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Farming Quotes

The farmer and manufacturer can no more live without profit than the labourer without wages.
David Ricardo

Authors on Farming Quotes: Wendell Berry Masanobu Fukuoka Richard Attias David Ricardo Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Novella Carpenter Ellen Glasgow Ivan Misner Brian Brett P. J. O'Rourke Mike Watt Sue Hubbell Dolores Huerta John F. Kennedy Kevin Nealon Vita Sackville-West Emiliano Zapata George Crabbe Anne Bosworth Greene E. B. White Mitt Romney Ruth Stout Cato the Elder Jonathan Safran Foer Jane Smiley Thein Sein Evo Morales Gustave Flaubert Anthony Head Peter Singer Michael Pollan Gene Baur Al Gore
One of the happiest days of my life is when I made five or six hundred pesos from a crop of watermelons I raise all on my own.
Emiliano Zapata

Family, work, familiarity. Listen, if I had a magic wand and I could make myself really be happy, I'd zap me onto a farm. And I know nothing about farming.
Scott Baio

Farming is a profession of hope
Brian Brett

Farming, if you do one thing late, you will be late in all your work.
Cato the Elder

Farming is not just for growing crops, it is for the cultivation...o f human beings!
Masanobu Fukuoka

Why is it that farmworkers feed the nation but they can't get food stamps?
Dolores Huerta

The small landholders are the most precious part of a state.
Thomas Jefferson

Writing is conscience, scruple, and the farming of our ancestors.
Edward Dahlberg

Urban conservationists may feel entitled to be unconcerned about food production because they are not farmers. But they can't be let off so easily, for they are all farming by proxy.
Wendell Berry

Organic farming is personal.
Dave Carter

Organic farming is about buying out of a corrupt, illegal and dishonest system.
Jerry Brown

Unless people can become natural people, there can be neither natural farming nor natural food.
Masanobu Fukuoka

I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals.
Kevin Nealon

Farmers are philosophical. They have learned that it is less wearing to shrug than to beat their breasts.
Ruth Stout

As you have sown so shall you reap.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Natural farming is just farming, nothing more. You don't have to be a spiritually oriented person to practice my methods.
Masanobu Fukuoka

There are no Rohingya among the races [in Burma]. We only have Bengalis who were brought for farming [during British rule].
Thein Sein

A good farmer is nothing more nor less than a handy man with a sense of humus.
E. B. White

On a farm the best fertilizer is the master's eye.
Pliny the Elder

The more exposure people have to the realities of factory farming, the more we will see people rejecting it. It's already happening.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Factory farming is the attitude that commodifies sentient life.
Gene Baur

Farming implements are as cheap in Sydney as in England.
Charles Sturt

You need bad things to make good things. It’s like with farming— if you want to grow a good crop, you need a lot of manure.
Mike Watt

Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor.
Henry David Thoreau

Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting.
Ivan Misner

Our farmers round, well pleased with constant gain, like other farmers, flourish and complain.
George Crabbe

Farm policy, although it's complex, can be explained. What it can't be is believed. No cheating spouse, no teen with a wrecked family car, no mayor of Washington, D.C., videotaped in flagrante delicto has ever come up with anything as farfetched as U.S. farm policy.
P. J. O'Rourke

Sowing is not as difficult as reaping.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I don't understand the notion that modern farming is anything do to with nature. It's a pretty gross interference with nature.
Peter Singer

I'm very familiar with the importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin. If I'm entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone who is very familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy industry is all about.
Al Gore

Outlaw embryo farming, but allow using surplus embryos.
Mitt Romney

Trade is 10 times as old as farming.
Matt Ridley

How will you know a good farmer when you meet him? He will not ask you for any favors.
Jane Smiley

With the farming of a verse Make a vineyard of the curse
W. H. Auden

Farming -- a vocation accursed of heaven, since one never saw a millionaire involved in it.
Gustave Flaubert

You have stirred the soil with your plow, my friend. It will never be the same again.
Martha Ostenso

A farmer is dependent on too many things outside his control; it makes for modesty.
Bharati Mukherjee

I like to hunt. After baseball, I'll go back and buy some land and do some farming.
Jeremy Bonderman

Farming out atrocities to paramilitaries is standard operating procedure.
Noam Chomsky

A farmer's got to be born, same as a fool. You can't make a corn pone out of flour dough by the twistin' of it.
Ellen Glasgow

Old models of farming with chemicals and credit mostly favored privileged men.
Frances Moore Lappé

Why should conservationists have a positive interest in... farming? There are lots of reasons, but the plainest is: Conservationists eat.
Wendell Berry

The best farming systems are ones where animals and plants are put into a synergistic relationship.
Michael Pollan

A farm is like a very large and extended baby. It takes a great deal of time and very little mentality.
Anne Bosworth Greene

Improving Africa's farming sector would have multiple positive outcomes for African people.
Richard Attias

From my standpoint, coca should be neither destroyed nor completely legalized. Farming should be controlled by the state and by the coca farmers' unions.
Evo Morales

My label is just "good farming", which isn't something you can put on a t-shirt.
Wendell Berry

Even if you live in New York City, you can have a little basil plant in your window, and that could be considered urban farming.
Novella Carpenter

Good farming, clear thinking, right living.
Henry A. Wallace