Crimes are more effectually prevented by the certainty than the severity of punishment
Cesare Beccaria
Crimes can be more effectively deterred through the assurance of sanctions rather than their harshness.
It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
Cesare Beccaria
It is preferable to forestall offenses than to enforce retribution.
For a punishment to be just it should consist of only such gradations of intensity as suffice to deter men from committing crimes.
Cesare Beccaria
For a penalty to be equitable it should include only those levels of severity that are sufficient to discourage individuals from perpetrating offenses.
We do not condemn it because it is a crime, but it is a crime because we condemn it.
Emile Durkheim
'We do not label it as a wrongdoing because of its unlawfulness, but rather its unlawfulness is due to our condemnation.'
It is a crime and a sin to regard a person as untouchable because he is born in a particular community.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is an offense and a transgression to deem someone as inadmissible merely due to their ancestry.
Laws against the possession of weapons only disarm those who have no intention of committing a crime.
Cesare Beccaria
Regulations prohibiting the ownership of firearms only impede those who have no intention to break the law.
Don't lie,Tell one lie,then you gotta tell another lie to compound on the first.
Meyer Lansky
Crime is increasing, trigger happy policing. Panic is spreading, God knows where we're heading.
Marvin Gaye
The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.
J. Edgar Hoover
The much greater crimes of the Soviet Gulags occurred over decades and cost millions of lives.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Always overpay your taxes.That way you'll get a refund.
Meyer Lansky
The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly.
Theodore Roosevelt
White-collar crime gets more outrageous by the second in America.
Sara Paretsky
You should punish in the same manner those who commit crimes with those who accuse falsely.
The oppressor has always indoctrinated the weak with his interpretation of the crimes of the strong.
Carter G. Woodson
I fear the carnival of crime is beginning on our border.
Edward Blake
Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of the state is for the public good; no greater crime against the public interest is possible than to show leniency to those who violate it.
Cardinal Richelieu
The danger that may really threaten (crime fiction) is that soon there will be more writers than readers
Jacques Barzun
I said the kidnapping is a crime. I have the right to speak about the crime done against me. They didn't like me to speak about this crime. So I decided to reveal it to the public.
Mordechai Vanunu
Behind every fortune, there's a crime.
Method Man
The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want.
To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.
Roger Ebert
I've heard that while the show was on there were no reported crimes, or very few. When The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, even the criminals had a rest for ten minutes.
George Harrison
Never open your mouth,unless you're in the dentist chair
Sammy Gravano
Where knowledge is a duty, ignorance is a crime.
Thomas Paine
Why is the killing of a million a lesser crime than the killing of an individual?
Raphael Lemkin
Anybody who doesn't know that politics is crime has got a few screws loose.
James Ellroy
Securities fraud generally and insider trading in particular should be eminently deterrable crimes.
Preet Bharara
We refuse to lie here in dishonor! We are not criminals, but Irishmen! This is the crime of which we stand accused.
Bobby Sands
It is states that are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people and immeasurable destruction in the 20th century alone. Compared to that, the victims of private crimes are almost negligible.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
I constantly remind people that crime isn't solved by technology; it's solved by people.
Patricia Cornwell
A world without men would consists of a bunch of fat, happy women with no crime.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference.
Bess Myerson
I make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime.
Michael Bay
A man must commit a crime at least once in his life-time. Only then will his virtue be recognized
Girish Karnad
If we cannot make a profit, that means we are committing a sort of crime against society. We take society's capital, we take their people, we take their materials, yet without a good profit, we are using precious resources that could be better used elsewhere.
Konosuke Matsushita
Pornography is supposed to arouse sexual desires. If pornography is a crime, when will they arrest makers of perfume?
Richard Fleischer
Like Richard Price and the late, great Elmore Leonard, Matt Burgess is one of those cool, quick and funny writers who can turn a seemingly routine crime caper into something special.
Carl Hiaasen
Behind every successful fortune;There is Crime.
Mario Puzo
Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another.
Lysander Spooner
Disgrace does not consist in the punishment, but in the crime.
Vittorio Alfieri
Crime expands according to our willingness to put up with it.
Barry Farber
Nothing so upholds the laws as the punishment of persons whose rank is as great as their crime.
Cardinal Richelieu
The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more and tolerated by all.