
Louis Farrakhan
If you don't feel apologetic for slavery, if you don't feel apologetic for colonialism, if you feel proud of it then say that.
Jesse Jackson
The only way to resist colonialism is through education.
Tariq Ramadan
Counter-violence against the colonial regime is liberatory because it is an act, and by acting, the absolute power of colonialism, internalized by the colonized, is shaken.
Nigel Gibson
And so I'm saying that, yes, colonialism was terrible, and I describe it as a legacy of wars, but we ought to be moving away from that by now.
Wangari Maathai
Insofar as the genocide embodied in residential schooling arises as an integral aspect of colonialism, then colonialism must be seen as constituting that source. To be in any way an apologist for colonialism is to be an active proponent of genocide.
Ward Churchill
For Fanon, becoming actional is connected to his idea of a new humanism, which is explicitly critical of European humanism so intimately connected with colonialism. So, it is not simply about finding new concepts from anywhere, but being both critical and self-critical and also being very open to what is happening on the ground.
Nigel Gibson
That Cabot merely landed on the uninhabitable shore of Labrador gave the English no just title to New England, or to the United States generally, any more than to Patagonia.
Henry David Thoreau
To campaign against colonialism is like barking up a tree that has already been cut down.
Andrew Cohen
There is a crisis of religious authority world wide, and there are many reasons. One is colonialism.
Mark Durie
Germany had come late to feast at the table of colonialism and did not feel that the division of colonial spoils at that particular moment in time reflected its true strength and its true weight in the imperialist world.
Gerald Horne
We got rid of colonialism, we got rid of slavery, and we got rid of apartheid everyone thought each one of them was impossible. Let's take the next impossible, do it with joy and get it finished with and create a world free from poverty. Let us create the world of our choice.
Muhammad Yunus
Lagos has also had a particular effect on my career. I was there early, and although it was a courageous step to go there and invest on this scale - I went there maybe 20 times - it's also been also super-controversial. There's an old school of thought that somebody like me has no place to go there.Because of colonialism and so on.
Rem Koolhaas
As long as colonialism was allowed to reign and fester in Africa, it was going to be a source of tension, if not war, as was evidenced by World War I itself, which, among other things, featured Germany on one side of the barricades and Britain, which had come earlier to the table of colonial plunder, on the other.
Gerald Horne
Visit to Africa reshaped my point-of-view of colonialism. It reshaped my point-of-view of my own sense of source, and my own place of birth. It made it more organic inside of me, because it placed me in a position where my job was to understand and to become more African.
Forest Whitaker