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Frugal Quotes

Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.
Benjamin Franklin

Authors on Frugal Quotes: Benjamin Franklin Albert Einstein Samuel Johnson Serena Williams Henry Home, Lord Kames John Dryden
Disdain the chain, preserve your freedom; and maintain your independency: be industrious and free; be frugal and free.
Benjamin Franklin

Without frugality none can be rich, and with it very few would be poor.
Samuel Johnson

Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy.
Benjamin Franklin

I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow men.
Albert Einstein

I'm so frugal, you wouldn't believe it.
Serena Williams

The coward reckons himself cautious, the miser frugal.
Henry Home, Lord Kames

One cannot say he wanted wit, but rather that he was frugal of it.
John Dryden