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Green Quotes

The other day the grass was brown, now its green cuz I ain't give up. Never surrender.
DJ Khaled

The other day the grass was drab, but now it's verdant because I didn't give in. Never capitulate.
Authors on Green Quotes: William Shakespeare Van Jones John Green Cassandra Clare Anne Sexton Bob Brown Billie Joe Armstrong Drake Bob Hope Mehmet Murat Ildan Ryan Reynolds Wallace Stegner Charles Dickens Tre Cool Edna St. Vincent Millay Lucy Maud Montgomery Ralph Nader Sam Snead Bubba Watson Cynthia McKinney John Muir Gregory Maguire J. R. R. Tolkien Tiger Woods Geoffrey Rush Suzanne Collins Lewis Black Vincent Van Gogh Alfred Lord Tennyson John Greenleaf Whittier Lauren Oliver David Byrne John Heywood
My dear young fellow,' the Old-Green-Grasshopper said gently, 'there are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet.
Roald Dahl

My beloved juvenile, the Old-Green-Grasshopper said compassionately, 'there are numerous aspects in this world of ours you haven't started pondering about yet.'
My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.
John Green

One travels like a golf ball, hopping from green to green.
John Gunther

You have to get over the color green; you have to quit associating beauty with gardens and lawns; you have to get used to an inhuman scale; you have to understand geological time.
Wallace Stegner

An endless number of green buildings doesn't make a sustainable city.
Jan Gehl

Beautiful as a dandelion-blossom golden in the green grass, this life can be.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

I'm not that interested in fashion... When someone says that lime-green is the new black for this season, you just want to tell them to get a life.
Bruce Oldfield

Death, vicious death, Leave a green branch for love.
Federico Garcia Lorca

Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.
Ansel Adams

You should do what we do, stack chips like *Hebrews* Don't let the melody intrigue you (uh-uh) Cause I leave you, I'm only here For that green paper which lead you

Green leaves on a dead tree is our epitaph-green leaves, dear reader, on a dead tree.
Cyril Connolly

For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green.
J. R. R. Tolkien

A basic cause of murmuring is that too many of us seem to expect that life will flow ever smoothly, featuring an unbroken chain of green lights with empty parking places just in front of our destinations!.
Neal A. Maxwell

Be the green grass above me, with showers and dewdrops wet; and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget.
Christina Rossetti

By the way, most of the light that comes from the sun is green.
Bill Nye

Okra is the closest thing to nylon I've ever eaten. It's like they bred cotton with a green bean. Okra, tastes like snot. The more you cook it, the more it turns into string.
Robin Williams

When I go out into the countryside and see the sun and the green and everything flowering, I say to myself "Yes indeed, all that belongs to me!"
Henri Rousseau

What would surprise a lot of people about me... I'm a gardener! I have a green thumb. I really like to get into the shrubs, the bushes, and really cultivate.
Jeffrey Donovan

The Green New Deal is about creating economic security for everyone, and doing it quickly.
Jill Stein

Green sods are all their monument; and yet it tells A nobler history than pillared piles, Or the eternal pyramids.
James Gates Percival

A great deal of contemporary criticism reads to me like a man saying, 'Of course I do not like green cheese. I am very fond of brown sherry.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Mike, we are a green energy company, but the green stands for money.
Jeffrey Skilling

It's a dream come true for Bubba Watson from Bagdad, Florida to have the green jacket on.
Bubba Watson

It's about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It's about health and safety regulations and green fines.
Nigel Farage

Every green natural place we save saves a fragment of our sanity and gives us a little more hope that we have a future.
Wallace Stegner

No one thinks of winter when the grass is green.
Rudyard Kipling

Green calm below, blue quietness above.
John Greenleaf Whittier

Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.
Russell Page

You make a right on L, make a left on O, come to a green light and that's when you can go. You keep straight on V, until you come to E, that's when you see a big sign that say's welcome to Love Street.
R. Kelly

There doesn't seem to be any other way of creating the next green revolution without GMOs.
E. O. Wilson

Don't be surprised if I demur, for, be advised my passport's green.
Seamus Heaney

It was neat to see a plaque on the 18th fairway, and go up there and kind of look at the green and just remembering the moment.
Paula Creamer

Having a Southwest Green in my backyard is a huge advantage for me on tour. I am pleasantly surprised just how true the ball rolls and reacts to chip and pitch shots. I love my Southwest Green.
Jim Furyk

As a lifelong Oregonian, I prefer our forests green, not black.
Greg Walden

My salad days, When I was green in judgment.
William Shakespeare

There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one.
Joey Dunlop

Never define your success by somebody else's success. I never looked at another man's grass to tell how green mine should be.

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Tom Jones

Making love in the green grass behind the stadium with you my brown eyed girl.
Van Morrison

I used to drink tons of caffeine. Now I make smoothies with frozen berries and Green Vibrance health powder.
Leighton Meester

Let us green the earth, restore the earth, heal the earth.
Ian McHarg

Don't get the green disease of envy. Don't be fooled by success and money. Don't let anything come between you and your work.
Louise Bourgeois

Wisdom is in yourself, just like a sweet ripe mango is already in a young green one.
Ajahn Chah

I’m on top of my green like a lawn chair
Lil Wayne

Beautiful as a dandelion-blossom, golden in the green grass, This life can be. Common as a dandelion-blossom, beautiful in the clean grass, not beautiful Because common, beautiful because beautiful, Noble because common, because free.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

In the old days villains had moustaches and kicked the dog. Audiences are smarter today. They don't want their villain to be thrown at them with green limelight on his face. They want an ordinary human being with failings.
Alfred Hitchcock

Green grass breaks through snow, Artemis pleads for my help, I am so cool.
Rick Riordan

If the employees come first, then they're happy. A motivated employee treats the customer well. The customer is happy so they keep coming back, which pleases the shareholders. It's not one of the enduring green mysteries of all time, it is just the way it works.
Herb Kelleher

Stay green, stay in the woods, and stay safe.
Karl Pilkington