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Eating Quotes

Never make eye contact with anyone while eating a banana
Harry Styles

Avoid glancing at anyone while consuming a banana.
Authors on Eating Quotes: Michael Pollan William Shakespeare Mason Cooley Deepak Chopra Robert Herrick Mario Batali M. F. K. Fisher Jonathan Swift Horace Eric Schlosser Noam Chomsky George Herbert Dana Gould Miguel de Cervantes Malcolm X Wendell Berry Harry Styles Anne Sexton Daniel Handler Roald Dahl Martial E. W. Howe Oprah Winfrey Britney Spears Anthony Bourdain Demetri Martin Geoffrey Zakarian Steve Albini Seth Rogen Donald Trump Slavoj Žižek Moliere Karl Pilkington
Eating is one of the most important aspects of living. I like indulging. I like to eat one food at a time, to savor each individual thing.
Marco Pierre White

I already am eating from the trash can all the time. The name of this trash can is ideology. The material force of ideology makes me not see what I am effectively eating.
Slavoj Žižek

I also became a vegetarian when I was 14 because I realized eating animals was cruel.
Julia Hill

Eating toast in the shower is the ultimate multitask
Harry Styles

She liked Victorian novels. They were the only kind of novel you could read while eating an apple.
Stella Gibbons

We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depend on it - because they do.
Michael Greger

You'll never regret eating blueberries or working up a sweat.
Jacquelyn Mitchard

I woke up an hour before I was supposed to, and started going over the mental checklist: where do I go from here, what do I do? I don't remember eating anything at all, just going through the physical, getting into the suit. We practiced that so much, it was all rote.
Alan Shepard

While eating your appetizer, don't be concerned with dessert.
Wayne Dyer

You wouldn't go very long without eating food; don't let your spirit starve either. Feed on the Word of God every day.
Victoria Osteen

There is a savor of life and immortality in substantial fare. Like balloons, we are nothing till filled.
Herman Melville

Am I eating chicken or tuna?
Jessica Simpson

The thought of continually eating something like macaroni, spat out by machinery, fills me with fear and revulsion, so I make macaroni sculptures. I make them and make them and then keep on making them, until I bury myself in the process. I call this 'obliteration.'
Yayoi Kusama

Eating is one of the great beauties in life. One of my favorite recreations... eating with friends, the service, the ambience.
LeRoy Neiman

It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is 'soporific'.
Beatrix Potter

I'm not from a maple producing area and so my maple syrup credentials are very much of the eating side.
Nancy Greene

Food to a large extent is what holds a society together, and eating is closely linked to deep spiritual experiences.
Peter Farb

I will never use a substitute for butter. Margarine is one molecule away from eating plastic.
Paula Deen

Everybody's eating all my - brownies, granola, anything you eat cooked, I can find you raw.
Carol Alt

Making movies is eating candy. It's a very expensive candy, so you value when you can do it. So when you can do it twice at once, it's like, you know, a kid in a candy store!
Phillip Noyce

We are eating too much of the wrong thing, and not enough of the right thing
David Wolfe

Only a rank degenerate would drive 1,500 miles across Texas without eating a chicken fried steak.
Larry McMurtry

Even if you don't eat at a fast food restaurant, you're now eating food that's produced by this system.
Joel Salatin

From the described experiment it is clear that the mere act of eating, the food even not reaching the stomach, determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.
Ivan Pavlov

A day in the life of Ronnie Coleman mainly consists of eating, training or sleeping.
Ronnie Coleman

Food is for eating, and good food is to be enjoyed... I think food is, actually, very beautiful in itself.
Delia Smith

Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day
Jennifer Lawrence

Renew every day your conversation with God: Do this even in preference to eating. Think more often of God than you breathe.

Playing without the fundamentals is like eating without a knife and fork. You make a mess.
Dick Williams

Disgusting. I just found my grandpa's Viagra. I swear, I almost puked from eating so many.
Anthony Jeselnik

Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared.
Jesse Browner

Fashion is like eating. You shoudn't stick with the same menu.
Kenzo Takada

The genuine Amphitryon is the Amphitryon with whom we dine.

Sharing our meals should be a joyful and a trustful act, rather than the cursory fulfillment of our social obligations.
M. F. K. Fisher

I don't believe you can ever really cook unless you love eating.
Nigella Lawson

One of the benefits of eating salad is that you can eat tons of it and never be satisfied.
Jim Gaffigan

Claiming that someone's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet.
Seth Rogen

The proof of the pudding is the eating.
Miguel de Cervantes

My mother always said, 'When you're eating pretzels, chew before you swallow'. Always listen to your mother.
George W. Bush

Eating outdoors makes for good health and long life and good temper, everyone knows that.
Elsie de Wolfe

In short, software is eating the world
Marc Andreessen

I didnt get this physique by not eating tacos.
Jon Tester

For me a day without training is like a day without eating.
Haile Gebrselassie

I don't think I have charisma. I don't think that someone will yell 'Wow, he's charismatic' when I'm eating in a restaurant.
Jay Park

Food, to me, is always about cooking and eating with those you love and care for.
David Chang

I've never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don't like eating fish and I know that's very popular out there in Africa.
Britney Spears

You don`t get mood swings from eating cornflakes
O. J. Simpson

Eating is an environmental act.
Alice Waters

One can be unhappy before eating caviar, even after, but at least not during.
Irving Kristol