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Duality Quotes

The sense of duality, which is a barrier to true love, must prevail so long as the apperception of Truth has not occurred. Once individuality is surrendered, there is only total Love.
Ramesh S Balsekar

Authors on Duality Quotes: Alan Watts Leonard Jacobson Hans Urs von Balthasar Joss Whedon Fernando Pessoa Anais Nin Joseph Wechsberg James Hetfield Ramesh S Balsekar George Michael Siegfried Sassoon Edward Norton Gilbert K. Chesterton Zola Jesus David Loy
In me the tiger sniffs the rose.
Siegfried Sassoon

Every explicit duality is an implicit unity.
Alan Watts

Thus it is necessary to commence from an inescapable duality: the finite is not the infinite.
Hans Urs von Balthasar

It's almost required with major artists that there's some duality. And I've got duality everywhere.
George Michael

In presence, there is no right or wrong, because there is no duality. There is no judgment.
Leonard Jacobson

To accept duality is to earn identity.
Joss Whedon

My whole life was duality: Here's my life at home, here's my life on the road.
James Hetfield

The duality of St Petersburg and Leningrad remains. They are not even on speaking terms.
Joseph Wechsberg

Duality is not a story. Duality is just a complexity.
Edward Norton

Duality is always secretly unity.
Alan Watts

We, all who live, have A life that is lived And another life that is thought, And the only life we have It's the one that is divided In right or wrong.
Fernando Pessoa

There are as many types of non-dualities as there are dualities.
David Loy

Great repressions create dualities.
Anais Nin

I am at one with my duality.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Everything I do is a reflection of the duality within me. Musically, I really love things that are very synthetic and unnatural. And I also like the organic and human... the intrinsic, I guess.
Zola Jesus