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Franklin Quotes

How I longed to see these things; how I longed to see the Liberty Bell and walk on the streets where Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine and Benjamin Franklin had walked.
Burl Ives

Authors on Franklin Quotes: William A. Rusher Kurt Vonnegut Nat Hentoff Gordon S. Wood George Thorogood Craig Ferguson Gaylord Nelson Peabo Bryson Kanye West James M Strock Rachel Caine Condoleezza Rice Marianne Faithfull Pete du Pont John F. Kerry Trisha Yearwood Alan Bennett Lena Horne Beck Malcolm X John Kenneth Galbraith Sharron Angle Burl Ives Ken Livingstone Cass Sunstein Karl Marx Jon Landau Si Robertson Walter Isaacson Charlie Munger Jacob K. Javits E. B. White Michael Muhney
I want to sing like Aretha Franklin. Before her I wanted the technical ability of Ella Fitzgerald.
Lena Horne

Benjamin Franklin didnt win 21 Grammys right?
Kanye West

Memories are not shackles, Franklin, they are garlands.
Alan Bennett

There is the sheer amount of Franklin's wisdom. And the talent. Franklin played four instruments. He was the nation's leading scientist and inventor, plus a leading author, statesman, and philanthropist. There has never been anyone like him.
Charlie Munger

There are plenty of Minutemen. People willing to be Minutemen. Where are the people that want to be George Washington? Where are the Benjamin Franklins? Where is Sam Adams? Where is John Adams?

It is in this sense that Franklin says, "war is robbery, commerce is generally cheating.
Karl Marx

Hey, I'm like Aretha Franklin, I don't get no R -S -P -E -C -T around here!
Si Robertson

My thinking is Lincolnian rather than Jeffersonian, Teddy Rooseveltian rather than Franklin D. Rooseveltian.
Jacob K. Javits

Has President Bush exceeded his constitutional authority or acted illegally in authorizing wiretaps without a warrant? Benjamin Franklin would not have thought so.
Pete du Pont

Franklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.
Gaylord Nelson

We know Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin as politicians, but they felt that science was something everyone should have a knowledge of.
Rush D. Holt, Jr.

By 1782 [John Adams] had come to feel for [Benjamin] Franklin "no other sentiments than Contempt or Abhorrence."
Gordon S. Wood

Myrnin turned away to pick up his Ben Franklin spectacles, balanced them on his nose, and looked over them to say, "Don't do drugs. I feel I ought to say that.
Rachel Caine

People have always said - those words, 'too conservative,' is fairly relative. I'm sure that they probably said that about Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.
Sharron Angle

Effective leaders at a high level tend to be skilled actors. Franklin Roosevelt is said to have to quipped, on being introduced to Orson Welles, that they were the two greatest actors in America. The story may be apocryphal, but the message rings true.
James M Strock

When you write biographies, whether it's about Ben Franklin or Einstein, you discover something amazing: They are human.
Walter Isaacson

No president ever had more power than [Franklin Delano] Roosevelt.
Malcolm X

You know who was a hero? Franklin Roosevelt.
Kurt Vonnegut

My prose style at this time was a stomach-twisting blend of the Bible, Carl Sandburg, H.L. Mencken, Jeffrey Farnol, Christopher Morley, Samuel Pepys, and Franklin Pierce Adams imitating Samuel Pepys. I was quite apt to throw in a "bless the mark" at any spot, and to begin a sentence with "Lord" comma.
E. B. White

Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, others, knew how to lead. They knew how to ask the American people for the right things.
John F. Kerry

One has to say that they [Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt] were pioneering to some extent. They didn't know that some of the housing projects that they were putting up for the poor were going to turn into crack dens and rapists' bowers and things of that sort, which they have since become. But you can't always foresee the future. I'm sure their intentions were the best.
William A. Rusher

The people I really most admire are Robert Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. If you know someone, it is very hard to revere them.
Ken Livingstone

Historically, when Americans don't know what to do next, they go to Paris. Benjamin Franklin is like: 'What am I going to do now? I'll go to Paris!'
Craig Ferguson

There was a time in American history when almost every white person knew who Aretha Franklin was.
Peabo Bryson

There was the Missile Crisis, but one can't attribute to the [J.F.] Kennedy years anything like the problems that [Franklin] Roosevelt stood over and surmounted.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Well, at the time, we certainly regarded them [Elianor and Franklin Roosevelt] as partners. We did not know what has since come out about the difficulties of their marital life, or the problems that Franklin gave Eleanor and his mother gave Eleanor, in many respects. We didn't know much about that.
William A. Rusher

[John] Adams never hid his jealousy and resentment of the other Founders, especially Benjamin Franklin.
Gordon S. Wood

It was really wonderful playing with Aretha [ Franklin]. I knew that she knew what she was doing, so all I had to do was sit in the background and vamp a little bit.
Condoleezza Rice

In the end, the sign of Aretha Franklin's artistry is that she always leaves her mark - first, on the music, then on us.
Jon Landau

Even though the clock didn't work, we kept the clock because of how we felt about Franklin D. Roosevelt . A lot since then I knew about FDR I wouldn't have been so enthusiastic.
Nat Hentoff

Benjamin Franklin said it best, 'Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.'
Michael Muhney

She's got her God and she's got good wine, Aretha Franklin, and Patsy Cline.
Trisha Yearwood

I know I'm not going to sing like Aretha Franklin or Elvis Presley or any of those people.
George Thorogood

The voice of God, if you must know, is Aretha Franklin's.
Marianne Faithfull

There are bursts of things like Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan or Franklin Delano Roosevelt or same-sex marriage that change very much what we thought we were all about.
Cass Sunstein

I grew up in a household in which we had a clock that we won at Revere Beach during the Depression - one of those brass clocks that didn't work - but it showed Franklin D. Roosevelt standing at the wheel of the New Deal.
Nat Hentoff

What Franklin Roosevelt did, which really offended them, was he strengthened the labor unions - made it possible for them to strike. The oligarchs were furious because the working class was not supposed to have any power at all.
Kurt Vonnegut