All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out.
I. F. Stone
If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: Governments lie.
I. F. Stone
I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion.
The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other.
Napoleon Bonaparte
The term propaganda rings melodramatic and exaggerated, but a press that—whether from fear, careerism, or conviction—uncritically recites false government claims and reports them as fact, or treats elected officials with a reverence reserved for royalty, cannot be accurately described as engaged in any other function.
Glenn Greenwald
Look, all administrations, all governments lie, all officials lie and nothing they say is to be believed. That's a pretty good rule.
Daniel Ellsberg
Governments lie; bankers lie; even auditors sometimes lie: gold tells the truth.
William Rees-Mogg
For reporting a scientific finding, I was called a 'conspiracy theorist.' Only in America is scientific analysis seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.
Paul Craig Roberts
Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.
James Madison
Most governments lie to each other. That's the way business gets done.
Robert M. Gates
It is manifest that the only security against the tyranny of the government lies in forcible resistance to the execution of the injustice; because the injustice will certainly be executed, unless it be forcibly resisted.
Lysander Spooner
How do you react when your own government lies to you systematically about life-and-death questions? As I have noted earlier, the answer is political action in the state legislatures, and one weapon in the hands of the public is an understanding of the pseudo-science and pseudo-epidemiology represented by articles like this one.
Harris L Coulter