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DJ Khaled Quotes

American rapper and producer, Birth: 26-11-1975 DJ Khaled Quotes
Watch your back, but more importantly when you get out the shower, dry your back. Its a cold world out there.
DJ Khaled

Be cautious and vigilant, but on a more practical note, after bathing make sure to pat yourself dry. It's a cruel world out there.
The other day the grass was brown, now its green cuz I ain't give up. Never surrender.
DJ Khaled

The other day the grass was drab, but now it's verdant because I didn't give in. Never capitulate.
The key is to enjoy life, because they don't want you to enjoy life.
DJ Khaled

'The secret is to savor existence, for they don't have any desire for you to be content.'
They'll try to close the door on you... Just open it.
DJ Khaled

'They'll attempt to shut out your progress... Just push through.'
When you stop making excuses and you work hard and go hard you will be very successful.
DJ Khaled

When you cease to offer justifications and you strive earnestly and make a great effort, you will be very prosperous.
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Almond milk + cinnamon crunch = major key to success.
DJ Khaled

'Whipping up a batch of almond milk and cinnamon crunch is essential for success.'
In life everyone has a choice. The key is: make a right choice.
DJ Khaled

Everyone has the power to decide their own fate; it's paramount to make a wise decision.
To succeed, you must believe. When you believe, you will succeed.
DJ Khaled

Achievement requires conviction; when you are steadfast, triumph will follow.
Quote Topics by DJ Khaled: Keys People Want Real Beautiful Thinking Winning Key To Success Trying Son Use Artist Blessed Play Reality Twenties Clean Records Guy Cost Home Reason Why Games My Family World Fans Blessing Important Skis Hip Hop
We go hard. In everything we do we're going to accomplish our victory and our goal. If it takes a day, a year, or 20 years, we're going to win. I haven't taken a loss because everything I've done has been a working process to win. From being a kid on them turntables to becoming where I am is not a loss. It's a blessing.
DJ Khaled

If you think of something negative and you keep it in your head, you are going to actually live that. Now, if you think of something great and positive and joyful, you're going to actually live that. You've got to be careful what you put in your head. Basically, I'll call that: "Don't ever play yourself."
DJ Khaled

The key is to be honest. Be honest, but don't play yourself.
DJ Khaled

Be candid, yet don't sell yourself short.
Bless up. Don't play yourself.
DJ Khaled

Salute yourself. Don't let yourself down.
You do know it cost money to put a t-shirt on your back? You do know it cost money have a house? You do know it cost money to eat? Get money, don't let these people fool you.
DJ Khaled

'Be aware that there are expenses associated with clothing, housing, and sustenance - don't let anyone lead you astray financially.'
They never said winning was easy.
DJ Khaled

It was never promised that success would be a walk in the park.
One of my keys to success is a lot of pillows. I feel like a lot of pillows is important to relax each piece of your body.
DJ Khaled

One of my secrets to fortune is a copious amount of cushions. I believe that a plentiful quantity of pillows is necessary to soothe each part of your physique.
Stay positive but stay focused. Sometimes things can distract you and you don't want to be distracted on the journey to that mountain top.
DJ Khaled

Remain upbeat yet remain centered. Occasionally things can divert you and you don't wish to be derailed on the path to that summit.
God is the greatest. So at the end of the day and beginning of the day, I thank God.
DJ Khaled

At all times, I am grateful to the Supreme Being.
Don't fall for the trap. Stay focused. It's about staying focused but at the same time God is the greatest, pray it up.
DJ Khaled

Do not be deceived. Maintain your concentration. It is about concentrating but simultaneously remembering that the Almighty holds sway, implore Him for assistance.
The key to more success is coco butter.
DJ Khaled

The secret to greater accomplishment is emollient.
We have to get money. We have no choice. It cost money to eat.
DJ Khaled

We must acquire funds. We cannot avoid it. Spending is requisite for nourishment.
All I do is WIN, WIN, WIN no matter what
DJ Khaled

I always come out on top, no matter the odds.
When I wake up, I immediately pray. When I go to sleep, I pray. Honestly, a prayer every second, in every breath. I suggest the whole world to do it. Prayer is amazing.
DJ Khaled

When I arise, I instantly supplicate. When I retire, I supplicate. Honestly, a plea at all times, in every inhalation. I encourage the entire world to do it. Supplication is remarkable.
Key to more success is a clean heart and a clean face.
DJ Khaled

Working all winter shining all summer
DJ Khaled

Some of the guys when they play, they try to keep it reality. Nah, I need the best everything.
DJ Khaled

I know that I've been put on this Earth to make people happy, to inspire people, and to uplift people. That's a beautiful thing.
DJ Khaled

I'm going to be honest, I would love for Flava Flav to be president. It would bring a lot of excitement to the country.
DJ Khaled

The key to success is to keep your head above the water.
DJ Khaled

Its so real out here right now, the only reason why you see anything is cuz I got the flash on.
DJ Khaled

I'm one of them guys that tries to make everything the best of the best, so sometimes I'm out of control with it. I'm just gonna use every feature to make me outrageous - the best.
DJ Khaled

They go'n try to stop you, they go'n try. Notice how I said true. We ain't never stopping.
DJ Khaled

There will be roadblocks but we will overcome them.
DJ Khaled

Each team always has that one power player, even Carmelo. Those are the guys who would represent the logo.
DJ Khaled

It's simple: Give thanks and use Dove.
DJ Khaled

The minute I leave my house - that is where I feel safe - I'm immediately in the jungle. The key is to survive through the cold world.
DJ Khaled

I don't have time to be going back and forth with nobody.' Even now, when I work, I'm excited to go home to see my son. If I'm working, I make sure I FaceTime so many times in the day just to see him. Anytime I get frustrated or stressed, I FaceTime my son and immediately I don't even know what stress is because I'm accepting my life. When I see him, I see me.
DJ Khaled

The minute we think we went hard, go harder. We gotta work.
DJ Khaled

They don't want you to jet ski, they don't want you to smile.
DJ Khaled

I've know Jeezy before he was Jeezy. I've been down with Cash Money from back in the day. So these are real relationships. I'm there for them and they're there for me. And they know if I'm going to make a record with somebody, I'm gonna hit a home run.
DJ Khaled

I can deal with everything. I got the answer for anything.
DJ Khaled

I'm coming to the artist with a smash. I'm like, "Yo this is a smash. We've got to go in."
DJ Khaled

I've seen my family work so hard and come up, and I've seen it all get taken away. I had to man up, and part of that was sleeping in my car, getting an apartment for a month, and getting evicted the next month. Staying in the $25 - $35 hotels. I just never panicked. I stayed focused and I never surrendered.
DJ Khaled

Sometimes I'm in the studio, sometimes I'm not. It's about delivering the music to the artist, but it's also about the inspiration.
DJ Khaled

When you success you have to be very smart and be extra focused and protect your surroundings.
DJ Khaled

Give thanks to the most high.
DJ Khaled

Have faith in God. Stay focused.
DJ Khaled

Every album I make big records. I'm going to always make an anthem. That's what I do.
DJ Khaled

They don't want you to wear the Saint Lauren fur, they don't want you to break App Store, they don't want you to be the biggest boss in the game. So what we go'n do is we go'n win more.
DJ Khaled

I try to just focus on the love and my family. That's what I'm focussed on every single day.
DJ Khaled

I don't have no favorite rock bands. I'm a fan of rock music though.
DJ Khaled