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Doug Ose Quotes

I mean people up here aren't stupid, I'm lower gene pool and I kind of sit in amazement at watching some of them because they are pretty damn smart.
Doug Ose

Drug abuse is a medical disease that requires medical professionals.
Doug Ose

When we visited with legislative counsel, they told us that the only way to effectively accomplish what we were trying to do was to put the words in the legislation.
Doug Ose

A safe, affordable and plentiful supply of food is a national security issue.
Doug Ose

Currently under FCC policy, indecency determinations hinge on two factors. First, material must describe or depict sexual or excretory organs or activities. Second, the material must be patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium.
Doug Ose

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There are a lot of latchkey kids. I don't want to be sitting there when a guy blurts something out over the TV and have my daughters ask me what those words mean.
Doug Ose

Clearly, high energy prices will have a large negative effect on the California economy and could possibly drag the rest of the nation into a recession.
Doug Ose

I know how to make stuff happen, how to create wealth, create jobs, create investment.
Doug Ose

Quote Topics by Doug Ose: Mean Disease Drug Thinking Stupid Issues Way Stuff Happens Daughter Jobs Negative Fcc Two Abuse People Smart National Security Legislation Safe Trying Wealth Mother California Energy Determination
What does it mean to have a Republican majority in the House? A lot of people think So what? They should think again.
Doug Ose