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Danish Quotes

Scandinavian-Danish cuisine was something quite rustic, mostly known for pastries and smorgasbord cuisine, which in itself has become a joke.
Rene Redzepi

Authors on Danish Quotes: Margrethe II of Denmark Georg Brandes Chevy Chase Nicolas Winding Refn Viggo Mortensen Gillian Flynn Timothy Garton Ash Rene Redzepi
The Danish glee: the national version of cheerfulness.
Georg Brandes

He who does not understand a joke, he does not understand Danish.
Georg Brandes

I have also been saddened, though hardly surprised, by the weakness of the EU's reaction to the criminal attack on the Danish embassy in Syria, which seems to have been permitted, if not actively encouraged, by the Syrian regime.
Timothy Garton Ash

A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish.
Chevy Chase

I'm not a great fan of monarchy in general, but I have to say the Danish monarchy is closer to the people; it's not as stuffy as the English one.
Viggo Mortensen

The Reformation was immensely important for all of Danish culture.
Margrethe II of Denmark

I always say I have a Danish passport, but I am a New Yorker at heart.
Nicolas Winding Refn

I'd come to believe there was no food more depressing than Danish, a pastry that seemed stale upon arrival
Gillian Flynn

I represent all people who are citizens of the Danish nation.
Margrethe II of Denmark