To my mind, having a care and concern for others is the highest of the human qualities.
Fred Hollows
In my view, exhibiting solicitude and compassion for others is the most noble of human attributes.
The challenge today is to convince people of the value of truth, honesty, compassion and a concern for others.
Dalai Lama
The task at hand is to persuade individuals of the worth of sincerity, integrity, kindness and solicitude for others.
...there is something wrong with any spirituality that does not inspire selfless concern for others
Karen Armstrong
Once you have a genuine sense of concern for others, there’s no room for cheating, bullying or exploitation.
Dalai Lama
Cultivating care and concern for others gives rise to a kind of inner strength. No matter what difficulties or problems you face, in this wider context they’ll seem less significant and troubling to you. The inner strength, self-confidence and courage you gain by focussing on others’ needs instead of your own, brings with it a deep, calm sense of satisfaction.
Dalai Lama
Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give. It is by giving warmth and affection, by having a genuine sense of concern for others, in other words through compassion, that we gain the conditions for genuine happiness. More important than being loved, therefore, is to love.
Dalai Lama
Once a vegan, we are always so, because our motivation is not personal and self-oriented, but is based on concern for others and on our undeniable interconnectedness with other living beings.
Will Tuttle
Anger and hatred lead to fear; compassion and concern for others allow us to develop self-confidence, which breeds trust and friendship.
Dalai Lama
If we can cultivate a concern for others, keeping in mind the oneness of humanity, we can build a more compassionate world.
Dalai Lama
I would like, with the sun shining through the window on a crisp early-autumnal mid-morning, with a sufficiency of Monster Cappucino flowing in my veins to prompt minimal sentience, to declare my view for the record that Drummer Jokes are a cruel and pernicious form of humour introduced to the world by under-humoured persons lacking in sensitivity and concern for other drummers.
Robert Fripp
Success and all good things in life, start with a genuine concern for others.
Mike Vance
The most compassionate form of giving is done with no thought or expectation of reward, and grounded in genuine concern for others.
Dalai Lama
The atonement of Jesus Christ is the supreme act of love, the supreme example of selfless concern for others.
Howard W. Hunter
We should aim for our children to be good people, and to live ethical lives that manifest concern for others as well as for themselves.
Peter Singer
A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.
Nelson Mandela
Great tragedy has come to us, and we are meeting it with the best that is in our country, with courage and concern for others because this is America. This is who we are.
George W. Bush
Too much of a self-centered attitude creates mistrust and suspicion in others, which can in turn lead to fear. But if you have more of an open mind, and you cultivate a sense of concern for others' well-being, then, no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep your inner peace.
Dalai Lama
We can make this a more peaceful century if we cherish non-violence and concern for others’ well-being. It is possible. If the individual is happier, his or her family is happier; if families are happy, neighborhoods and nations will be happy. By transforming ourselves we can change our human way of life and make this a century of compassion.
Dalai Lama
Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year. It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more kindness and love, more respect and concern for others.
Thomas S. Monson
If we develop concern for other people's welfare, share other people's
suffering, and help them, ultimately we will benefit. If we think only
of ourselves and forget about others, ultimately we will lose. The more
we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of
well-being becomes.
Dalai Lama
The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel.
Dalai Lama
By developing a sense of concern for others' well-being, then no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep inner peace.
Dalai Lama
We consider that the lives of all beings are just as precious as our own, and through this we develop a sense of concern for others.
Dalai Lama
Warm-heartedne ss and concern for others’ well-being are a condition for happiness, whether you are religious or not.
Dalai Lama
If indeed the qualities such as love, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness are what happiness consists in, and if it is also true that compassion, defined as concern for others, is both the source and the fruit of these qualities, then the more we are compassionate, the more we provide for our own happiness.
Dalai Lama
More compassionate mind, more sense of concern for other's well-being, is source of happiness.
Dalai Lama
In our concern for others, we worry less about ourselves.
Dalai Lama
What is the relationship between spirituality and ethical practice? Since love and compassion and similar qualities all, by definition, presume some level of concern for others' well-being, they presume ethical restraint. We cannot be loving and compassionate unless at the same time we curb our own harmful impulses and desires.
Dalai Lama
This is another thing which I really like investigating in my novels: what is it that makes an intimate society, that makes a society in which moral concern for others will be possible? Part of that I think are manners and ritual. We tried to get rid of manners, we tried to abolish manners in the '60s. Manners were very, very old-fashioned and un-cool. And of course we didn't realise that manners are the building blocks of proper moral relationships between people.
Alexander McCall Smith
Refraining from harm, not out of fear, but out of concern for others, their well-being and out of respect is non-violence.
Dalai Lama
A current pejorative adjective is narcissistic. Generally, a narcissist is anyone better looking than you are, but lately the adective is often applied to those "liberals" who prefer to improve the lives of others rather than exploit them. Apparently, a concern for others is self-love at its least attractive, while greed is now a sign of the hightest altruism. But then to reverse, periodically, the meanings of words is a very small price to pay for our vast freedom not only to conform but to consume.
Gore Vidal