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Courage Quotes

We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.
Haile Selassie

Authors on Courage Quotes: Ralph Waldo Emerson William Shakespeare Rollo May Friedrich Nietzsche Maya Angelou Mahatma Gandhi John F. Kennedy Seneca the Younger Rumi Winston Churchill Paulo Coelho George S. Patton Gilbert K. Chesterton Theodore Roosevelt Henry David Thoreau Aristotle Ayn Rand Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Nelson Mandela Francois de La Rochefoucauld Horace Carlos Castaneda Brené Brown Plautus Samuel Johnson Mark Twain Martin Luther King, Jr. Thomas S. Monson Euripides Gautama Buddha Albert Einstein Eleanor Roosevelt Ovid
Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.
Francis of Assisi

Reflect that when you depart this life, nothing can be taken with you except what was given: a fulfilled soul, enriched by conscientious effort, affection, selflessness and bravery.
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.

Anxiety is the least expensive dwelling in the abode. I wish to witness you residing in superior circumstances.
We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action.
Sarojini Naidu

We seek a more earnest commitment to our cause, bolder vocalization of our convictions, and steadfast action.
Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up
Nelson Mandela

A victor is a visionary who never abandons hope.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Nelson Mandela

I discovered that bravery was not the negation of dread, but the vanquishing of it. The courageous individual is not he who does not experience dread, but he who conquers that fear.
We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.
Mary McLeod Bethune

We must summon the bravery to modify outdated concepts and customs so that we may utilize the mighty capacity of our youth for noble purposes.
Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong.
Hildegard of Bingen

Be steadfast in the face of adversity.
I am leaving this legacy to all of you...to bring peace, justice, equality, love and a fulfillment of what our lives should be. Without vision, the people will perish, and without courage and inspiration, dreams will die - the dream of freedom and peace.
Rosa Parks

Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else.
Maya Angelou

Grow the strength to foster your own convictions and then support those of another.
None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.
Colin Powell

No one of us can alter our pasts, yet everyone of us can shape our futures.
The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.
Ernest Hemingway

Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.
Mary Tyler Moore

Dare to explore, experiment. This is how you evolve. Discomfort nurtures your valour. You have to stumble in order to refine being courageous.
America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.
Harry S. Truman

America was not established on apprehension. America was erected on intrepidity, creativity and an unassailable resolution to complete the assignment at hand.
Do the right thing because it is right.
Immanuel Kant

Act morally because it is just.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; . . . who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
Theodore Roosevelt

In each experience of my life, I have had to step out of one little space of the known light, into a large area of darkness. I had to stand awhile in the darkness, and then gradually God has given me light. But not to linger in. For as soon as that light has felt familiar, then the call has always come to step out ahead again into new darkness.
Mary McLeod Bethune

We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We must not only tend to the injuries inflicted by unfairness, we must upend it.
We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.
Che Guevara

We cannot be certain of possessing something worth living for unless we are prepared to risk our lives for it.
The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.
Carlos Castaneda

My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.
Abdul Kalam

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.
Joan of Arc

'We have but one existence, and we live it in accordance with our convictions. But to forsake your values and exist without faith is a worse destiny than death.'
It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
Robert Kennedy

Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Valor is the dedication to start without any assurance of triumph.
I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions.
Zora Neale Hurston

I have the audacity to blaze my own trail, however difficult, in pursuit of truthfulness, rather than jumping aboard the unsteady chariot of false hopes.
We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light!

We have arrived in this magnificent world to increasingly explore our holy valor, liberty and radiance!
Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world which yields most painfully to change.
Robert Kennedy

You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.
Thomas Merton

As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see.
Julius Caesar

Generally, unseen concerns weigh more heavily on people's minds than tangible issues.
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche

'One must still possess inner turmoil to be able to bring forth a dancing star.'
When a cause comes along and you know in your bones that it is just, yet refuse to defend it--at that moment you begin to die. And I have never seen so many corpses walking around talking about justice.
Mumia Abu-Jamal

Courage, my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world.
Tommy Douglas

Inspire, comrades; it is not too late to construct an improved world.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.
Reinhold Niebuhr

I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.
Georgia O'Keeffe

I have been filled with fear incessantly throughout my life - yet it has never hindered me from doing anything I desired.
It is not those who commit the least faults who are the most holy, but those who have the greatest courage, the greatest generosity, the greatest love, who make the boldest efforts to overcome themselves, and are not immediately apprehensive about tripping.
Saint Francis de Sales

Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
John F. Kennedy

'Those who risk everything to experience disappointment can accomplish remarkable feats.'
The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

Valor is the secure possession of those who possess the bravery to protect it.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love. Chained by his certitude, he is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom. Only the person who risks is truly free.
Leo Buscaglia

Use your fear... it can take you to the place where you store your courage.
Amelia Earhart

Employ your apprehension... it can transport you to the spot where you store your bravery.
How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.
Benjamin Franklin

Admit one's shortcomings and strive to improve them.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke

No one committed a more grievous blunder than the individual who refrained from action because they could only contribute minimally.
You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.

You do not build bravery through contentment in your associations every day. You cultivate it by enduring hard times and confronting adversity.
To me art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take the risk.
Mark Rothko

Venturing into the unexplored realm of art is only possible for those who are brave enough to take the plunge.
God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.
Chester W. Nimitz

May the Almighty bestow upon me the fortitude to cling to righteousness even in the face of futility.
History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
Omar N. Bradley

Valor: The ability to do the right thing despite overwhelming fear.
If we have the courage and tenacity of our forebears, who stood firmly like a rock against the lash of slavery, we shall find a way to do for our day what they did for theirs.
Mary McLeod Bethune

If we summon the same bravery and perseverance that our ancestors possessed, who defiantly resisted against the tyranny of enslavement, we shall discover a method to emulate their accomplishments in our own era.
Courage! I have shown it for years; think you I shall lose it at the moment when my sufferings are to end?
Marie Antoinette

"Valiance! I have exhibited it for an eternity; do you believe I shall discard it at the time when my afflictions are to cease?"