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Gowns Quotes

I feel more comfortable in saris than gowns.
Amy Jackson

I am more at ease in saris than frocks.
Authors on Gowns Quotes: Amy Lowell Anita Loos Honore de Balzac Jane Austen Martin Luther Mindy Kaling Thomas Brooks Diablo Cody Leona Lewis Wilkie Collins Eileen Chang Moliere Lauren Child Richard Hofstadter Jim Butcher Tony Benn Diana Ross Frederick Lenz William Feather Eloisa James Katharine Whitehorn Laetitia Pilkington Anna Brownell Jameson Joan Rivers Rene Marie Douglas William Jerrold Kim Campbell Yohji Yamamoto Erykah Badu Marguerite Young J.R. Ward Anne Perry P. G. Wodehouse
A pair of brilliantly cut cotton trousers can be more beautiful than a gorgeous silk gown.
Yohji Yamamoto

One of the disadvantages of almost universal education was the fact that all kinds of persons acquired a familiarity with one's favorite writers. It gave one a curious feeling; it was like seeing a drunken stranger wrapped in one's dressing gown.
Stella Gibbons

I've had my best times when trailing a Mainbocher evening gown across a sawdust floor. I've always loved high style in low company.
Anita Loos

Couture gowns are like gremlins; you can't expose them to bright light or get them wet.
Diablo Cody

Life is an extravagant gown, riddled with lice.
Eileen Chang

After all there is something about a wedding-gown prettier than in any other gown in the world.
Douglas William Jerrold

I've always loved high style in low company.
Anita Loos

I want to be buried in a Valentino gown and I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag.
Joan Rivers

[When criticized for appearing bare-shouldered Madonna-like at a banquet:] A comparison between Madonna and me is a comparison between a strapless evening gown and a gownless evening strap.
Kim Campbell

How many threadbare souls are to be found under silken cloaks and gowns!
Thomas Brooks

There's comfort to an awful old dressing-gown a pretty peignoir is powerless to provide, and aging bra elastic, is, I suspect, as near to liberation as most women ever get.
Katharine Whitehorn

She has a wash and wear bridal gown.
Henny Youngman

You have but to hold forth in cap and gown, and any gibberish becomes learning, all nonsense passes for sense.

You look invincible,' my mother said one night. I loved these times, when we seemed to feel the same thing. I turned to her, wrapped in my thin gown, and said: I am.
Alice Sebold

There is no gown or garment that worse becomes a woman than when she will be wise.
Martin Luther

I put on your sequined ball gown and I checked the mirror there. Why, I looked like Cindy Crawford, but with much more body hair.
Jerry Reed

Clothes can have a very refined vibration. An ochre robe can be extremely refined and so can a wonderful satin gown or a silk brocade coast.
Frederick Lenz

It often seems that the poet's derisive comment is not unjustified when he says of the philosopher: “With his nightcaps and the tatters of his dressing-gown he patches the gaps in the structure of the universe.
Sigmund Freud

My closet is organized by tops, pants, and outerwear, but not a lot of dresses. Gowns are in another room because I don't often dress formally, even though I design gowns. Like most designers, I have a uniform, and mine is a legging.
Vera Wang

You feel very romantic when you're in a ball gown. Everyone should wear one once in a while.
Carolina Herrera

I say 'Mom, how come you don't change into an evening gown for dinner?' She says 'I do, it's called a bath robe. [...]
Lauren Child

I miss you.…” He stroked the indentation of the gown where her waist would have been—should have been. “I miss you so much.
J.R. Ward

I had four C-sections and my stomach looked like the map of the world. My breasts were hanging down to here from breastfeeding those babies, and my nipples were like platters. I wanted to fit into the gowns that I finally got to wear.
Patricia Heaton

Anti-intellectualism ... has been present in some form and degree in most societies; in one it takes the form of the administering of hemlock, in another of town-and-gown riots, in another of censorship and regimentation, in still another of Congressional investigations.
Richard Hofstadter

when a swinging sin is to be committed, there is nothing like a gown and a cassock to cover it.
Laetitia Pilkington

I shall go Up and down In my gown. Gorgeously arrayed, Boned and stayed.
Amy Lowell

A lawyer I once knew told me of a strange case, a suffragette who had never married. After her death, he opened her trunk and discovered 50 wedding gowns.
Marguerite Young

With his nightcaps and the tatters of his dressing-gown he patches up the gaps in the structure of the universe.
Heinrich Heine

We are finally entering an exciting time in medicine where we have the technology to custom-tailor treatment and preventive protocols just as we'd custom-tailor a suit or designer gown to one's individual body. But it all begins with you. You have to know yourself in a manner that you've probably never done before.
David Agus

No gown worse becomes a woman than the desire to be wise.
Martin Luther

You're very short, aren't you?" She smirked at Petunia. "And you've got a nose like a stoat," Petunia replied. "But at least I can always have my gowns altered.
Jessica Day George

Having served in eleven Parliaments, it would be difficult to describe this as a maiden speech. It would be like Elizabeth Taylor appearing at her next wedding in a white gown.
Tony Benn

...The next time I opened my eyes, I was in the morgue. This, all by itself, is enough to really ruin your day. I was lying on the examining table, and Butters, complete with his surgical gown and his tray of autopsy instruments, stood over me. 'I'm not dead!' I sputtered. 'I'm not dead!' - Harry Dresden, Death Masks, Jim Butcher
Jim Butcher

All my gowns have trains on them. I make a train that goes on forever. I love long trains and then I stand there and twirl around and wrap myself up in it.
Diana Ross

Your own gown is most delicately suitable, both to the occasion and to yourself,' to be translated: Your gown is insipid and entirely forgettable. If you wear it on every other occasion this entire season, no one will notice or care.
Anne Perry

I shoved on a dressing-gown, and flew downstairs like a mighty, rushing wind.
P. G. Wodehouse

Underneath my stiffened gown Is the softness of a woman bathing in a marble basin
Amy Lowell

[Mrs. Allen was] never satisfied with the day unless she spent the chief of it by the side of Mrs. Thorpe, in what they called conversation, but in which there was scarcely ever any exchange of opinion, and not often any resemblance of subject, for Mrs. Thorpe talked chiefly of her children, and Mrs. Allen of her gowns.
Jane Austen

He'd heard that writers spent all day in their dressing gowns drinking champagne. This is, of course, absolutely true.
Terry Pratchett

Materialism and spirituality are two pretty racquets with which charlatans in cap and gown make the same ball fly.
Honore de Balzac

Look at a gown of gold, and you will at least get a sleeve of it.
Walter Scott

a pink taffeta evening gown. It looked like it had run away from a junior high prom... The dress looked like a petunia on steroids to me.
Laurell K. Hamilton

Lysander, when Dionysius sent him two gowns, and bade him choose which he would carry to his daughter, said, "She can choose best," and so took both away with him.

He gave her his heart. She took it and placed it quietly in the pocket of her gown. No one observed what she did.
Susanna Clarke

I love a beautiful gown on stage, and luckily I've been fortunate to wear some amazing dresses.
Leona Lewis

magistrates and ladies never quite take off their gowns.
Honore de Balzac

What lurking temptations to forbidden tenderness find their finding-places in a woman's dressing-gown, when she is alone in her room at night!
Wilkie Collins

Underneath my stiffened gown Is the softness of a woman bathing in a marble basin, A basin in the midst of hedges grown So thick, she cannot see her lover hiding, But she guesses he is near, And the sliding of the water Seems the stroking of a dear Hand upon her.
Amy Lowell

When a woman wears a low-cut gown, what does she expect you to do: look or not look?
William Feather