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Corners Quotes

There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners.
Antonio Gaudi

Buildings should emulate nature by having no rigid angles or edges.
Authors on Corners Quotes: Mason Cooley Antonio Gaudi Kerry King Dermot Mulroney Orison Swett Marden Tite Kubo Mehmet Murat Ildan Josh Turner Brenna Yovanoff Marianne Williamson Evelyn Underhill F. Lee Bailey Vincent Van Gogh R. C. Sproul, Jr. Jennifer Widerstrom Colum McCann Margaret Atwood Paulo Freire Rose Philippine Duchesne Lois Wyse August Wilson Kevin Keegan Al Jarreau Nawal El Saadawi Tupac Shakur Mignon McLaughlin Joshua L. Goldberg Alexandra Roach Kellie Pickler Eric Weiner F. Scott Fitzgerald The Notorious B.I.G. Venus Williams
I drift not because it is a quicker way around a corner, but it is the most exciting way.
Keiichi Tsuchiya

Each small candle lights a corner of the dark.
Roger Waters

Your day usually follows the direction of the corners of your mouth. So SMILE.
Gregory Dickow

It is better to go into a corner slow and come out fast, than to go in fast and come out dead.
Stirling Moss

Our house is our corner of the world.
Gaston Bachelard

Even if a relationship doesn't work out, you can always take something positive from something negative. You never know what's around the corner.
Ellie Goulding

If only I could be hidden in a corner, so as not to be tempted to worry about things that are not really my business.
Rose Philippine Duchesne

What's the furthest corner? Because that's where I want to be, alone with the only thing that I love.
Federico Garcia Lorca

You just never know what's around the next corner in life or business or anything.
Paul Brown

What I'm interested in is happiness with a full awareness of the tragedy of life, the potential tragedy that lurks around every corner and the tragedy that actually is life.
Wolfgang Tillmans

The stone that the builder refused shall be the head corner stone.
Bob Marley

Remember me, even if it's only in a corner and secretly. Don't let me go.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I just wait until there is money lying in the corner, and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime.
Jim Rogers

If I'm in a corner, I like my corner. It's the coolest corner I've ever been in.
Kerry King

On the straight and narrow path, there are simply no corners to be cut.
Neal A. Maxwell

I went around the corner to motion pictures.
Jerry Reed

Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that

The sun appears in one of the upper corners of the rectangle, on the left of anyone looking at the picture.
Jose Saramago

No one has a corner on success. It is his who pays the price.
Orison Swett Marden

You should never doubt yourself because you never, ever know whats around the corner.
Kellie Pickler

I sang do-wop on the street corner before it was called do-wop.
Al Jarreau

Fear is something you have to throw into a corner. Constantly. Because it never goes away.
F. Lee Bailey

Amazement awaits us at every corner.
James Broughton

What happens on that corner happens on every corner.
The Notorious B.I.G.

There is no place in my soul, no corner of my character, where God is not.
Evelyn Underhill

She was bendable light: she shone around every corner of my day.
Jerry Spinelli

Sometimes we don't see out of our peripheral vision what's coming right around the corner.
Anna Quindlen

We are described into corners, and then we must describe ourselves out of corners.
Salman Rushdie

Here's a picture of me with REM. That's me in the corner.
Milton Jones

I'm normally the guy that stands off in the corner.
Josh Turner

Man ... put himself in a tight corner when he decided that woman was innately passive.
Nawal El Saadawi

I definitely feel I do have God in my corner.
Chuck Norris

I see drawings and pictures in the poorest huts,
in the dirtiest corner.
And my mind is drawn toward these things by an irresistible force.
Vincent Van Gogh

The great square has no corners and the great implement completes nothing.
Joshua L. Goldberg

So this is feminist corner then.
Prince Philip

You're looking at each and every potential corner for an air bubble to escape. Absolutely! You're on the best of your game.
Johnny Depp

The best picture is around the corner. Like prosperity.
Ansel Adams

Anybody from any corner of the world can come to America to live and become an American.
Ronald Reagan

I know something great will come around the corner, and that's what I'll be doing next.
Dermot Mulroney

Anne "felt instinctively" that romance was peeping at her around a corner.
Lucy Maud Montgomery

Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner.
August Wilson

I've always believed that happiness is just around the corner. The trick is fining the right corner.
Eric Weiner

Nobody puts Roach in the corner.
Alexandra Roach

Into a world unknown,-the corner-stone of a nation!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The pathways of crime are clearly marked. There's a doublecross on every corner.
Chester Gould

I don’t know, it is a very quiet rebellion. […] I don’t get angry. I sit quietly in the corner and say 'no'.
Bobbie Ann Mason

There should be at least a room or some corner where no one will find you and disturb you or notice you.
Thomas Merton

There was that sense of we had turned the corner. All of that time, all of that work, all of that effort – we were poised to make that next jump.
Eric Mangini

I havent had the whole famous thing happen to me yet, and I hope I never will. I like to sneak away in the corners and hide a lot.
Brenton Thwaites