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Fleas Quotes

At a flea market I always head for the junk jewelry table first.
Ethel Merman

Authors on Fleas Quotes: Nate Berkus John Lennon Mark Twain Jack Pierson Uncle Kracker Penelope Spheeris Herman Melville Storm Jameson Alla Yaroshinskaya Gustave Flaubert Sergei Bongart Dr. Seuss John Petrucci Iris Apfel Ursula Andress Phil Zimmermann H. L. Mencken Andy Albright Henry Adams Si Robertson Chloe Sevigny Maria V. Snyder Samuel Johnson Edward Noyes Westcott Jonathan Ames Jane Wagner Hamish Bowles Amy Sedaris Nora Roberts Robert Fulghum Chad Smith Kelley Armstrong Ray Comfort
I don't intend to be a performing flea any more. I was the dreamweaver, but although I'll be around I don't intend to be running at 20,000 miles an hour trying to prove myself. I don't want to die at 40.
John Lennon

I sting like a butterfly and punch like a flea.
Si Robertson

To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme.
Herman Melville

When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

We're living in primate heaven. We're warm, dry, we're not hungry, we don't have fleas and ticks and infections. So why are we so miserable?
Steven Pinker

On the neck of a giraffe a flea begins to believe in immortality.
Bill Vaughan

When I go to a country, I go to flea markets, antique stores. I am always looking for something.
Ursula Andress

The flea, though he kill none, he does all the harm he can.
John Donne

Sensitivity isn't about being wimpy. It's about being so painfully aware that a flea landing on a dog is like a sonic boom
Jeff Buckley

I actually picked up copies of Decline I and II at a flea market once. I walked out without paying.
Penelope Spheeris

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze. That's what made these three free fleas sneeze.
Dr. Seuss

Oh, why can't we break away from all this, just you and I, and lodge with my fleas in the hills? I mean flee to my lodge in the hills.
Groucho Marx

Arguing whether or not a God exists is like fleas arguing whether or not the dog exists. Arguing over the correct name for God is like fleas arguing over the name of the dog. And arguing over whose notion of God is correct is like fleas arguing over who owns the dog.
Robert Fulghum

I'm pretty much a thrift shop gal. Flea markets on Sundays.
Zoe Kravitz

I always like my trailer or hotel room to have fresh flowers or pillows I find at a local flea market - anything to personalize the environment.
Chloe Sevigny

If you go long enough without a bath, even the fleas will let you alone.
Ernie Pyle

My favorite things often have a story behind them and are usually handmade or discovered at a flea market.
Amy Sedaris

I used to feel like I was a flea on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now I feel I might be a small yapping poodle on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Phil Zimmermann

I used to collect frames. I've been collecting accessories since I was 11-years-old, creeping around flea markets and sales and everything. Whenever I saw unusual eyeglass frames, I bought them.
Iris Apfel

But was there ever dog that praised his fleas?
William Butler Yeats

I wouldn't hurt a flea. I'd finger a spider though.
Bob Saget

The better a work is, the more it attracts criticism; it is like the fleas who rush to jump on white linens.
Gustave Flaubert

A blind, anemic, weak-kneed flea on crutches would have a greater chance of defeating a herd of a thousand wild stampeding elephants, than the enemy has of defeating God.
Ray Comfort

History will die if not irritated. The only service I can do to my profession is to serve as a flea.
Henry Adams

I even worry about reflective flea collars. Oh, sure, drivers can see them glow in the dark, but so can the fleas.
Jane Wagner

A professor must have a theory as a dog must have fleas.
H. L. Mencken

The only thing holding you back is you. Commit to developing the mindset of a winner, set your goals and chase them down. Remember, a dog in the hunt ain't got no fleas!
Andy Albright

So, naturalists observe, a flea; Hath smaller fleas that on him prey; And these have smaller fleas to bite 'em, And so proceed ad infinitum.
Jonathan Swift

A reasonable amount of fleas is good for a dog; it keeps him from brooding over being a dog.
Edward Noyes Westcott

Flea and Anthony are into funk, like old school Meters and stuff like that.
Chad Smith

Fleas can be taught nearly anything a congressman can.
Mark Twain

It's a good thing for a dog to have fleas; keeps his mind off being a dog.
Mark Twain

I am a dog that loves my fleas.
Uncle Kracker

Haste is good only in catching fleas.
Alla Yaroshinskaya

Sir, there is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea.
Samuel Johnson

First draw dog, then fleas. First paint apple, then worm holes.
Sergei Bongart

There were some initial instruments I had when I was young and made some trade-offs. Maybe a guitar I bought in a flea market. They weren't the greatest guitar but they would be cool to still have them. Other than that, not as a professional.
John Petrucci

You cannot flea a stone.
George Herbert

I'm on the verge of a total breakdown. Sciatica. Taxes. Cars. Fleas, possibly. It's an absurd existence.
Jonathan Ames

Some kids spent their allowance going to see 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom'; I spent mine on a great-looking lamp I'd found at the flea market and a ceramic bowl from a neighborhood garage sale.
Nate Berkus

I don't trust happiness. I turn it over as if it were a glass at a flea market or a rug at a souk, looking for chipped rims or loose threads.
Jennifer Weiner

My father and I did work for a while at the flea market and there really are rows of Afghans working there, some of whom I am related to.
Khaled Hosseini

I like to make books. To me, it's just as great to have some book of mine be in a flea market as it is to have a picture in a museum.
Jack Pierson

I literally in the New York flea market - just when I was despairing of ever having a great serendipitous find - found a 1926 Chanel.
Hamish Bowles

Glory, glory, said the Bee, Hallelujah, said the Flea. Praise the Lord, remarked the Wren. At springtime all is born-again.
Eric Metaxas

Lawyers are fleas on the hide of human nature.
Stephen King

Keep your paws off my fiancèe, you flea-ridden stray!
Michael Buckley

Sleep with a dog and rise full of fleas.
Sarah Kane

Flea stared at us, "I can't decide what's worse. Losing family members or not having a family member to lose.
Maria V. Snyder