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Funding Quotes

Don't be afraid to assert yourself, have confidence in your abilities and don't let the bastards get you down.
Michael Bloomberg

Authors on Funding Quotes: Keith Teare Steven Rattner T. Boone Pickens John Scott Noam Chomsky Ron Chernow Verlyn Klinkenborg Michael Bloomberg Kenny Guinn Stephen LaBerge Rand Paul Kjell Magne Bondevik Mark Shields Donald Trump Kay Bailey Hutchison Scott Adams Christopher Pyne Jim DeMint George Allen Shane Dawson Wickliffe Rose Joe Biden
You can vote Liberal or Labor and you’ll get exactly the same amount of funding for your school
Christopher Pyne

I would never put a movie on YouTube unless the funding was right, or unless YouTube paid for it or something.
Shane Dawson

When you commit a serious doping offence you are not eligible for lottery funding.
John Scott

We really haven't had very much experience with people funding their retirement out of the stock market, and we don't know, frankly, how it would work under every scenario.
Ron Chernow

If each of us is to feel that he or she is valued, this calls for more than public funding.
Kjell Magne Bondevik

If you can provide the funding and you get the leadership, you'll have a competitive team.
T. Boone Pickens

No public funding for abortion; it imposes a view.
Joe Biden

The internet is something created largely by public funding.
Noam Chomsky

The funding of mobile first companies will increase significantly.
Keith Teare

Most troublesome is the legalization of 'crowd funding,' the ability of start-up companies to raise capital from small investors on the Internet.
Steven Rattner

Research, in nature’s laboratory, never stops. It explores every possibility. It never lacks funding. It is never demoralized by failed experiments. It cannot be lobbied.
Verlyn Klinkenborg

We must rely less on spreadsheets and funding formulas and more on common sense.
Kenny Guinn

You just don't get funding to go out and find God. Even if you did, you'd have to first define what you mean by 'God.
Stephen LaBerge

We didn't create ISIS - ISIS created themselves, but we will stop them, and one of the ways we stop them is by not funding them, and not arming them.
Rand Paul

Universities charge outrageous prices instead of dipping into their own massive funding.
Donald Trump

I'm a little nervous about public funding. It's better than what we got now.
Mark Shields

We cannot afford to lose the Medicaid funding for low-income women.
Kay Bailey Hutchison

Never base your budget requests on realistic assumptions, as this could lead to a decrease in your funding.
Scott Adams

No funding for Planned Parenthood; protect the unborn.
Jim DeMint

I have always advocated for funding and programs that increase our productivity and competitiveness
George Allen

To make the peaks higher. [His reason to target philanthropic funding to only the best university science departments.]
Wickliffe Rose