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Fidel Castro Quotes

Cuban lawyer and politician, Birth: 13-8-1926, Death: 25-11-2016 Fidel Castro Quotes
I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action.
Fidel Castro

I commenced my undertaking with 82 individuals. If I had to do it again, I would rely on a handful of people and unshakable confidence. It does not matter how insignificant you are if you have faith and a strategy.
Capitalism has neither the capacity, nor the morality, nor the ethics to solve the problems of poverty.
Fidel Castro

Economic systems lack the capability, virtue, or morality to address destitution.
With what moral authority can they speak of human rights - the rulers of a nation in which the millionaire and beggar coexist; the Indian is exterminated; the black man is discriminated against; the woman is prostituted; and the great masses of Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, and Latin Americans are scorned, exploited, and humiliated? How can they do this - the bosses of an empire where the mafia, gambling, and child prostitution are imposed; where the CIA organizes plans of global subversion and espionage, and the Pentagon creates neutron bombs capable of preserving material assets and wiping out human beings.
Fidel Castro

Condemn me, it does not matter: history will absolve me.
Fidel Castro

Vindicate me, it does not matter: posterity will exonerate me.
We must establish a new world order based on justice, on equity, and on peace.
Fidel Castro

We must inaugurate a new global regime grounded in fairness, impartiality, and tranquility.
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One of the greatest benefits of the revolution is that even our prostitutes are college graduates.
Fidel Castro

The revolution has yielded a remarkable dividend wherein even courtesans possess college degrees.
It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and a plan of action.
Fidel Castro

No matter the size, if you have conviction and a strategy, anything can be achieved.
Why do some people have to go barefoot so that others can drive luxury cars? Why are some people able to live only 35 years in order that others can live 70 years? Why do some people have to be miserably poor in order that others can be extravagantly rich? I speak for all the children in the world who don't even have a piece of bread.
Fidel Castro

Quote Topics by Fidel Castro: People Ideas Men War Thinking World Revolution Revolutionary Cuba Country Doe Latin Years Government Military Political Weapons Ignorance Children Justice Fake People Holocaust Jesus Poverty Humanity United States Doubt Victory Competition President
If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal.
Fidel Castro

If avoiding assassination attempts were a competitive sport, I would be the champion.
If we wish to express what we want the men of future generations to be, we must say: Let them be like Che! If we wish to say how we want our children to be educated, we must say without hesitation: We want them to be educated in Che’s spirit! If we want the model of a man, who does not belong to our times but to the future, I say from the depths of my heart that such a model, without a single stain on his conduct, without a single stain on his action, is Che!
Fidel Castro

...quality of life lies in knowledge, in culture. Values are what constitute true quality of life, the supreme quality of life, even above food, shelter and clothing.
Fidel Castro

...quality of life lies in learning, in culture. Values are what generate authentic quality of life, the utmost quality of life, even surpassing nourishment, housing and apparel.
The first thing dictators do is finish free press, to establish censorship. There is no doubt that a free press is the first enemy of dictatorship.
Fidel Castro

The first action of tyrants is to stifle free speech, to institute censorship. There is no question that a free press is the nemesis of autocracy.
There is talk of the failure of socialism, and where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia, and in Latin America?
Fidel Castro

It is asserted that socialism has foundered, yet capitalism has achieved little success in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
I've always considered Christ to be one of the greatest revolutionaries in the history of humanity.
Fidel Castro

I have long thought of Jesus as one of the most influential reformers in human history.
Ideas do not need weapons.
Fidel Castro

Thoughts do not require force.
Good athletes do not know what tiredness is. They do not know what discouragement is. Good athletes only know what victory is.
Fidel Castro

'Competent sportspeople are oblivious to exhaustion. They are oblivious to disheartenment. Competent sportspeople only understand success.'
We are not politicians. We made our revolution to get the politicians out.
Fidel Castro

We are not elected officials. We initiated our revolution to remove the politicians from power.
A large percentage of those living in developed societies are told what brand of soda they should drink, what cigarettes they should smoke, what clothes and shoes they should wear, what they should eat and what brand of food they should buy. Their political ideas are supplied in the same way. Every year a trillion dollars is spent on advertising.
Fidel Castro

