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Eric Bolling Quotes

Eric Bolling Quotes
And yet when you take Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, whatever, their combined killings in the name of religion -- well, that would be zero.
Eric Bolling

Global warming is not a threat. It's not a real threat. It's not a credible threat. It's not an imminent threat. ISIS is.
Eric Bolling

Whether they did or didn't, America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don't remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during that period of time.
Eric Bolling

The reason why rappers are living in - you know, driving in Mercedes-Benz's and living in neighborhoods is because they're selling their music, not just to the black community, but to the white community.
Eric Bolling

We're [the USA] not going to go attack anyone. We're going to be really cool. We're not going to be exceptional anymore. Everyone's on an equal playing field. I mean that's dangerous. That's more dangerous than making this deal with Iran.
Eric Bolling

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I'd never want to have a gun. I don't think we need guns in this country and I hate it, and I think the NRA is a disaster area.
Eric Bolling

It's President [Barack] Obama sounding the alarm, scaring the crap out of the American people. Saying if you don't raise the debt feeling, we're going to default.
Eric Bolling

You [ the American President] can print more money, you just print and pay. I mean, it's a bad option, but you can do it.
Eric Bolling

Quote Topics by Eric Bolling: People President Thinking Military Winning Mean Jobs White Talking Needs Guy Years America Couple Ifs Doe Community Want Gun May Party Defense Air Lying Running Race Way Feelings Leader Immigration
[If] You don't like the rule, change the rule; but play by the rules.
Eric Bolling

When people don't comply, things - bad things will happen afterwards.
Eric Bolling

I think that there's an important point to make if you're running for president, which is that you tell the American people how you would handle a crisis. She [Hillary Clinton] is saying here's what I would do in terms of air power, in terms of dealing with the enemy. Donald Trump never says a word. He just says, "I've got a secret plan." He impugns the president .
Eric Bolling

President O[bama] talks the talk and then walks a completely different walk. I would call him the divider-in-chief.
Eric Bolling

I also point out that the Democrat senator from Maryland, called the Tea Party, teabaggers.
Eric Bolling

Pen in Barack Obama hands is far more dangerous than any other president, at least in modern history, if not ever.
Eric Bolling

The left is quick to blame Donald Trump, but who are the protesters disrupting the events? Domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers was among the demonstrators in line outside the University of Illinois, Chicago pavilion. George Soros of Moveon.org fundraise off to destruction, post Chicago. If the bad guys are the ones behind the protest, why are we giving them so much air time and credibility?
Eric Bolling

You could pay a fair market price for a barrel of oil and cut 50 cents a barrel or a dollar barrel off what you're going to pay Mexico and use that money and put it towards to the building a wall. If they don't like it, too bad we're go buy the oil.
Eric Bolling

Hillary Clinton wouldn't have make a joke about wiping the server clean with a towel or now we find out about bashing old Blackberries to get rid of them or the fact that she had 13 Blackberries.
Eric Bolling

President Obama promised to usher in a new era of civility in our political discourse. We should make sure that, quote, "talk to each other in ways that heal, not in ways that wound," close quote.
Eric Bolling

Here's the thing: We have plenty of time. These are cockroaches and we want to kill them all. They're just absolute pieces of garbage and we will get them. So why don't we try the air campaign first?
Eric Bolling

Incentivizing more clinics to incentivize the young women, to may or may not want to have an abortion to say, you know what, if we talk her into an abortion, we'll be able to sell it for 75 bucks up to 300 bucks.
Eric Bolling

We're not going to default. We just won't default. I mean, there are ways of not defaulting even if you don't raise the debt ceiling, and even if you don't fund the government.
Eric Bolling

That's exactly what [Donald] Trump says, Putin is a great leader. We should love Putin. He has a high popular and everybody oh, fine, you guys - oh, that's terrific.
Eric Bolling

Let me speak to you as someone who is a republican, like Stuart Stevens who worked for Romney, right? He said if Barack Obama in '08 had said, oh, you know, [Vladimir] Putin is better than George W. Bush as a leader, he said republicans would have said Obama, get out of the race. You're a disgrace to the American people.
Eric Bolling

What's the legacy of President Obama? I think this is just another, another example of passing the buck. It never stops at the White House.
Eric Bolling

