It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.
Kofi Annan
[Globalization] has enriched the world scientifically and culturally and benefited many people economically as well.
Amartya Sen
We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the world's people share the benefits of globalization.
Kofi Annan
Globalization is a complex issue, partly because economic globalization is only one part of it. Globalization is greater global closeness, and that is cultural, social, political, as well as economic.
Amartya Sen
The greatest weapon of mass destruction is corporate economic globalization.
Kenny Ausubel
We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face.
Kofi Annan
In the US, most progressives start to see the differences between internationalism and economic globalization.
David Korten
The negative side to globalization is that it wipes out entire economic systems and in doing so wipes out the accompanying culture
Peter L. Berger
We are committed with our lives to building a different model and a different future for humanity, the Earth, and other species. We have envisaged a moral alternative to economic globalization and we will not rest until we see it realized.
Maude Barlow
For when we talk about the spreading power and influence of globalization, arent we really referring to the spreading economic and military might of the US?
Fredric Jameson
Power that controls the economy should be in the hands of elected representatives of the people, not in the hands of an industrial oligarchy.
William O. Douglas
Well, we see an increasingly weaker labor movement as a result of the overall assault on the labor movement and as a result of the globalization of capital.
Angela Davis
The globalization of the capital market is actually part of economic globalization. This will create a change in the entire world economy, not just restricted to some fields in some countries.
Richard Grasso
I'm generally in favor of economic globalization. Having said that, it doesnt always work and does not immediately work in the interest of all. There are sufferers.
Amartya Sen
The myth of the inevitability of economic globalization is based largely on the work of Milton Friedman, and easily the most underreported story of our time is that the current economy proves Friedman flatly wrong.
Molly Ivins
Economic globalization creates wealth, but only for the elite who benefit from the surge of consolidations, mergers, global scale technology, and financial activity.
Anita Roddick
Corporations now govern society, perhaps more than governments themselves do; yet ironically, it is their very power, much of which they have gained through economic globalization, that makes them vulnerable.
Joel Bakan
The triumph of economic globalization has inspired a wave of techno-savvy investigative activists who are as globally minded as the corporations they track.
Naomi Klein