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Complacent Quotes

I had some downtime with my career and I got complacent.
Jake Busey

Authors on Complacent Quotes: Nate Parker Thomas A. Edison Mark Teixeira Elizabeth Taylor Harold Laski Tim O'Reilly Jodi Picoult Catherine Stock Jake Busey Shelley Morrison Misty Copeland Cynthia Nixon Ken Moelis Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Mika Bill Maher Gwyneth Paltrow Barack Obama Natalie Coughlin Venus Williams Mark Ruffalo Barbara Hershey
I know I will never let myself be complacent in life.
Misty Copeland

A healthy loyalty is not passive and complacent, but active and critical.
Harold Laski

If we sit by and become complacent and put our heads in the sand, we're complicit.
Shelley Morrison

When an artist becomes complacent, he dies.
Nate Parker

I think that companies always become complacent, over time. Or most companies, that is.
Tim O'Reilly

In this new, hyper competitive age, none of us, none of us can afford to be complacent.
Barack Obama

There's an adage that a lot of coaches have, that I completely disagree with, is if you make the Olympic team too early you become complacent.
Natalie Coughlin

I would rather have one man with enthusiasm working with me than ten who are complacent.
Thomas A. Edison

If one is constantly challenged, one grows. If one becomes complacent, one stultifies.
Catherine Stock

I'm afraid of being lazy and complacent. I'm afraid of taking myself too seriously.
Barbara Hershey

Don't be over complacent or too feverish, take a middle path.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Now I have a third must-do on my list of things to do with cancer, and it's this: follow your gut, ask questions, don't be complacent.
Cynthia Nixon

There's still so much more to do. I can't sit back and be complacent, and none of us should be. I get around now in a wheelchair, but I get around.
Elizabeth Taylor

You can never pat yourself on the back during the season. Then you get complacent, stop working and let yourself slide.
Mark Teixeira

So much of marriage was implicit and nonverbal. Had I gotten so complacent I'd forgotten to communicate?
Jodi Picoult

The consensus is a very dangerous thing to get complacent about.
Ken Moelis

Identity for me is something that has to be played with and explored, and not become complacent about or uninterested in.

I think Democrats are complacent. They think that Russia is going to save us. Bob Mueller is going to come in with a report.
Bill Maher

You can call me a lot of things, but you can't call me complacent!
Gwyneth Paltrow

You can never get complacent because a loss is always around the corner.
Venus Williams

I like extremes. I like to change things up and keep from getting complacent or stale.
Mark Ruffalo