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Elsewhere Quotes

What peace can we hope to find elsewhere if we have none within us
Teresa of Avila

What tranquility can we aspire to discover elsewhere if we have none inside us?
Authors on Elsewhere Quotes: Gabrielle Zevin William Shakespeare Ambrose Arthur Rimbaud Andre Breton A. S. Byatt Lew Wallace Gilles Marini Alan Bennett Adolf Hitler Jules Verne Philip Larkin Mark Twain Kenneth Rogoff Albert Camus Jack Driscoll Alain Badiou Mordecai Richler Teresa of Avila Paul Davies Jane Austen Frederick Douglass Isabelle Eberhardt Charlotte Gainsbourg Hosea Ballou Ray Davies Erykah Badu Jimmy Carter Anjem Choudary Mark Dever Harvey Mackay Chuck Grassley Lois Lowry
Very often we don’t go elsewhere because we are looking for another person. We go elsewhere because we are looking for another self. It isn’t so much that we want to leave the person we are with as we want to leave the person we have become.
Esther Perel

When in Rome, live as the Romans do. When elsewhere, live as they live elsewhere.

It just works better for me to discriminate between which thoughts are mine and which come from elsewhere, before I even talk about them or express them - it helps to keep me focused on my path.
Erykah Badu

Indians are numerous in the tropical regions; not so elsewhere.
Ezra Stiles

It is very risky. But each time a child opens a book, he pushes open the gate that separates him from Elsewhere.
Lois Lowry

What a life! True life is elsewhere. We are not in the world.
Arthur Rimbaud

True life is elsewhere
Arthur Rimbaud

I like people who dream or talk to themselves interminably; I like them, for they are double. They are here and elsewhere.
Albert Camus

Intelligence is a great leveler here as elsewhere
Frederick Douglass

Deep down inside of all of us is the power to accomplish what we want to, if we'll just stop looking elsewhere.
Harvey Mackay

There's always this thing of wanting to be elsewhere.
Charlotte Gainsbourg

If you are at Rome live in the Roman style; if you are elsewhere live as they live elsewhere.

Life is generally something that happens elsewhere.
Alan Bennett

Nearly all Bolshevist agitators in Germany and elsewhere were Jews.
Adolf Hitler

I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere.
Isabelle Eberhardt

It is living and ceasing to live that are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere.
Andre Breton

The life we have on Earth must have spontaneously generated itself. It must therefore be possible for life to generate spontaneously elsewhere in the universe.
Stephen Hawking

Global markets have a much bigger effect on prices and wages in the U.S. and elsewhere than they did before.
Kenneth Rogoff

I've written so many songs about Englishmen, I have to go elsewhere.
Ray Davies

Keep going until you get good counsel that is persuasive for you that you should go elsewhere.
Mark Dever

All calculations based on experience elsewhere, fail in New Mexico.
Lew Wallace

If we're looking for intelligence in the universe I think everybody assumes that this has to start with life and so the question is: "How likely is it that there will be life elsewhere in the universe?"
Paul Davies

You don't reach Serendib by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings... serendipitously.
John Barth

St. Elsewhere was certainly a great show
Mark Harmon

No one actually needs another person or another person's love to survive. Love is when we have irrationally convinced ourselves that we do.
Gabrielle Zevin

Wherever I travel I'm too late. The orgy has moved elsewhere.
Mordecai Richler

There is a world elsewhere.
William Shakespeare

If the Sharia was to be implemented elsewhere, and, as part of its foreign policy, it would remove the operators in the way of preventing the Sharia.
Anjem Choudary

Every thread you discover in the local web of life leads beyond your place to life elsewhere.
Scott Sanders

Utopia means elsewhere.
John Malkovich

Since mine own doors refuse to entertain me, I'll knock elsewhere, to see if they'll disdain me
William Shakespeare

I guess the grass is always greener elsewhere.
Gilles Marini

We Galvins define leadership as 'taking people elsewhere.'
Christopher Galvin

At Kiel, as elsewhere, a day goes by somehow or other.
Jules Verne

In the South the war is what A.D. is elsewhere; they date from it.
Mark Twain

You are safe with me." "I am not at all safe, with you. But I have no desire to be elsewhere.
A. S. Byatt

As a writer, I find it a literal impossibility to disengage from whatever the location might be, given how everything that eventually transpires as part of the ongoing narrative is informed by it. In other words, try relocating the stories elsewhere, and what's the effect? They almost immediately cease to exist.
Jack Driscoll

But there was happiness elsewhere which no description can reach.
Jane Austen

Here no elsewhere underwrites my existence.
Philip Larkin

Unless we find repose within ourselves, it is vain to seek it elsewhere.
Hosea Ballou

Truth is a new word in Europe (and elsewhere).
Alain Badiou

Because we are free, we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere.
Jimmy Carter

It's always weird to eat something that is a pet elsewhere.
Nick Kroll

It wouldn't do me much good to back somebody that won in Iowa if they can't carry on the campaign elsewhere.
Chuck Grassley

On Elsewhere we fool ourselves into thinking we know what will be just because we know the amount of time we have left. We know this, but we never really know what will be. We never know what will happen.
Gabrielle Zevin