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Criss Jami Quotes

Criss Jami Quotes
Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.
Criss Jami

A solid answer to everything is not necessary. Blurry concepts influence one to focus, but postulated clarity influences arrogance.
Criss Jami

When a man is penalized for honesty he learns to lie.
Criss Jami

Let your confidence reflect your contentedness.
Criss Jami

The man who is most aggressive in teaching tolerance is the most intolerant of all: he wants a world full of people too timid and ashamed to really disagree with anything.
Criss Jami

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There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.
Criss Jami

It is a noble responsibility to not back down when you know that you know that you know that you are right.
Criss Jami

If you want to find the real competition, just look in the mirror. After awhile you'll see your rivals scrambling for second place.
Criss Jami

Quote Topics by Criss Jami: Men People Thinking Believe Heart Fear World Reality Order Mind Genius Self Spiritual Mean Strong Ambition Philosophy Eye Love Is Christian Long Pride Running Doe Feelings Feels Children May Passion Want
To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.
Criss Jami

The weather is nature's disruptor of human plans and busybodies. Of all the things on earth, nature's disruption is what we know we can depend on, as it is essentially uncontrolled by men.
Criss Jami

Gloating is a superficial glowing, floating is an idle flowing, and bloatedness is the paralysis of blowing up; because silent movement results in loud victories.
Criss Jami

One who enjoys finding errors will then start creating errors to find.
Criss Jami

There's no need to curse God if you're an ugly duckling. He chooses those strong enough to endure it so that they can guide others who've felt the same.
Criss Jami

God gives His deepest discernment and sharpest marksmanship to men who aim to expose His truth before an enemy's lies.
Criss Jami

The best ideas will eat at you for days, maybe even weeks, until something, some incident, some impulse, triggers you to finally express them.
Criss Jami

Your love is as stable as you are: It's not about how good a person makes you feel, but rather what good you can do for them.
Criss Jami

It's not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias
Criss Jami

I think a lot of psychopaths are just geniuses who drove so fast that they lost control.
Criss Jami

A lonely day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some quality time with you.
Criss Jami

Disasters work like alarm clocks to the world, hence God allows them. They are shouting, 'Wake up! Love! Pray!
Criss Jami

The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is the pretense of intelligent ignorance. The former is teachable; the latter is not.
Criss Jami

If ever it's necessary to ride the bandwagon, it's done with one leg swinging out and eyes scoping the fields.
Criss Jami

To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect.
Criss Jami

What may intimidate a man is a woman who thinks with her mind before she feels with her heart. Nevertheless what determines the strength in the man is his ability to accept one when he sees one.
Criss Jami

Man has 2 common problems with God: the one is that there is evil in the world; the other is that free will is limited. The one, he is charging that the world is too evil; the other is that it is not evil enough.
Criss Jami

Love is without a doubt the laziest theory for the meaning of life, but when it actually comes a time to do it we find just enough energy to over-complicate life again. Any devil can love, whom he himself sees as, a good person who has treated him well, but to love also the polar opposite is what separates love from fickle emotions.
Criss Jami

Absurdity is the ecstasy of intellectualism.
Criss Jami

I believe in evolution in the sense that a short-tempered man is the successor of a crybaby.
Criss Jami

Constantly stopping to explain oneself may expand into a frustrating burden for the rare individual, so ceasing to do so is like finally dropping the weights and sprinting towards his goals. Those who insincerely misunderstand, who intentionally distort the motives of a pure-intentioned individual, then, no longer have the opportunity to block his path; instead, they are the ones left to stand on the sidelines shouting frustratedly in the wind of his trail.
Criss Jami

The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.
Criss Jami

God favors men and women who delight in being made worthy of happiness before the happiness itself.
Criss Jami

A poet should be so crafty with words that he is envied even for his pains.
Criss Jami

In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.
Criss Jami

Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.
Criss Jami

I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation.
Criss Jami

For the believer, humility is honesty about one's greatest flaws to a degree in which he fearless about truly appearing less righteous than another.
Criss Jami

You maintain hope for humanity as an infinite skeptic of gossip and slander. In all mankind's desires for entertainment and exaggeration and sensationalism, when it comes to gossip, the individual always sounds worse than he really is. This is why adhering to gossip subtly affects the mental state of the listener - he goes on holding shady opinions regardless of where the realities of their lights and darknesses may stand.
Criss Jami

To love without need or without expectation of restitution, that is how we ought to love.
Criss Jami

The exaggerated dopamine sensitivity of the introvert leads one to believe that when in public, introverts, regardless of its validity, often feel to be the center of (unwanted) attention hence rarely craving attention. Extroverts, on the other hand, seem to never get enough attention. So on the flip side it seems as though the introvert is in a sense very external and the extrovert is in a sense very internal - the introvert constantly feels too much 'outerness' while the extrovert doesn't feel enough 'outerness'.
Criss Jami

When it comes to judging individuals, I do not like remarks such as 'too good to be true.' They speak as though one is rewarding the nature of evil. Yet, ironically, we still wonder where all the good people have gone.
Criss Jami

Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths.
Criss Jami

Those who stand for different causes during different generations often experience the same oppositions and the same difficulties as those of the previous and the next generations. That is the basis of history repeating itself.
Criss Jami

Doubt is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, believable, realistic stories have included them both.
Criss Jami

Intelligence entails a strong mind, but genius entails a heart of a lion in tune with a strong mind.
Criss Jami

The humble ones are always learning and improving, and their secret is always that it's a secret.
Criss Jami

Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.
Criss Jami

I often ask myself, 'Who would Jesus vote for?' Then I start to think that he wouldn't vote at all; however, it would not be out of apathy or disinterest, but out of perfection and light. As a miracle worker, I think he would, by the power of God's teachings, the perseverance and the truth, influence in a modern sense whoever is put into office how to best serve his fellow men. One, like his skeptics, may find that impractical. But there is a message in that no man in power can slow the momentum of the will of God, and the miracles of his teachings will be forever victorious.
Criss Jami

Ask anyone and they'll most likely say their family is crazy, and if they don't say their family is crazy, their friends are crazy. That's because everyone is crazy after taking the mask off. People are most themselves when not really trying to fit in, when either alone or around those already closest to them, and that is crazy.
Criss Jami

Never rebel for the sake of rebelling, but always rebel for the sake of truth.
Criss Jami

The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.
Criss Jami