Listen, you may not like the fact that I'm talking about Donald Trump, but the facts are that he is now, this is a race. This is a - it's no longer Hillary's [Clinton]. This is now a horse race.
Eric Bolling

There is a massive problem with veteran suicides.
Eric Bolling

I think it's important here to keep something in mind. I mean, when you're looking at last night and you see Matt Lauer unable to tell [Donald Trump], "Hey, you know what? You're lying here."
Eric Bolling

American businesses are looking for are certainty and executive orders don't really get them that.
Eric Bolling

A lot of unions are doing the same thing on the left that the NRA is doing on the right.
Eric Bolling

Animals are so beautiful. Why does an American dentist need to go to Africa to kill them? Look, I get it. You're a hunter? Go kill a deer and eat it or a bear where there's a lot of them. But I just don't get it.
Eric Bolling

It's funny that and the same statement [Barack Obama] made when he's talking about Republicans and the Iranians, he's talking to Republicans through the television. He said, if any of you are watching this, you need to think about who you're hurting.
Eric Bolling

What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest.
Eric Bolling

President Obama, right after the Gabby Gifford shooting said we need to usher in a new era of civil discourse in politics. But not heeding his own advice.
Eric Bolling

Dan Pfeiffer for me probably the most concerning at all because he is the [President Barack Obama] strategic communications adviser. What's the strategy ?
Eric Bolling

The reason why no one had spoken to [Iranians] for the last years is because they sponsored Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians, Al Qaeda, 9/11. The last time anyone spoke to the Iranians was when Ronald Reagan said, 'I've just been elected and you better let our hostages go or you guys are absolutely screwed'.
Eric Bolling

[Donald Trump] said that he has intelligence briefings. He's heard stuff that body language. It's very wild to me.
Eric Bolling

And there are a lot of groups or mayors that might say, hey, I need the money. I have budget deficit, so I have to do it and they do it. It doesn't matter what the community wants or where the money comes from?
Eric Bolling

Republicans didn't lie to the American people about whether there were classified e-mails on that server and Republicans didn't tell families of Americans killed in Benghazi that a video was to blame for their murders. There isn't a vast right-wing conspiracy, Madam Secretary. Just like there wasn't one back in 1998.
Eric Bolling

In honor of Al Gore, green tea, not Tea Party, but Al Gore green tea. And by the way, it's tree hugger-approved.
Eric Bolling

Yes, Jews - typically American Jews, typically vote democrat, I get that.
Eric Bolling

People with felony convictions - pending felony convictions should not be able to buy gun, but they should be able to stay in sanctuary cities, if they're illegal, if they cross the border.
Eric Bolling

Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, they all have ties to Iranian money. I think they are the biggest exist - existential threat... Russia could be up there, but I think it would probably be to one of our NATO allies rather than the homeland.
Eric Bolling

American troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. And so she [Hillary Clinton] is saying we're not going to go back down that road, which is what the American people want. They don't want us putting more troops.
Eric Bolling

The American people don't want additional troops on the ground.
Eric Bolling

The people who are working, paying their taxes are put into the system so that affordable housing could be built in neighborhoods that they probably live in that. That they may not want to, they may pay a premium so that they could live where they want to live and you end up with just another massive redistribution of wealth.
Eric Bolling

Instead of building housing in a wealthy neighborhood and saying, here you go, here's some under the market which will, by the way, drop the market for everyone's housing. Go into the lower income neighborhoods and say, here's a business incentives, so that people can get jobs.
Eric Bolling

If Hillary Clinton wants to win the White House, she's gonna have to convince Americans they can trust her and if you seen the polls, they don't. There's one American who has faith in her, her husband Bill.
Eric Bolling

When other presidents used the executive pen, they used to it for things like should we lower the flag at half mast for someone who died and things like that. When President Obama uses it, he changes the way America does business.
Eric Bolling

Isn't that what our job to do is right there in media to discuss what politicians are doing so they stop doing it.
Eric Bolling

There are so many numerical financial flaws in ObamaCare. Young people realize I'll take the penalty. I'll deal with whatever it takes for the next couple of years. Maybe a couple years down the road, they will start to pay.
Eric Bolling