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Guru Nanak Quotes

the first Sikh guru (d. 1539), Birth: 15-4-1469, Death: 22-9-1539 Guru Nanak Quotes
We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Only the One True Lord is without woman
Guru Nanak

I am neither a child, a young man, nor an ancient; nor am I of any caste.
Guru Nanak

I am neither immature, juvenile, nor senescent; nor do I belong to any social stratum.
As fragrance abides in the flower As reflection is within the mirror, So does your Lord abide within you, Why search for him without?
Guru Nanak

As perfume lingers in the petal As image appears in the looking glass, So your Lord dwells inside you, Why look elsewhere for him?
Conquer your mind and conquer the world.
Guru Nanak

Only fools argue whether to eat meat or not. They don't understand truth nor do they meditate on it. Who can define what is meat and what is plant Who knows where the sin lies, being a vegetarian or a non vegetarian
Guru Nanak

Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru none can cross over to the other shore.
Guru Nanak

Those who have loved are those that have found God
Guru Nanak

The highest religion is to rise to universal brother hood; aye to consider all creatures your equals.
Guru Nanak

Quote Topics by Guru Nanak: Men Son Self Mind Husband Blessed Compassion Names Kings World Law Heart Pain Children Brother Lord Father Wife Soul Daughter Ocean Quality Prayer Speak Sacred Form Religious Body Past Giving
Do not wish evil for others. Do not speak ill of others. Do not obstruct anyones activities.
Guru Nanak

For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?
Guru Nanak

With your hands carve out your own destiny.
Guru Nanak

There is but One God, His name is Truth, He is the Creator, He fears none, he is without hate, He never dies, He is beyond the cycle of births and death, He is self illuminated, He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning, He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True, He is also True now.
Guru Nanak

From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
Guru Nanak

The world is a drama, staged in a dream
Guru Nanak

Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God.
Guru Nanak

Speak only that which will bring you honor.
Guru Nanak

Be kind to all beings, this is more meritorious than bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage and donating money.
Guru Nanak

God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form.
Guru Nanak

The True One was there from time immemorial. He is there today and ever there you will find. He never died nor will he ever die. ... Look within, you will see Him there enshrined.
Guru Nanak

False is the body, false are the clothes; false is beauty.
Guru Nanak

Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.
Guru Nanak

Let God's grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct. Let modesty be compassion, good manners fasting, you should be a Muslim the like of this. Let good deeds be your Kaaba and truth be your mentor. Your Kalma be your creed and prayer, God would then vindicate your honour.
Guru Nanak

Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul, for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss.
Guru Nanak

Burn worldly love, rub the ashes and make ink of it, make the heart the pen, the intellect the writer, write that which has no end or limit.
Guru Nanak

See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world.
Guru Nanak

I don't die... He who is merged with the omnipresent is never gone.
Guru Nanak

Owing to ignorance of the rope the rope appears to be a snake; owing to ignorance of the Self the transient state arises of the individualized, limited, phenomenal aspect of the Self.
Guru Nanak

Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you.
Guru Nanak

Through shallow intellect, the mind becomes shallow, and one eats the fly, along with the sweets.
Guru Nanak

Offspring, the due performance on religious rites, faithful service, highest conjugal happiness and heavenly bliss for the ancestors and oneself, depend on one's wife alone.
Guru Nanak

Thou has a thousand eyes and yet not one eye; Thou host a thousand forms and yet not one form.
Guru Nanak

Build the raft of meditation and self-discipline, to carry you across the river. There will be no ocean, and no rising tides to stop you; this is how comfortable your path shall be.
Guru Nanak

There, where neither your children nor your spouse shall accompany you, the Name of the Lord shall emancipate you.
Guru Nanak

Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth - these are not even equal to an ant, who does not forget God.
Guru Nanak

I am neither male nor female, nor am I sexless. I am the Peaceful One, whose form is self-effulgent, powerful radiance.
Guru Nanak

He ,who is appointed to ,cohabit with the widow shall ,approach her at night anointed with clarified butter and silent, ,and beget one son, by no means a second.
Guru Nanak

If an appointed daughter by accident dies without ,leaving a son, the husband of the appointed daughter may, without hesitation, take that estate.
Guru Nanak

That one plant should be sown and another be produced cannot happen; whatever seed is sown, a plant of that kind even comes forth.
Guru Nanak

But for disloyalty to her husband a wife is censured among men, and ,in her next life she is born in the womb of a jackal and tormented by diseases, the punishment of her sin.
Guru Nanak

Yet in a kingdom containing seven constituent parts, which is upheld like the triple staff ,of an ascetic , there is no ,single part more important ,than the others , by reason of the importance of the qualities of each for the others.
Guru Nanak

Whatever kind of seed is sown in a field, prepared in due season, a plant of that same kind, marked with the peculiar qualities of the seed, springs up in it.
Guru Nanak

Like the juggler, deceiving by his tricks, one is deluded by egotism, falsehood and illusion.
Guru Nanak

Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. They are beings of renunciation and detachment they are lovingly focused on the True One, they realize and understand themselves.
Guru Nanak

I am in constant bliss, day and night, egotism has been dispelled from within me.
Guru Nanak

Death would not be called bad, o people, if one knew how to truly die.
Guru Nanak

One cannot comprehend Him through reason, even if one reasoned for ages.
Guru Nanak

The Formless Supreme Being abides in the Realm of Eternity. Over His creation He casts His glance of grace. In that Realm are contained all the continents and the universes, Exceeding in number all count. Of creation worlds upon worlds abide therein; All obedient to His will; He watches over them in bliss, And has each constantly in mind.
Guru Nanak

Whatever be the qualities of the man with whom a woman is united according to the law, such qualities even she assumes, like a river, united with the ocean.
Guru Nanak

Blessed, blessed is that body horse which meditates on the Lord God.
Guru Nanak

Sing the songs of joy to the Lord, serve the Name of the Lord, and become the servant of His servants.
Guru Nanak