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Focused Quotes

I'm focused on what I'm doing and nothing can stop that.

I'm determined to accomplish my objectives and nothing can impede me.
Authors on Focused Quotes: Anthony Scaramucci Tyga Bo Jackson Piggy D. Maria das Gracas Silva Foster Laura M. Brotherson Vanessa L. Williams Charlene Tilton Hillary Clinton Parker J. Palmer Steven Furtick Alfonso Cuaron Carlos Gonzalez Joyce Meyer Seth Klarman Britney Spears Pope Francis Lenny Kravitz Kate Moss Victoria Justice Chip Espinoza Melissa George Paulo Coelho Rush Limbaugh Walt Disney Belly Julie Delpy Rick Warren Damon Thomas Liev Schreiber Ray Torres Curtis Jackson Mike Pence
Most of us are so focused on what we don't have that we're blinded to what we do have.
Steven Furtick

If you don't have a vision, you can never be focused in a direction.
T. B. Joshua

Archers are pretty focused.
Geena Davis

Marriage is an undertaking that requires focused time and attention to prepare effectively.
Laura M. Brotherson

You have to be driven. You have to be focused. You have to be aware.
Thomas Keller

If I'm focused while I'm strokin I could change how you walk
Curtis Jackson

I'm way too focused to let anything stop me.
Britney Spears

Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
Walt Disney

I like to be alone. I am focused on what I am doing. I feel the nature and I feel my body. It's so simple.
Ueli Steck

I can assure you President Trump and I are completely focused on the issues that matter most to the American people.
Mike Pence

I'm not perfect, but I'm focused when I have a goal.
Vanessa L. Williams

You have to be very focused about the music that you have inside.
Alfonso Cuaron

I always keep my eye focused on what I would and want to wear.
Cam Newton

There is nothing quite as potent as a focused life, one lived on purpose.
Rick Warren

You feel what you're focused on.
Tony Robbins

Stay focused on the mission.
Naveen Jain

I'm not focused on being perfect. I like trial and error. You learn through uncomfortable experiences. And now I know what doesn't work for me, and I know what does.
Janelle Monae

When we're focused on what we want, things begin to slot perfectly into place.
Paulo Coelho

We forget to remain focused on the things that really matter.
Pope Francis

I had tried to get focused on other things. But I always ended up back in the same place, and it wasn't making me happy. I needed to get the focus back.
Kate Moss

If you love something, you have to stay really focused and can't let outside things distract you.
Victoria Justice

Apple is always focused on out-innovating itself... and that is something I am very proud to be a part of.
Arthur D. Levinson

I spent so much time focusing on haters that I forgot about the people that actually love me. And that's who I'm focused on this time around: the people that want to listen. The people that don't want to listen, don't listen. This is for the people that want to.

Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kidbut stay focused.
Donal Logue

Follow your goals and stay focused, because you really don't have much time.
Piggy D.

Neither left nor right has focused adequately on maternal health
Nicholas D. Kristof

Be focused on process and not outcome
Seth Klarman

There is no wisdom but that which is founded on the fear of God, which Solomon also declares to be the chief part of wisdom.
John Calvin

It's important in any project to remain focused.
Jehane Noujaim

We're very focused in on outcomes for government with respect to the amount of tax that goes in and the amount of expenditures that go out.
Steve Ballmer

I'm quite neurotic, usually. But when it comes to work, I become extremely focused.
Julie Delpy

The happiest people are focused on living their own life (not someone else's) as well as possible.
Harriet Lerner

I've been pretty focused my entire life, and now that I have a family, I'm just going to keep that focus, but it's going to be a family focus.
Wiz Khalifa

Too many are focused on rewriting the past, invent the future!
Philippe Kahn

So you have to be more mentally focused in baseball.
Bo Jackson

I haven't really focused so much on getting acting work.
Charlene Tilton

I am a focused person. I am a fighter.
Maria das Gracas Silva Foster

There's no day that is the same as the day before. So you have to be energized; you have to be focused.
Hillary Clinton

We should always be learning or we will cease to be able to change or adapt. I think the best work on leadership today is by Ronald Heifetz. His work is focused on adaptive leadership.
Chip Espinoza

I like to work and am a focused person.
Joyce Meyer

Keeping grounded and keeping focused and keeping calm and thankful, that comes from God.
Lenny Kravitz

The way radio is working right now, you can't put out anything just based on the producer's name. The general public and radio are so selective and focused on a certain genre and a certain set of songs that you have to have a great song to crack through all that.
Damon Thomas

I'm more of an empiricist. I'm focused on right or wrong, as opposed to left or right.
Anthony Scaramucci

I'm very focused when I'm making a movie, but I'm also a fantastic multitasker.
Melissa George

Florence is probably one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. It's very quiet as well - there's not much nightlife - so it definitely keeps me focused on the work.
Peter Dundas

Have lots of experiments, but make sure they're strategically focused.
Adam Smith

Words aren't hurting anybody. Words are not causing any damage, not expressly and not directly. But we're so focused on the words.
Rush Limbaugh

The President should be focused on making the lives of Americans better. It's what he promised. It's what the country needs.
Anthony Scaramucci

Some actors need to be rattled and some need to be focused
Liev Schreiber