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Ginsberg Quotes

I still had to correct Allen Ginsberg at times when he called women girls. I'd say. Allen please, it's not politically correct.
Anne Waldman

Authors on Ginsberg Quotes: Ai Weiwei Thom Gunn Peter Fonda Stephen Greenblatt Nat Hentoff Anne Waldman William S. Burroughs Yony Leyser Patti Smith
Ginsberg's Collected Poems contains a wonderful poem about making it with Neal Cassady.
Thom Gunn

Bob Dylan is out of the mentorship of Allen Ginsberg.
Peter Fonda

I never really read Allen Ginsberg poetry, even though I have a book he gave me.
Ai Weiwei

I have lots of things that aren't so old that I value, such as a copy of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl," which he signed for me.
Stephen Greenblatt

I think Allen [Ginsberg] was a person who's like a child.
Ai Weiwei

Allen Ginsberg was a remarkable guy. He was himself. He was an original.
Nat Hentoff

I've listened to and know Allen Ginsberg music and met him a couple of times, but I don't have any strong statements to make.
William S. Burroughs

My style of performance poetry came from the beatniks, Allen Ginsberg.
Patti Smith

[Allen] Ginsberg totally helped that out. He was the best sales person. He was the most pop. They are still shocking and relevant, especially [William] Burroughs.
Yony Leyser