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Filmmaking Quotes

There are no rules in filmmaking
Frank Capra

Authors on Filmmaking Quotes: Derek Magyar John Cassavetes Gus Van Sant James Franco Shane Carruth George Lucas Shia LaBeouf Clea DuVall Frank Capra Rick Heinrichs Justin Chadwick Mark Sheppard Lars von Trier Takashi Miike Errol Morris Dagur Kari Gordon Quinn Sean Durkin Alrick Brown Frank Darabont Stanley Kubrick Don Hertzfeldt Mark Webber Karyn Kusama Terry Gilliam Baz Luhrmann Paul Schrader Greg MacGillivray M. Night Shyamalan Andrea Arnold Nicole Holofcener Steve McQueen Catherine Breillat
Read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read...if you don't read, you will never be a filmmaker.
Werner Herzog

Filmmaking is the ultimate team sport.
Michael Keaton

When your characters are really living they tell you what they do.
Andrea Arnold

You must be willing to risk everything to really express it all.
John Cassavetes

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.
Stanley Kubrick

Filmmaking is exploring. Why would I want to make a film about something I already understand?
John Cassavetes

Filmmaking is a miracle of collaboration.
James McAvoy

Basically, I'm afraid of everything in life, except filmmaking.
Lars von Trier

To make filmmaking interesting to me, I want to keep learning things.
Taika Waititi

To be animating at the same time, it's the ultimate freedom in filmmaking because you can literally put anything on the screen that you can imagine.
Don Hertzfeldt

For me, the filmmaking has to be about the dramaturgy.
Neil Jordan

I love editing. It's one of my favorite parts about filmmaking.
Steven Spielberg

I'm going in a really weird I-don't-know-where direction, but I prefer anything [different] from how standardized filmmaking has become.
Gus Van Sant

One of the things that I do like about filmmaking is that you find out how to solve new problems.
Paul Schrader

To me, any kind of filmmaking that's reactive is not going to be as good as something more inventive and original.
Christopher Nolan

Filmmaking is to me very similar to being in a café somewhere in Paris and looking at the people walking by.
Claire Denis

It's good filmmaking when you don't have to say anything and you can still tell the story.
Shia LaBeouf

I don't think that any Icelandic filmmaker feels like he belongs to Icelandic filmmaking, because nobody really knows what it is.
Dagur Kari

Filmmaking is a thousand choices a day and it's important to just let those choices potentially be informed by something deeper.
Shane Carruth

Filmmaking is such a collaborative medium.
Daryl Hannah

Filmmaking is just a very luxurious and efficient way of expressing yourself.
Gaspar Noe

I view filmmaking as a director's medium.
James Franco

This is such a cliche, but I feel like filmmaking is a collaborative experience.
Steve Antin

I don't know if I would call it therapy, but filmmaking is really the only thing I know how to do. For me, making movies is a way to bring on change for myself, and I really enjoy that part.
Takashi Miike

In 3-D filmmaking, I can take images and manipulate them infinitely, as opposed to taking still photographs and laying them one after the other. I move things in all directions. It's such a liberating experience.
George Lucas

I really got into filmmaking through photography.
Todd Phillips

I do think it's possible for me to go back to the studio, and for a lot of women filmmakers to be going back into studio filmmaking with a different sense of their own agency, and a different sense of the respect that they can command. When you asked the question about whether women want to be making big studio movies, the answer is almost always yes. It's just, how do they want to be treated? What is that experience going to be? And if you know the experience is gonna be shitty going into it, I personally am at a place where I'm not willing to punish myself any longer.
Karyn Kusama

However, that old mode of Polish filmmaking virtually disappeared.
Andrzej Wajda

The biggest lesson that I have learnt from everyone is that there are no rules in filmmaking.
Nandita Das

Filmmaking is something I have to do. It's not something I particularly want to do.
Peter Mullan

Filmmaking in general is just really where I'm putting all of my energy.
Renee O'Connor

I mean, '8 ½' to me is such a great dissertation on the whole, you know, act of filmmaking and creativity.
Baz Luhrmann

One of the things I've always tried to do in filmmaking is that you don't tell the story, you try to show it.
Rick Heinrichs

In lower budget filmmaking, everything is a favor. You're pushing everybody, all the time. You're trying to get the best out of it that you can, and it has to be a labor of love, or you can't get it done.
Mark Sheppard

Satisfying myself is the point in filmmaking, in my mind.
Greg MacGillivray

Any film that you make, it's a very high end game of musical chairs ... but that's just the nature of filmmaking. You do the dance with a certain actor.
Eran Creevy

I find filmmaking to be a super lonely, alienating experience.
Kelly Reichardt

I came to filmmaking because it's my passion. I decided I can't have it distorted or marred by someone else deciding what it should be.
Shane Carruth

A lot of filmmaking is all about filtering out the bullshit.
Mark Webber

I love the art of filmmaking very much in all aspects.
Derek Magyar

It was amazing how much rehearsal helped with the performance - it was almost a theatrical approach to filmmaking.
Felicity Jones

Wong Kar-Wai is a really great inspiration. He's always referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of filmmaking.
Gus Van Sant

What's great about documentary genre, it seems to me, is that it can be experimental filmmaking. You have a license to do a lot of diverse things under the umbrella of "documentary."
Errol Morris

Ben Affleck inspired me and reignited my love for acting and filmmaking. It was a big part of getting me to a place where I felt inspired to make my own movie.
Clea DuVall

I've learned more, and I understand the process a bit better now. I can try to see how long I want to take in each aspect of the filmmaking process, and then arrive at around the two-year end mark.
Neill Blomkamp

I'm peripheral in Colab's history because others were involved in media, filmmaking, and music, and I was always a studio artist.
Kiki Smith

I'd say I'm definitely an actor first and foremost, but I love filmmaking.
Derek Magyar

To be in a movie directed by Wolfgang Petersen, and a movie that had a large budget... I got a taste of what really good filmmaking could be.
Gary Cole

When I hear the words 'activist filmmaking,' I think of somebody who's an activist, who wants to prove a particular point.
Jehane Noujaim