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Dividing Quotes

Religion is here to unite us. It's not here to divide us. If it's dividing us, it's not God's religion, it's something else.
Hamza Yusuf

Religion should act as a bond between us, not as a tear in the fabric of our society. If it serves to separate us, then it is something other than an expression of faith.
Authors on Dividing Quotes: Eve Ensler Laini Taylor Adrian Rogers Mahatma Gandhi David Brooks Hamza Yusuf Anne Rice Margaret Oliphant Ron Fournier Barack Obama Kay Bailey Hutchison Rutvik Oza
Happiness and bacteria have one thing in common; they multiply by dividing!
Rutvik Oza

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
Adrian Rogers

Satan's snares are mostly subtly laid and are the most tempting when the dividing line between right and wrong is so thin as to be imperceptible.
Mahatma Gandhi

There is the past, and there is the future. The present is never more than the single second dividing one from the other. We live poised on that second as it's hurtling forward-toward what?
Laini Taylor

When it comes to dividing Americans on the basis of their gender, I know a little something about the subject.
Kay Bailey Hutchison

I think we have a tendency in America to keep dividing ourselves, separating ourselves from each other.
Eve Ensler

Everyone is dividing based on demographic categories.
David Brooks

For always in her there was a dark place full of despair and a great dividing force to make meaning because there was none.
Anne Rice

I have my own way of dividing people, as I suppose most of us have. There are those whom I can talk to, and those whom I can't.
Margaret Oliphant

It's a bit unfair to accuse Obama of dividing the nation when the facts show that it already is.
Ron Fournier

I'm always suspicious of politics dividing people instead of bringing them together.
Barack Obama