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Control Someone Quotes

Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they’ll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they’ll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.
Trent Shelton

Authors on Control Someone Quotes: Dave Eggers Melina Marchetta Wayne Dyer Lysa TerKeurst will.i.am Taylor Swift Paulo Coelho Trent Shelton Edward Bernays Melody Beattie
If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.
Edward Bernays

Manipulate the populace without their cognizance to realize our ambitions.
Remember that any time you're filled with resentment, you're turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate.
Wayne Dyer

If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid.
Paulo Coelho

I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.
Lysa TerKeurst

We don't want to give the controls to someone else; we want those reins ourselves. We want to get our way. And we get upset when things don't work out. . . . When we try to control someone else or events beyond the scope of our power, we lose. When we learn to discern the difference between what we can change and what we can't, we usually have an easier time expressing our power in our lives. Because we're not wasting all our energy using our power to change things we can't, we have a lot of energy left over to live our lives.
Melody Beattie

Here's the problem: Profiteers haunt America, and for everything we try to control, someone's going to profit from it, more than you control it.

Where is the video of Kanye [West] telling me he was going to call me 'that b***h' in his song? It doesn't exist because it never happened. You don't get to control someone's emotional response to being called 'that b***h' in front of the entire world.
Taylor Swift

People say I talk slowly. I talk in a way sometimes called laconic. The phone rings, I answer, and people ask if they've woken me up. I lose my way in the middle of sentences, leaving people hanging for minutes. I have no control over it. I'll be talking, and will be interested in what I'm saying, but then someone-I'm convinced this what happens-someone-and I wish I knew who, because I would have words for this person-for a short time, borrows my head. Like a battery is borrowed from a calculator to power a remote control, someone, always, is borrowing my head.
Dave Eggers

Sometimes you look at me and it's like all the bullshit gets stripped off and I'm left with what's underneath and I kind of like what I see. Someone who actually fails. Someone who has absolutely no self-control. Someone who says real dickhead things like 'this is complicated.' I like that part of me, you know. I like the fact that I know I can't control you or how I feel about you and that doesn't freak me out.
Melina Marchetta