Men do not shape destiny. Destiny produces the man for the hour.
Fidel Castro

Fate determines the individual to fulfill its purpose.
A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.
Fidel Castro

A revolution is a clash between the future and the old guard.
The percentage of mentally disturbed people in the United States is very high. From the time the American gets up in the morning, he feels as if someone is trying to influence his will in some way: he is a person with a thousand pressures. The Americans live under a great strain ... and have great feelings of frustration.
Fidel Castro

This country is heaven, in the spiritual sense of the word. And I say, we prefer to die in heaven than survive in hell.
Fidel Castro

This nation is a divine blessing, in the metaphysical sense of the term. And I would rather succumb to paradise than languish in perdition.
If people call me Christian, not from the standpoint of religion but from the standpoint of social vision, I declare that I am a Christian.
Fidel Castro

If individuals refer to me as Christian, not in a spiritual sense but from an outlook of communal understanding, I proclaim that I am a Christian.
A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.
Fidel Castro

A revolution is not a walk in the park. A revolution is a confrontation between the present and the past.
The duty of every revolutionary is to make revolution
Fidel Castro

The obligation of every insurgent is to instigate revolt.
We have a theoretical concept of the Revolution which is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.
Fidel Castro

Nowhere in the world, in no act of genocide, in no war, are so many people killed per minute, per hour and per day as those who are killed by hunger and poverty on our planet.
Fidel Castro

I’m not attached to anything. I’m attached to what it feels it's my duty, to do my duty. I think that I will die with the boots on.
Fidel Castro

I am a Marxist-Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life.
Fidel Castro

The greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.
Fidel Castro

I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition.
Fidel Castro

I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened.
Fidel Castro

The solutions put forth by imperialism are the quintessence of simplicity...When they speak of the problems of population and birth, they are in no way moved by concepts related to the interests of the family or of society...Just when science and technology are making incredible advances in all fields, they resort to technology to suppress revolutions and ask the help of science to prevent population growth. In short, the peoples are not to make revolutions, and women are not to give birth. This sums up the philosophy of imperialism.
Fidel Castro

The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is - and I mean this seriously - the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.
Fidel Castro

We need a Nuremberg to put on trial the economic order that they have imposed on us, that every three years kills more men, women and children by hunger and preventable or curable diseases than the death toll in six years of the second world war.
Fidel Castro

When I was a young boy, my father taught me that to be a good Catholic, I had to confess at church if I ever had impure thoughts about a girl. That very evening, I had to rush to confess my sin. And the next night, and the next. After a week, I decided religion wasn't for me.
Fidel Castro

I would not vote for the mayor. It's not just because he didn't invite me to dinner, but because on my way into town from the airport there were such enormous potholes.
Fidel Castro

We are not only a Latin American nation, we are an Afro-American nation also.
Fidel Castro

I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas.
Fidel Castro

There is not Communism or Marxism, but representative democracy and social justice in a well-planned economy.
Fidel Castro

The ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry but they cannot kill ignorance, illnesses, poverty or hunger.
Fidel Castro

There are enough doctors on the planet so that nobody has to die for lack of attendance.
Fidel Castro

Fellow workers and peasants, this is the socialist and democratic revolution of the working people, with the working people, and for the working people. And for this revolution of the working people, by the working people, and for the working people we are prepared to give our lives.
Fidel Castro

My idea, as the whole world knows, is that the capitalist system now doesn't work either for the United States or the world, driving it from crisis to crisis, which are each time more serious.
Fidel Castro

I have reached the conclusion, a bit late perhaps, that speeches should be short.
Fidel Castro

The truth is that after several decades of neoliberalism, the rich are becoming increasingly richer while the poor are both more numerous and increasingly poorer.
Fidel Castro

I don't think that the contradictions between capitalism and socialism can be resolved by war. This is no longer the age of the bow and arrow. It's the nuclear age, and war can annihilate us all. The only way to achieve solutions seems to be for the different social systems to coexist.
Fidel Castro

I am Fidel Castro and we have come to liberate Cuba.
Fidel Castro

If religious feeling is put in opposition to social change, then it does become an opium, but if it is joined to the struggle for social change then it is a wonderful medicine.
Fidel Castro

All criticism is opposition. All opposition is counter-revolutionary.
Fidel Castro