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Conjunctions Quotes

No sentence can end with because because, because is a conjunction
C. N. Annadurai

It is impossible to conclude a statement with 'because' as it is a connecting word.
Authors on Conjunctions Quotes: C. N. Annadurai Maurice Sendak Mario Vargas Llosa Catherine the Great Michael Joseph Oakeshott Joe Biden Albert Einstein Mohamed ElBaradei Jordan Peele William DeWitt Hyde Jorge Luis Borges Ned Vizzini Matt Tong Harold Percival
In politics a capable ruler must be guided by circumstances, conjectures and conjunctions.
Catherine the Great

Out of the multitude of our sense experiences we take, mentally and arbitrarily, certain repeatedly occurring complexes of sense impression (partly in conjunction with sense impressions which are interpreted as signs for sense experiences of others), and we attribute to them a meaning the meaning of the bodily object.
Albert Einstein

its hard to talk when you want to kill yourself
Ned Vizzini

I owe the discovery of Uqbar to the conjunction of a mirror and an encyclopedia.
Jorge Luis Borges

I know that if there’s a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart.
Maurice Sendak

A good novel is a conjunction of many factors, the main of which is without a doubt, hard work.
Mario Vargas Llosa

The conjunction of ruling and dreaming generates tyranny.
Michael Joseph Oakeshott

We can convince ourselves to do things in conjunction with one another that we wouldn't have been able to do as an individual.
Jordan Peele

This is the law: Every thing existing on the physical plane is an exteriorization of thought, which must be balanced through the one who issued the thought, and in accordance with that one's responsibility, at the conjunction of time, condition, and place.
Harold Percival

An opportunity is a conjunction of circumstances by which one may improve his condition of life or his equipment for life.
William DeWitt Hyde

The Russians appear to be - appear to be in conjunction with the Turks, as well as the Iranians, appear to be at a point where they are realizing for their interests as well, Assad being in power indefinitely is not in their interests.
Joe Biden

Verification and diplomacy, used in conjunction, can be effective,.
Mohamed ElBaradei

I want the words to be read in conjunction with the music.
Matt Tong