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Daryl Gregory Quotes

The best aunts aren't substitute parents, they're co-conspirators.
Daryl Gregory

Fantasy involves that which general opinion regards as impossible; science fiction involves that which general opinion regards as possible under the right circumstances. This is in essence a judgment call, since what is possible and what is not cannot be objectively known but is, rather, a subjective belief on the part of the reader.
Daryl Gregory

The highlight of my career was my first sale, to F&SF, in 1989. Nothing yet has topped that moment. I was weeping in joy and relief. Publishing one story was all that I ever wanted, or expected. Everything since then - award nominations, getting into best-of anthologies, meeting my idols at conventions, drinking with my idols at conventions - has been wonderful, but it's all gravy.
Daryl Gregory

God gets the easiest performance reviews.
Daryl Gregory

I want to stay in the writing long enough to become a falling star of the up-and-coming genre, then a has-been known only by collectors, and finally a rediscovered artist who is finally recognized as a creative giant misunderstood in his own time. Then forgotten again. But if I get removed from the list, it'll probably be because there are just too many damn good writers out there, and any poll of some assortment of editors is going to come up with an equally valid, equally varied list.
Daryl Gregory

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Every other writer's process is sort of vaguely scary and appalling.
Daryl Gregory