Christianity is being concerned about [others], not building a million-dollar church while people are starving right around the corner. Christ was a revolutionary person, out there where it was happening. That's what God is all about, and that's where I get my strength.
Fannie Lou Hamer
I always said marriage should be a fifty-fifty proposition. He should be at least fifty years old, and have at least fifty-million dollars.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
I have always believed that matrimony should be a balanced agreement. The ideal partner should be of mature age and possess substantial financial resources.
If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor, then stop saying that you want a country based on Christian values. Because you don't!
John Fugelsang
If you don't desire for your contributions to assist the destitute, then desist from proclaiming that you wish for a nation rooted in Christian principles. For it is not compatible!
Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.
Warren Buffett
"Of the billionaires I have encountered, wealth only magnifies their fundamental characteristics. If they were unpleasant prior to acquiring immense riches, they are merely disagreeable with a billion dollars."
Republicans are horrible with civil liberties, and not so good with dollars and cents. Democrats are horrible with dollars and cents, and not so good with civil liberties.
Gary Johnson
Republicans are not respectful of civil liberties, and financially irresponsible. Democrats are fiscally inept, and lack consideration for civil liberties.
You can cuss out colonialism, imperialism, and all other kinds of ism, but it's hard for you to cuss that dollarism. When they drop those dollars on you, your soul goes.
Malcolm X
You can rail against colonialism, imperialism, and all other forms of oppression, but it's hard to resist the lure of money. When those coins come raining down, your spirit is moved.
Companies spend millions of dollars on firewalls and secure access devices, and it's money wasted because none of these measures address the weakest link in the security chain: the people who use, administer and operate computer systems
Kevin Mitnick
I'd be a billionaire if I could get a dollar for all the bullsh*t that I hear a day.
Big Sean
I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week.
John D. Rockefeller
If a guy pays you five dollars, you give him seven dollars worth of work.
Bill Russell
If we exchange one dollar, we both have one dollar each. But if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts
Abraham Lincoln
The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.
Smedley Butler
What's at the end of a million dollars? Zero, zero, zero... nothing. A circle with a hole in it.
Humphrey Bogart
Fashion is not art. Fashion isnt even culture. Fashion is advertising, and advertising is money. And for every dollar you earn, someone has to pay.
Gia Carangi
I don't need anything as long as I have my family, friends, millions of dollars, unlimited pussy.
Bo Burnham
Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a dime in your pocket.
Lee Trevino
You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. ... Now, I've been blessed to make hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I can't take it with me, and neither can you. It's not how much you have but what you do with what you have.
Denzel Washington
The privatization plan weakens Social Security and threatens our economic security by creating trillions of dollars in new debt.
Ruben Hinojosa
A newspaper man wrote an article that I had 300 million dollars, well, I wish I had a million dollars
Meyer Lansky
Folks can't carry around money in their pocket. They've got to go to an ATM machine, and they've got to pay a few dollars to get their own dollars out of the machine. Who ever thought you'd pay cash to get cash? That's where we've gotten to.
Bill Janklow
Every single person you meet, look at them like a golden million dollar baby.
Lil B
Eventually, in '84, we made a film for a little over a million dollars - with American actors that was shot in English - that was shown in Finland A little action film called Born American.
Renny Harlin
My high salary for one season was forty-six thousand dollars and a Cadillac.
Duke Snider
I do not sell life insurance. I sell money. I sell dollars for pennies apiece. My dollars cost 3 cents per dollar per year.
Ben Feldman
Worried bout ya followers? You need to get ya dollars up.
Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.
Benjamin Franklin
A dollar might turn to a million and we all rich that's just how i feel
Kendrick Lamar
Friday was Atlanta. That was fifteen bucks. Once a month, we made a six hundred mile trip from Indianapolis down to Atlanta, and at fifteen dollars, by the time you feed yourself and buy gasoline, you're minus about ten bucks.
Lou Thesz
If you’ve given a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope .
Terry Fox
The most important thing in your life is your health and your body. You can have all the education and you can have millions of dollars in the bank, but if you've got headaches every day, if you're fat and you are out of shape - what good is your money? Your health account and your bank account, build them both up!
Jack LaLanne
If I give $1,000 dollars I deserve to get back $100,000 because I am just, that's not greed!
Jesse Duplantis
Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do.
Joe Biden
Insider trading tells everybody at precisely the wrong time that everything is rigged, and only people who have a billion dollars and have access to and are best friends with people who are on boards of directors of major companies - they're the only ones who can make a true buck.
Preet Bharara
There are only four things in life that matter. The first is happiness and I'll sell you the other three for a dollar.
Sam Walton
But 17 years ago, I arrived at CNN with a suitcase, with my bicycle, and with about 100 dollars.
Christiane Amanpour
I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes the recent stock-market crash, where they lost several million dollars, a rabble of dead money that went sliding off into the sea.
Federico Garcia Lorca
The only reason to make a million dollars in this business is to tell some fat producer to go to hell.
Humphrey Bogart
President Obama inherited a one trillion dollar deficit courtesy of George Bush and turned it into a three trillion dollar deficit courtesy of Karl Marx!
Michael Savage
I've seen Keith fall asleep at business meetings about millions of dollars for him-because of heroin, just nod out and then wake up and answer a question.
Charlie Watts
I'm not married, I frequently use my debit card to buy things that cost less than three dollars, and my bedroom is so untidy it looks like vandals ransacked the Anthropologie sale section. I'm kind of a mess.
Mindy Kaling
It's expensive to keep communism alive today. I've already got a huge foreign debt staring me in the face, and I can't reduce it by exporting tomatoes or toilet paper. We should be making dollars any way we can. And we should be exporting arms any way and every way, openly and secretly, legally or by smuggling, I don't care how.
Nicolae Ceausescu
I'll tell you why I like the cigarette business. It cost a penny to make. Sell it for a dollar. It's addictive. And there's a fantastic brand loyalty.
Warren Buffett
If you're totally illiterate and living on one dollar a day, the benefits of globalization never come to you.
Jimmy Carter
Greetings, friends. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. So use it and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is just a dollar away.
There are no tests similar to SATs to tell us how much undergraduates know. State legislators, who appropriate billions of dollars each year to higher education, are naturally interested in finding out what they are getting for their money.
Derek Bok
I'm angry when we have to use state dollars to fill holes in our low-income heating assistance program because there isn't enough support from Washington.
Jodi Rell
A charity dollar has only one life; a Social Business dollar can be invested over and over again.
Muhammad Yunus
Big business, for all its lobbying, is often put in line by investigative reporting, public scandals and multi-million-dollar judgments in court against those who put products on the market that are dangerous to their buyers.
Stanley Crouch
Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes, we do in one regard. We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn't have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super-wealthy. That's not a tax raise. That's called fairness where I come from.
Joe Biden
You bet every member of Congress who votes for this bill ought to read it, read it thoroughly, and understand that what we're looking at here amounts to nothing more than a government takeover of our health care economy, paid for with nearly a trillion dollars in new taxes on individuals and small businesses. And it must be opposed.
Mike Pence