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Great Depression Quotes

Bernanke has cultivated this idea that he is a brilliant scholar of The Great Depression, but that’s not true at all.
David Stockman

Authors on Great Depression Quotes: Milton Friedman Barack Obama James K. Glassman Alfred P. Sloan David Lereah James J. Davis Ben Bernanke Will Rogers Irving Fisher John Kenneth Galbraith Ted Martinez Isaac Asimov Donald Trump Robert J. Shiller Cal Thomas Herbert Hoover Andrew Mellon Harry S. Dent Studs Terkel Calvin Coolidge John Bright Wynton Marsalis Bernard Baruch Rush Limbaugh John Maynard Keynes George W. Bush Charles M. Schwab Kasey Chambers Benjamin Graham John Warren Kindt Ralph Abernathy Noam Chomsky Bob Frank
No one can possibly have lived through the Great Depression without being scarred by it. No amount of experience since the depression can convince someone who has lived through it that the world is safe economically.
Isaac Asimov

I am worried that the collapse of home prices might turn out to be the most severe since the Great Depression.
Robert J. Shiller

We will not have any more crashes in our time.
John Maynard Keynes

Irving Fisher

American labor may now look to the future with confidence.
James J. Davis

Importantly, in the 1930s, in the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve, despite its mandate, was quite passive and, as a result, financial crisis became very severe, lasted essentially from 1929 to 1933.
Ben Bernanke

For the immediate future, at least, the outlook (stocks) is bright.
Irving Fisher

The Federal Reserve the privately owned U.S. central bank definitely caused The Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one third from 1929 to 1933.
Milton Friedman

We have hit bottom and are on the upswing.
James J. Davis

We are really on track for a soft landing. There are no balloons popping.
David Lereah

The Great Depression was not a sign of the failure of monetary policy or a result of the failure of the market system as was widely interpreted. It was instead a consequence of a very serious government failure, in particular a failure in the monetary authorities to do what they'd initially been set up to do.
Milton Friedman

The Government's business is in sound condition.
Andrew Mellon

The Great Depression in the United States was caused - I won't say caused, was enormously intensified and made far worse than it would have been by bad monetary policy.
Milton Friedman

The country is not in good condition.
Calvin Coolidge

Financial storm definitely passed.
Bernard Baruch

The money cost of the reservoir plan literally fades into insignificance when it is compared with the financial burden which the great depression imposed on the nation.
Benjamin Graham

I think that when the education system started to be dismantled during the first Great Depression in the 1930s, we didn't recover from that.
Wynton Marsalis

Looking to the future I see in the further acceleration of science continuous jobs for our workers. Science will cure unemployment.
Charles M. Schwab

I see no reason why 1931 should not be an extremely good year.
Alfred P. Sloan

I am convinced that through these measures we have reestablished confidence.
Herbert Hoover

The worst is over without a doubt.
Alfred P. Sloan

I once read that more millionaires per capita were created during the Great Depression than at any other time in history.
Harry S. Dent

How much would you pay to avoid a second Depression?
Ben Bernanke

We have had a great depression in agriculture, caused mainly by several seasons of bad harvests, and some of our traders have suffered much from a too rapid extension in prosperous years.
John Bright

A guy I interviewed for Hard Times says, "What do I remember about the Great Depression? That I was hungry, that's all." Elemental things.
Studs Terkel

It's almost worth the Great Depression to learn how little our big men know.
Will Rogers

Our whole Depression was brought on by gambling, not in the stock market alone but in expanding and borrowing and going in debt... all just to make some easy money quick.
Will Rogers

What the market is doing is going through a correction, which it really needed. It's getting down to where it's reasonable.
Ted Martinez

I promised to bring change to Washington. The underlying reason for the economic mess we're in has been building for years. It's a fundamental imbalance in which the top 1 percent now gets almost a quarter of all national income. We haven't seen income and wealth this concentrated since the late nineteen twenties, and we all know what happened then - the Great Depression. We'll never really get out of the gravitational pull of the Great Recession until we fix this basic problem.
Barack Obama

So I analyzed that and decided I didn't want to be the president during a depression greater than the Great Depression, or the beginning of a depression greater than the Great Depression.
George W. Bush

It is reported that about 30% of the world's population is unemployed. That's worse than the Great Depression, but it's now an international phenomenon.
Noam Chomsky

I know many of you are hurting and angry about the economy, and I don't blame you. It's the worst economy since the Great Depression. When consumers can't buy and businesses won't expand for lack of customers, the government has to be the purchaser and employer of last resort. We learned that in the Great Depression, but Republicans obviously didn't - and they've blocked every jobs program I've offered.
Barack Obama

We beat the Great Depression without lotteries and legalized gambling
John Warren Kindt

Victimhood and a “can't do” spirit is what the Democratic Party has mostly been about since the Great Depression.
Cal Thomas

I don't worry about new home sales
James K. Glassman

Ever since the Great Depression, economists have known that demand shortages tend to persist in the wake of severe financial crises like the ones that happened in 1929 and 2008.
Bob Frank

We have the worst revival of an economy since the Great Depression. And believe me: We're in a bubble right now.
Donald Trump

Ladies and gentlemen, the Reagan tax cuts turned the deepest recession since the Great Depression into the largest 20-year economic boom in American history. The Reagan tax cuts of 1981 and '86. And the same thing can happen here again. Democrats just cannot let it.
Rush Limbaugh

There was something superficial in attributing anything so awful as the Great Depression to anything so insubstantial as speculation in common stocks.
John Kenneth Galbraith

When I hear [about a housing bubble] I get the sense that people aren't connecting the dots.
James K. Glassman

...housing activity will remain healthy for some time to come.
David Lereah

Well, I never lived through the Great Depression, sometimes I feel as though I did.
Kasey Chambers

Everything I learned about the Great Depression was from a college textbook.
Ralph Abernathy