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Great Experiences Quotes

All great experience has a guarded entrance and a windowless facade.
Robert Grudin

Authors on Great Experiences Quotes: Oscar Wilde Michelle Kwan Ted Alexandro Mark Kurlansky Donald Trump Laura Vandervoort Lita Ford Ray Winstone Jay Roach Chyler Leigh Nick Vujicic Krzysztof Kieslowski Robert Grudin John Britt Daniel Walter Bagehot Noah Baumbach Rokia Traore Julie Benz Victor Garber Kendrick Lamar Russell Simmons Mia Wasikowska Tcheky Karyo James P Hackett Barbara Hershey
I really don't know anything about music, and it's no great experience for me. But I do think that music has a purifying element.
Krzysztof Kieslowski

It's a great, great experience to finally get the reception that you know you rightfully deserve.
Kendrick Lamar

We can have in life but one great experience at best, and the secret of life is to reproduce that experience as often as possible.
Oscar Wilde

I learn so much from watching films like that with commentary and then when you get to hear another filmmaker talk about their films it's a really great experience.
Jay Roach

I'm always down to do a sitcom. I did 'That '80s Show' back in the day and that was a really great experience.
Chyler Leigh

This life is full of great experiences if we only give it a shot.
Nick Vujicic

To a great experience one thing is essential, an experiencing nature.
Walter Bagehot

I've had a great experience with pretty much everybody I've worked with.
Mia Wasikowska

I like to move towards a place where my greatest experience is promoting happiness for others. I know that that creates a cycle of the same great experience.
Russell Simmons

By actively thinking about the implications a space has on its inhabitants, we can create great experiences for those who enter. Make Space is an articulate account about the importance of space; how we think about it, build it and thrive in it.
James P Hackett

Opening for Louis C.K. during his "Hilarious" tour was a great experience for me. He is the generation just ahead of me, because he started so young.
Ted Alexandro

To represent your country is an honor and a great experience.
Michelle Kwan

I've had great experience dealing on an international basis.
Donald Trump

A Wedding In Haiti is a great experience and its unaffected prose is as true a portrait of complex Haiti as you will find.
Mark Kurlansky

Working with them was a great experience. Victor Garber, Stephen McHattie and Ray Liotta - they were all bang-up.
Laura Vandervoort

I enjoy making films and some experiences are better than others. Most of the time they're great experiences... but turning up to go to work on this every day was an absolute pleasure and that comes from the top.
Ray Winstone

I loved Herman's Head. And it was a great experience
Lita Ford

I had some really great experiences doing overdubs.
John Britt Daniel

I've had great experiences or joyful experiences making a movie that people found very disturbing.
Noah Baumbach

It's a great experience just to understand that finally being well known is not the most important thing.
Rokia Traore

[Payne] was a really great experience, and both John [ Larroquette] and JoBeth [Williams] over the years, it's been great reconnecting with them and working with them on other projects as well.
Julie Benz

I had done some TV movies that were great experiences but, no, I wasn't looking to do a series.
Victor Garber

In theater, there's a lot of work to do to build the characters. It's a great experience.
Tcheky Karyo

Sydney's a beautiful city. It was a great experience.
Barbara Hershey