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Forgive And Forget Quotes

Whatever our religion, we know that if we really want to love, we must first learn to forgive before anything else.
Mother Teresa

No matter our faith, if we wish to show affection, it is essential to practice forgiveness before anything else.
Authors on Forgive And Forget Quotes: Robert Breault Arthur Schopenhauer Ford Frick J. B. Priestley Thomas Jefferson Johnny Hunt Ali ibn Abi Talib Lauren Conrad Gabriel Garcia Marquez Miguel de Cervantes William Arthur Ward Maria Edgeworth Zachery Ty Bryan Sri Chinmoy Mother Teresa William Penn Leo Tolstoy Bella Hadid Mahatma Gandhi Robert Jordan Mata Amritanandamayi William P. Young Mark Twain Ann Brashares Natalie Portman Swami Vivekananda Louisa May Alcott William Shakespeare Jeffree Star
We should forgive and forget the faults of others. Anger is the enemy of every spiritual aspirant. Anger causes loss of power through every pore of our body. In circumstances when the mind is tempted to get angry, we should control ourselves and resolve firmly, 'No.' We can go to a secluded spot and chant our mantra. The mind will become quiet by itself.
Mata Amritanandamayi

The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Forgive and forget, but never forget to forgive. You may find a happier heart is the key to a happier life.
Mahatma Gandhi

Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
Robert Jordan

Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat.
William P. Young

Sometimes you have to forget and forgive. Forgive them for hurting you and forget that they exist!
Jeffree Star

Let us forgive each other - only then will we live in peace.
Leo Tolstoy

One minute of reconciliation is worth more than a whole life of friendship!
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If you can't forgive and forget, pick one.
Robert Breault

To resent and remember brings strife; to forgive and forget brings peace.
J. B. Priestley

Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
William Arthur Ward

Surely it is much more generous to forgive and remember, than to forgive and forget.
Maria Edgeworth

The only thing left to do is forgive and forget. I want to forgive you and I want to forget you.
Lauren Conrad

People piss you off but its always important to forgive and forget.
Bella Hadid

Pray you now, forget and forgive.
William Shakespeare

Everything is ended if you forgive and forget.
Swami Vivekananda

Some forgive and forget, more forgive and remember, most forgive and remind.
Robert Breault

There can be no Friendship where there is no Freedom. Friendship loves a free Air, and will not be penned up in straight and narrow Enclosures. It will speak freely, and act so too; and take nothing ill where no ill is meant; nay, where it is, 'twill easily forgive, and forget too, upon small Acknowledgments.
William Penn

To forgive and forget means to throw away dearly bought experience.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Keep all your personalities out of your work. Forget and forgive.
Ford Frick

Forget and forgive. This is not difficult when properly understood.
Mark Twain

Sometimes it's better to forgive and forget. And sometimes, on the other hand, it's better to leave the friendship.
Natalie Portman

I'm just a person who forgives and forgets. I have a hard time holding grudges.
Zachery Ty Bryan

We forgive and forget. At least I forgive and he forgets.
Ann Brashares

Forgive, you will have happiness. Forget, you will have satisfacton. Forgive and forget, You will have everlasting peace Within and without.
Sri Chinmoy

Some say you forgive and forget. Not true. You can't forget but you walk forward in forgiveness.
Johnny Hunt

Let us forget and forgive injuries.
Miguel de Cervantes

…for no matter how lost and soiled and worn-out wandering sons may be, mothers can forgive and forget every thing as they fold them into their fostering arms. Happy the son whose faith in his mother remains unchanged, and who, through all his wanderings, has kept some filial token to repay her brave and tender love.
Louisa May Alcott

Yet by such worthless beings is a great nation to be governed and even made to deify their old king because he is only a fool and a maniac, and to forgive and forget his having lost to them a great and flourishing empire.
Thomas Jefferson