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Fantastic Quotes

It's fantastic because I've been living thousands of lives, not only my life.
Claudia Cardinale

I'm privileged to have experienced an abundance of lives, not just my own.
Authors on Fantastic Quotes: Donald Trump Bill Gates Oscar Wilde Romain Grosjean Shahrukh Khan Katy Perry Lawrence Fagg Melissa George David Cunliffe Yancy Butler Felix Dennis Jonathan Lethem Ellie Krieger Alex Riley Robert Plant Leonard Orr Claudia Cardinale Ravi Shankar Rafael Nadal Neil Patrick Harris Jane Badler Danielle Dax Ashleigh Brilliant Rufus Reid Jerry Rice Ed Helms Bruce Chatwin Rob Letterman Graham Nash Bernard Meltzer Lorenz Hart Delano Johnson Unknown
Against Juventus we were massive underdogs, so to beat them was fantastic.
Steven Gerrard

Robotics and other combinations will make the world pretty fantastic compared with today.
Bill Gates

Cautionary tales were fantastic in the '70s.
Alfonso Cuaron

Since Sven Goran Eriksson took over, England have been fantastic.
Franz Beckenbauer

Wide awake I can make my most fantastic dreams come true.
Lorenz Hart

You tend to think that there is a big gap between F1 and everything else. F1 is where all the fantastic drivers are, so you just don't know how good you are until you get there.
Jean Alesi

Part of the appeal of the fantastic is taking ridiculous ideas very seriously and pretending they're not absurd.
China Mieville

Australians don't have a preconceived notion of what things have to be... we can go on a fantastic journey.
Yahoo Serious

Suckle was the first West Indian DJ and he had this fantastic source of music.
Georgie Fame

What is necessary is not to seek after some fantastic ideal, utterly unsuited to our real needs, but to discover the true nature of those needs, to fulfill them, and rejoice therein.
Aleister Crowley

My definition of beauty is something between extremely ugly and extremely fantastic.
Riccardo Tisci

I have a fantastic relationship with money. I use it to buy my freedom.
Gianni Versace

But I went down to Venezuela and spend a few weeks going through jungles. It's fantastic looking.
Vincente Minnelli

Be not afraid of absurdity; do not shrink from the fantastic. Within a dilemma, choose the most unheard-of, the most dangerous solution. Be brave, be brave.
Isak Dinesen

I want women to choose something that makes them feel empowered and fantastic and admired by many people.
Carolina Herrera

I think God is the most fantastic designer.
Roberto Cavalli

Singapore is a pretty fantastic place, and the race is always a challenge.
Romain Grosjean

I went to Kerala in India, to learn Ayurveda, which was fantastic.
Leslie Caron

Competition is always a fantastic thing, and the computer industry is intensely competitive.
Bill Gates

The ecstasy and completion of absorption in God is so fantastic that you can't possibly have lost anything because all the things you've always loved and always experienced came forth from there and exist there and are always there.
Frederick Lenz

At the Tour, you always have some fantastic days and some days where you hit the asphalt. Today was an asphalt day for me.
Jens Voigt

From infancy onward, children are the most fantastic learners in the world.
Daniel Quinn

What is admirable about the fantastic is that there is no longer anything fantastic: there is only the real.
Andre Breton

I like to think that we’re revolving on this planet and revolving through the galaxy. I love having context that’s so much bigger than I can fathom. It’s fantastic to realise how insignificant you are.
Benedict Cumberbatch

Poetry, even when apparently most fantastic, is always a revolt against artifice, a revolt, in a sense, against actuality.
James Joyce

The possibility of being as free with the camera as we are with the pen is a fantastic prospect for the creative life of the 21st century.
Carlos Fuentes

Danish film is spreading in a fantastic way.
Mads Mikkelsen

I put £150,000 into the stage production of Grease and have got back £1.5 million so far. It has been a fantastic success.
Jeffrey Archer

I always thought filet mignon was the steak to beat, but the fat content in a rib eye is fantastic.
Neil Patrick Harris

He's a fantastic player and he's going to be around so much longer so I'm happy with every one I get before he takes them all
Rafael Nadal

I have a fantastic method for anti-ageing. It's eating. Plumps out your skin beautifully.
Miranda Hart

Digital reading will completely take over. It's lightweight and it's fantastic for sharing. Over time it will take over.
Bill Gates

Obviously, waste disposal is an enormous and fantastic industry.
Felix Dennis

I never liked Jules Verne, believing that the real was always more fantastic than the fantastical.
Bruce Chatwin

It's not that I wear fantastic clothes, it's just that clothes look fantastic on me.
Shahrukh Khan

Lionel Messi? When I played against him at Sevilla it was always very difficult, so now I'm pleased that we're on the same side. He's just fantastic.
Dani Alves

You could start at a path leading nowhere more fantastic than from your own front steps to the sidewalk, and from there you could go… well, anywhere at all.
Stephen King

You are a fantastic scheme of captivating ecstasy.
Delano Johnson

The artistic capability of reinforced concrete is so fantastic - that is the way to go.
Oscar Niemeyer

My mum had a cousin that had played when he was younger. When I showed an interest in drumming, he showed me how to mummy-daddy roll and that set me up for a bit. And to be honest, it's all about the sound, the noise, the rattle and hum. Who wouldn't want to make a fantastic noise with drums and cymbals?!
Al Murray

Even If you're doing the same thing over & over, U need to discover something new, fantastic & unbelievable that went unnoticed the time before.
Paulo Coelho

He's fantastic on the ground but obviously he is very tall. (on Peter Crouch)
Michael Owen

A true buddy is a person who thinks that you'll be a fantastic egg although he is aware that you are somewhat cracked.
Bernard Meltzer

Socialism without public ownership is nothing but a fantastic apology.
Michael Foot

When you're 20 years old and you're making points with volume and dynamism, it's a fantastic thing to do.
Robert Plant

A good story can take you on a fantastic journey.
Walt Disney

The only human being I could tell everything was my sister Françoise. She and I were so diametrically different; put together we would have been a fantastic woman.
Catherine Deneuve

If you go out to Hollywood you'll find a lot of fantastic plastic people there in the business and a lot of people in life generally. They find it so hard to be themselves that they have to be plastic.
Jimmy Cliff

Melbourne is a fantastic place to work, but it's not the centre of the world.
Patricia Piccinini