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Gas Quotes

As the price of gas goes up, people will become more conscience of how much they use.
Mike Rounds

Authors on Gas Quotes: Rick Riordan Veerappa Moily Christy Clark Gordon Ramsay Ray LaHood Edith Wharton Jean-Marie Le Pen James Adams Woodrow Wilson Dan Simmons Joel Gretsch Ron Ziegler Andy Townsend Libba Bray Truman Capote Bill Ford Diablo Cody Michael Brune George Bernard Shaw Wilbur Ross Carey Lowell John McCain Mahatma Gandhi Anthony Burgess James Whistler Tim O'Reilly Bill Maher Bert Blyleven Miroslava Duma Ken Salazar Vagit Alekperov Elijah Wood Joshua Mohr
When you've got nowhere to turn, turn on the gas.
Truman Capote

Natural gas is the future. It is here.
Bill Richardson

Hydraulic fracking is very much a necessary part of the future of natural gas.
Ken Salazar

Those that perished in Hitler's gas chambers were the last Jews to die without standing up to defend themselves.
Golda Meir

I'm not saying that the gas chambers didn't exist. I couldn't see them myself.
Jean-Marie Le Pen

Scotland can't afford to take their minds off the gas
Andy Townsend

The clock is ticking as nature attempts to absorb the increased greenhouse gas emissions.
Ernest Moniz

Does the customer invent new product or service? The customer generates nothing. No customer asked for electric lights. There was gas and gas mantles, which gave good light.
W. Edwards Deming

Someone tried to save my soul in a gas station.
Orlando Bloom

To your generation, I must represent the literary equivalent of tufted furniture and gas chandeliers.
Edith Wharton

Mix the the gas with the lean, call that gasoline
Soulja Boy

Getting into the Hall of Fame won't change me. I'm still going to pass gas and pick my nose like I always do.
Bert Blyleven

Shale gas, if left to flourish, could create several hundred thousand more jobs.
Wilbur Ross

I'm not a star!!! A star is nothing but a ball of gas!!!
Elijah Wood

How are we going to know what impact that has on the greenhouse gas emissions? How are we going to hold everybody accountable for doing their part?
Christy Clark

Software is a gas ! It expands to fit the container it is in !
Nathan Myhrvold

Stand on the gas, my friend. If your right foot doesn't ache, you're obviously doing something wrong.
Robby Gordon

As long as gas is cheaper than bottled water, we can't be in a position of dictating to the consumer what to buy.
Bill Ford

The ability of the market to serve society gas been and is continually being undermined by the attacks levelled by its ideological opponents.
Israel Kirzner

Nothing panics politicians like $4 a gallon gas.
John Sununu

When I came to town and saw the price of diesel went above regular gas, that burnt me up.
Ron Ziegler

I'd love to fly, especially with the gas prices right now.
Joel Gretsch

I've got to pay $5 for gas just like everybody else.
Young Jeezy

If silicon had been a gas I should have been a major-general.
James Whistler

Decision by majorities is as much an expedient as lighting by gas.
William E. Gladstone

Out of Gas. I haven't heard that one in a long time.
Carey Lowell

I had a job when I was 16 at a gas fitter, which was a bit like a pipe fitter.
Joe Cocker

Newt Gingrich...is absolutely for bombing Iran and for lowering gas prices. And I've just to say, you can't be for both. They are diametrically opposed.
Bill Maher

Eat more beans to produce more gas.
Evgeni Kostitsyn

There are models who don't eat. That's worrisome - you need the right amount of gas to get going.
Alek Wek

If I relaxed, if I took my foot off the gas, I would probably die.
Gordon Ramsay

Gas consumption is growing everywhere.
Vagit Alekperov

Capital is to the progress of society what gas is to a car.
James Adams

Natural gas is a feedstock in basically every industrial process.
Aubrey McClendon

Life is not a tour of gas stations.
Tim O'Reilly

Dammit!" "What?" Gonzo sounds panicked. "We're out of gas." "You're Shithenging me." "I Shithenge you not.
Libba Bray

Oprah is rich, Bill Gates is wealthy. If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow with Oprah's money, he'd jump out a fuckin' window and slit his throat on the way down saying, "I can't even put gas in my plane!"
Chris Rock

I appeal to the chemists to discover a humane gas that will kill instantly and painlessly. In short- a gentlemanly gas deadly by all means, but humane, not cruel.
George Bernard Shaw

Natural gas is not a bridge - it's a gangplank.
Michael Brune

India unarmed would not require to be destroyed through poison gas or bombardment.
Mahatma Gandhi

I 'Don't See How It Matters' That I Don't Know The Price Of Gas.
John McCain

Once you take your foot off the gas, your life will elevate.
Bridget Everett

Leo: I'm almost out of gas! Woah, that came out wrong. I meant the burning kind!
Rick Riordan

Those who know me would tell you, 'Moily can't be cowed down.' I have plans to enhance domestic oil and gas production.
Veerappa Moily

I was born in Siberia, which supplies nearly 80 percent of Russia's oil and natural gas resources, so I've always been aware of how big a pollutant that industry is. But it was a huge wake-up call to learn that the fashion industry is the second-largest polluter after oil.
Miroslava Duma

Gas prices - it is $6 a gallon here. People in L.A. are furious. You can't tell, of course, because of the Botox.
Craig Ferguson

The more we're doing to ensure we're following our joy and passion, that's when we really start to put the gas in our lives.
Joshua Mohr

We are full of bread and gas, getting fat on the outside while inside we grow thin
Linda Hogan

The sign read MOUSE PASS GAS Frank: "That's wrong
Rick Riordan