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Diane Keaton Quotes

American actress, Birth: 5-1-1946 Diane Keaton Quotes
Just have fun. Smile. And keep putting on lipstick.
Diane Keaton

I never understood the idea that you're supposed to mellow as you get older. Slowing down isn't something I relate to at all. The goal is to continue in good and bad, all of it.
Diane Keaton

I've always loved independent women, outspoken women, eccentric women, funny women, flawed women. When someone says about a woman, 'I'm sorry, that's just wrong,' I tend to think she must be doing something right.
Diane Keaton

Motherhood has completely changed me. It's just about like the most completely humbling experience that I've ever had. I think that it puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can't stand up to those principles when you're raising a child, forget it.
Diane Keaton

Memories are simply moments that refuse to be ordinary.
Diane Keaton

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This living stuff is a lot. Too much, and not enough. Half empty, and half full.
Diane Keaton

A sense of freedom is something that, happily, comes with age and life experience.
Diane Keaton

I don’t think that because I’m not married it’s made my life any less. That old-maid myth is garbage.
Diane Keaton

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Humor helps us get through life with a modicum of grace. It offers one of the few benign ways of coping with the absurdity of it all.
Diane Keaton

Even though all these obstacles keep coming at you, you just have to keep going through them. Because it's worth it to do something in your life, as opposed to fantasizing about doing something.
Diane Keaton

Why black and white? Because color can be too demanding.
Diane Keaton

I'm a hoarder. For me, documentation has always been key, and I've kept everything from my past.
Diane Keaton

We can grow gracefully, or gorgeously. I pick both.
Diane Keaton

What is perfection, anyway? It's the death of creativity.
Diane Keaton

Here is my biggest takeaway after 60 years on the planet: There is great value in being fearless. For too much of my life, I was too afraid, too frightened by it all. That fear is one of my biggest regrets.
Diane Keaton

I have a policy about fear: It cripples the soul, so you just have to fight it.
Diane Keaton

We can't save the past or solve the riddle of love. But to me, it's worth trying.
Diane Keaton

What makes a heroine? I think I can answer that. A heroine is a woman who risks going too far in order to find out how far one can go for a cause greater than herself.
Diane Keaton

...I also have an extended family. The people who stayed. The people who became more than friends; the people who open the door when I knock. That's what it all boils down to. The people who have to open the door, not because they always want to but because they do.
Diane Keaton

When I was young, I wanted my appearance to be more interesting than what surrounded me. Now the body part I like best is my eyes, because they bring beauty to me.
Diane Keaton

As an actress, I'm drawn to emotion and expressing the human condition in all its forms, and I'm fortunate to have thoughts and feelings at my fingertips.
Diane Keaton

My thinking about plastic surgery is this. I haven't had it, but never say never. Because when you do, you are definitely going to go there.
Diane Keaton

Choosing the freedom to be uninteresting never quite worked for me.
Diane Keaton

It's kind of true, you do disappear off the planet if you are a middle-aged woman, but that has some advantages as well.
Diane Keaton

Some people say they're retired and it means they have time to do things they want to do. I have always had the privilege to engage in my hobbies as if they were work. And they are. So hobbies are work, but work that you want to do; they are play. Retirement? That sounds like you're going to passively walk into the sunset and disappear.
Diane Keaton

Pretty is a self-serving situation in which it's all about you. People who are pretty are superficial, but they are not beautiful. Beauty requires more depth.
Diane Keaton

Permanence can only be found in the immortality offered by the click of a camera. Like it or not, life moves on as fleetingly as the photograph is enduring.
Diane Keaton

Life is short and experiences with remarkable people are rare.
Diane Keaton

I said I would never go to a psychiatrist, and I spent much of my life in psychoanalysis.
Diane Keaton

It's very odd, being older, because in a way it's hard to own the past, even.
Diane Keaton

I drink red wine on ice to water it down.
Diane Keaton

My mother always said that everyone should be required to write an autobiography of their lives.
Diane Keaton

I don't want to watch [films I was acting in]. I've had enough of me.
Diane Keaton

I'm not a wine connoisseur, but I do like a glass or two at night.
Diane Keaton

I don't think so much anymore. When you're younger, and at your height, then people want you to do that great one again. But seriously, things are forgotten, and that's the truth.
Diane Keaton

[Women photographers] provide an inspiring reminder to all women that the choice to see, or be seen, is ours. We live in a culture in which this decision is undermined by the notion that the single most valuable contribution a woman can make is to be visually attractive. Women photographers make a strong case for seeing and an even stronger case for recording what you see.
Diane Keaton

I used to listen to Judy Garland all the time - I love Judy Garland and her music. But I started to realize that if you keep singing like that, singing songs of being victimized by love over and over and over again, it can't help but have a profound effect on your life.
Diane Keaton

I do believe in saving shoes. But that does not make me a hoarder. I am not a hoarder. But why not save them? Styles come back.
Diane Keaton

I build a wall around myself. I'm hard to get to know. Any trait you have, it gets worse as you go along.
Diane Keaton

There are a lot of movies I feel good about. It was a great experience that I was lucky enough to be there in it. That's the way I feel.
Diane Keaton

I wish I had put myself out there a little bit more and experienced people more instead of protecting myself.
Diane Keaton

Somehow weddings bring out the most insane moments in people's lives.
Diane Keaton

I've never really looked back.
Diane Keaton

My mother was a listener. I'm a talker. I'm very comfortable talking.
Diane Keaton

Topher Grace is a really smart guy, and he really thinks about [acting].
Diane Keaton

My mother was really my partner in every project that I had. She was just the great enabler of my dreams.
Diane Keaton

I had a career and I came to motherhood late and am not married and have never had such a trusting relationship with a man - and trust is where the real power of love comes from.
Diane Keaton

I don't carry little purses. I carry big duffels, always.
Diane Keaton

Without a great man writing and directing for me, I realised I was a mediocre movie star at best.
Diane Keaton

The exhausting effort to control time by altering the effects of age doesn't bring happiness
Diane Keaton