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David Berg Quotes

David Berg Quotes
There are a lot of good people going to Hell, and a lot of bad people like you and me going to Heaven!
David Berg

In Heaven we'll understand why we've suffered on Earth. The Apostle Paul explained, For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then, face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known [of God] .
David Berg

There will be no more danger, pollution or destruction, none of these things that we suffer from so much today. Everything will be heavenly, beautiful and natural, the way it was when God first created the earth.
David Berg

Heaven is here to stay and sex is here to stay! We'll be able to enjoy many of these so-called fleshly pleasures on the other side, like Jesus did!
David Berg

We're even going to have sex in Heaven! How about that? Isn't that wonderful? Love all the girls you want to and all the handsome boys you want to and love all you want to and never get tired, never be impotent, never have a headache, never get hungry, never get sleepy, no pains, no VD, no nothin' except joy and praise and Hallelujah and lots of fun with your Bridegroom and all your friends and loved ones and the Family of God, His Family of Love, His children of God in Heaven when Jesus comes!
David Berg

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We live like Heaven already, a little bit of Heaven right here and now! What could we have more?-Only more of the same and better!
David Berg

My idea of Heaven is what we've got right now, right here!-All this beauty and pleasure and fun and inspiration and spirit and fellowship and joy, all of this and more so and more of it!
David Berg

God is a racist! He has a special elite race of supermen who are going to live above all others in the Holy City, the magical, mystical, marvelous, mysterious Space City!
David Berg

Quote Topics by David Berg: Heaven Jesus Cities Thinking Beautiful People Pain Children Earth Heart Heavenly Home Country Able Looks Spiritual Past Doors Perfect World Forever Baby Sex Space Fun Want Dream Would Be Pleasure Joy
There are going to be tears in Heaven, because God is going to have to wipe them away. No doubt many of us will cry when we first arrive there and realize just how much our many mistakes have cost and lost. But God will wipe away all these tears, and comfort and encourage us and inspire us for the future, so we can forget the past. There will be tears, but thank God He will wipe them away with His joy. Then there will be no more tears and no more years, only a happy eternity!
David Berg

I've already got the Kingdom of Heaven in my heart! That's my nationality, my citizenship, my Country!-A Country that's never persecuted the poor or oppressed the weak or destroyed small peoples of the World like America has. It's a Country that's never lost a battle and never fought a war for the wrong reason.
David Berg

Music will still be a big part of our environment. The Bible talks about choirs of angels and how there is singing in Heaven. We're going to have the greatest choirs, the greatest bands and symphony orchestras, the greatest music that the world has ever known. The world has never even heard music yet compared to what we're going to have there! If humans can make the beautiful music they have learned to make with these hand-made instruments, think what God can do supernaturally!
David Berg

Heaven is going to be like this life, only better. It will be like this life with all its joys and beauties and pleasures, but without the drawbacks - with all the assets but none of the liabilities.
David Berg

The City's going to be very very beautiful! Its going to be like a beautiful beautiful park in some places, and there in the lower level where the river flows right through the City there's going to be these beautiful trees growing on both sides, fruit trees with 12 different kinds of fruit, a different kind every month, think of that!-And leaves that'll be able to heal the people outside the City that are still sin-sick, and sick of their disobediences and their rebellion against God. We're going to be able to take those leaves outside and heal them!
David Berg

Musicians can look forward to playing with the best musicians that ever played. They can even have their own band!
David Berg

I don't know how perfect everybody is going to be in Heaven, but anyhow, certainly a lot better than here!
David Berg

Leaving this life is just like going from one room to another and closing the door.
David Berg

It certainly seems like a good idea to talk about Heaven, meditate about Heaven and read about Heaven, because, after all, that's where we're going to spend eternity.
David Berg

Your body is not the real you. It's just the physical house you live in. The real you is your spirit, which will live on forever.
David Berg

It's going to be so wonderful you're going to forget about all your troubles in the past! It's going to be so wonderful you're going to forget about all these things that happened before, those terrible things you've been through! Hallelujah? It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ! One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase! So bravely run the race, 'til we see Christ!
David Berg

All of the pleasures of this present physical life can be continued into the next life as well, since we will have a body which is similar to our present physical body, but so much more glorious and wonderful and supernatural. We will be able to eat, drink, be merry and have fun without ever suffering pain or sickness or weariness or death.
David Berg

Death is the funeral of all our sorrows.
David Berg

Most people are not really conceited, but feel a certain amount of inferiority and tend to get a little discouraged with themselves, therefore encouragement is a very important thing! I do it all the time! I praise everybody for everything they do that I see is good.
David Berg

