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Fragments Quotes

There are no individuals in the world only fragments of families
Carl Whitaker

Authors on Fragments Quotes: David Levithan Frank Zappa e. e. cummings Milan Kundera Stanislaw Lem Joanne Harris Tobias Wolff Bruce Chatwin Leo Tolstoy E. M. Forster Melina Marchetta Nadine Gordimer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Tracy Chapman William Golding Guillermo Cabrera Infante Eckhart Tolle Kurt Schwitters Hakuun Yasutani John Vanderslice Tom Brown, Jr. William Saroyan Georgia O'Keeffe Errol Flynn Lyn Hejinian Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel Junot Diaz Shomei Tomatsu Virginia Woolf Henry Ward Beecher Carl Whitaker Italo Calvino P. G. Wodehouse
New things had to be made out of fragments.
Kurt Schwitters

I've never been very good at leaving things behind. I tried, but I have always left fragments of myself there too, like seeds awaiting their chance to grow.
Joanne Harris

The beauty of a fragment is that it still supports the hope of brilliant completeness.
Tobias Wolff

A lost trail always extends beyond the evidence, and even the trails we find are only fragments of the trails that lie beyond our comprehension.
Tom Brown, Jr.

We must reconcile ourselves to a season of failures and fragments.
Virginia Woolf

Through allowing, you become what you are; vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God.
Eckhart Tolle

Some things remain fragments, just the lyrics and melodies or a line or two or a verse.
Tracy Chapman

Somehow, even in the worst of times, the tiniest fragments of good survive. It was the grip in which one held those fragments that counted.
Melina Marchetta

Whatever you can conceive or imagine is but a fragment of yourself.
Hakuun Yasutani

I often painted fragments of things because it seemed to make my statement as well as or better than the whole could.
Georgia O'Keeffe

Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its highest. Live in fragments no longer
E. M. Forster

Each book can make a life or a fragment of it more beautiful.
William Saroyan

I allow myself to be understood as a colorful fragment in a drab world.
Errol Flynn

…we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes along its own trajectory and immediately disappears.
Italo Calvino

There is not a fragment in all nature, for every relative fragment of one thing is a full harmonious unit in itself.
John Muir

A composer's job involves the decoration of fragments of time.
Frank Zappa

Many works of the ancients have become fragments.
Many works of the moderns are fragments at the time of their origin.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

A single photograph is a mere fragment of an experience and, simultaneously, the distillation of the entire body of one's experience.
Shomei Tomatsu

Nobody ever sees truth except in fragments.
Henry Ward Beecher

Human science fragments everything in order to understand it, kills everything in order to examine it.
Leo Tolstoy

Exile as a mode of genius no longer exists; in place of Joyce we have the fragments of work appearing in Index on Censorship.
Nadine Gordimer

the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.
William Golding

I am a writer of fragments.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante

You have not known even a fragment of My reality. The full nature of this reality can never be understood by anyone.
Sathya Sai Baba

Only a literary work that reveals an unknown fragment of human existence has a reason for being.
Milan Kundera

Movies are a world of Fragments.
Jean-Luc Godard

Maybe there is hope in the fragments, that what is lost can always be filled in by someone who knows.
David Levithan

the moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy
e. e. cummings

I see a poem as a multi-coloured strip behind peeling plaster, in separate, shining fragments.
Stanislaw Lem

A journey is a fragment of Hell.
Bruce Chatwin

Literature is a fragment of a fragment. Of all that ever happened, or has been said, but a fraction has been written; and of this but little is extant.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The world is just going to continue to fragment, and that's a great thing.
John Vanderslice

A fragment is not a fraction but a whole piece
Lyn Hejinian

I guess I'm just hopelessly fascinated by the realities that you can assemble out of connected fragments.
Junot Diaz

The stubbornest of wills Are soonest bended, as the hardest iron, O'er-heated in the fire to brittleness,Flies soonest into fragments, shivered through.

the ice was not only broken; it was shivered into a million fragments
P. G. Wodehouse