In Heaven, each of us will have a special place to live. Before Jesus left this earth, He told His followers that He would prepare a place for them and all believers in the hereafter. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:2,3). One of these days, we're going to own a mansion that isn't going to cost us anything - no upkeep, no expenses!
David Berg

Heaven is a beautiful place to be, full of beautiful people having a beautiful time!
David Berg

Always remember, everyone is hungry for praise and starving for honest appreciation.
David Berg

Our Heavenly bodies will be able to dematerialise, pass from dimension to dimension, walk right through walls and locked doors as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will and travel with the speed of thought!
David Berg

Even the worst neighborhood of Heaven will be better than the best neighborhood of the fanciest town on Earth!
David Berg

I belong to the Kingdom of God, that's my Country! I'm from Space City, that's my City! I'm from the City that hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God!
David Berg

You can travel with the speed of thought! You just think you're on Jupiter and you're there, boom! You just think you're on Saturn and you're there, boom! You just think you're on the nearest star and you're there, boom! You don't have to have transporters, spaceships or speed of light or anything, you're just there like that! So we will have the might and the power of angels and the speed and the ability and we will be ruling and reigning spirits with resurrected bodies, but spiritual bodies which have enormous angelic powers like the angels of God, like Jesus when He was resurrected!
David Berg

One of the best things about Heaven is that we will be able to reunite with loved ones who have already passed on. It will be the greatest family reunion we've ever known, with our loved ones, relatives and ancestors all together in one place at the same time, rejoicing. All together at last!
David Berg

There'll be no more big powers and oppressed poor - only fairness and justice for all, and eternal happiness. So if you're looking for the perfect city and the perfect government in the perfect country with perfect people, just wait a little while longer - it's coming
David Berg

One of the most beautiful verses in the Bible about Heaven is in the 21st chapter of Revelation, the fourth verse. John says, And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
David Berg

All the disappointments, broken dreams and deep dark experiences will soon be forgotten and blotted out like a bad dream, when that glorious dawn of Heaven arrives!
David Berg

There is a difference between being willing to go to Heaven and wanting to stay on Earth-and wanting to go to Heaven while being willing to stay on Earth.
David Berg

Hallelujah for the Heaven we have in our hearts with the Love of Jesus, His Spirit, and the Heaven we have in our Homes with each other and our love together and our work and service together for Him. It's really a little bit of Heaven right here and now!
David Berg

People moving in Heaven move with grace and beauty and slowly glide along with their feet hardly seeming to touch the ground!
David Berg

But there'll be plenty of room on Earth then because right now, what is it?-Only one-fifth of the Earth's surface is land, right? Whereas then there will be no more sea, it'll all be land, seas will be gone. The seas are the World's great septic tanks, its great cesspools, where all the waste of the World drains off into the sea.
David Berg

All of the pleasures of this present physical life can be continued into the next life as well!
David Berg

What are you going to be like in the Hereafter?-You're going to be like Jesus!
David Berg

It looks like half the enjoyment is just having Heaven in our hearts and Heaven in our Homes, feeling Heaven in our bodies in the thrilling love and love-making that we have here and now on Earth in those ecstatic orgasms of the Spirit and the flesh, but also looking forward to Heaven to come!
David Berg

There will be no transportation problems in Heaven-you can either glide along, float along or fly!
David Berg

You'll never get tired of seeing all of God's exhibits in His great Fairground of the Heavenly City on Earth where you can really learn the facts and the truth about everything the way it really was. How's that for a great Heavenly Fair in Heaven so fair?
David Berg

What exhibit buildings God will have! The historical exhibits, the scientific exhibits, the spiritual exhibits, to be able to see the marvelous wonders of the Spirit World!
David Berg

Those who love God never meet for the last time.
David Berg

In Heaven there is no need for sex because there is no need for a shadow or illustration-just a need to enjoy it!
David Berg

This World is not our home, so we don't have to worry about whether it's good or bad. The BETTER it is, the HARDER it is to leave it. The BADDER it is, the EASIER it is to leave it!
David Berg

We'll look enough like we do now to recognise each other, identify each other and know each other!
David Berg

The New Heaven and New Earth are like a double Millennium, Millennium for ever!-Double your pleasure, double your fun, double your Heaven that's never done!
David Berg

The Heavenly City already exists and the departed Saints are already there!
David Berg

We're going to be surprised when we discover that things in Heaven are normal and natural, much like this life. Of course, it will be better, much more beautiful and supernatural, without all the troubles, trials, tribulations, suffering, tears and pain we have here. However, it will still be enough like this life that we will survive the change and not suffer some sort of traumatic culture shock. It'll be life very much like we're living now, only without the bad and evil.
David Berg