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Hakim Bey Quotes

Hakim Bey Quotes
Provided we can escape from the museums we carry around inside us, provided we can stop selling ourselves tickets to the galleries in our own skulls, we can begin to contemplate an art which re-creates the goal of the sorcerer: changing the structure of reality by the manipulation of living symbols ... Art tells gorgeous lies that come true.
Hakim Bey

The dullard finds even wine tasteless, while the sorcerer is intoxicated by the mere sight of water.
Hakim Bey

The Universe wants to play. Those who refuse out of dry spiritual greed & choose pure contemplation forfeit their humanity - those who refuse out of dull anguish, those who hesitate, lose their chance at divinity - those who mold themselves blind masks of Ideas & thrash around seeking some proof of their own solidity end by seeing out of dead men's eyes.
Hakim Bey

There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you're the monarch of your own skin - your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky.
Hakim Bey

Ten minutes in a video store should convince any impartial observer that we live in a police state of consciousness, far more pervasive than the Nazis.
Hakim Bey

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If rulers refuse to consider poems as crimes, then someone must commit crimes that serve the function of poetry, or texts that possess the resonance of terrorism.
Hakim Bey

Nature has no Laws — only habits.
Hakim Bey

Art tells gorgeous lies that come true.
Hakim Bey

Quote Topics by Hakim Bey: People Law Water Spiritual World Self Art Shows Sweet Benefits Fate Dancing Watches Effectiveness Drug Caves Habit Groups Real Garden Humanity Revolution Blood Lying Kings Men Regret Media Deployment Blessed
Those who understand history are condemned to watch other idiots repeat it.
Hakim Bey

Sorcery: the systematic cultivation of enhanced consciousness or non-ordinary awareness & its deployment in the world of deeds & objects to bring about desired results.
Hakim Bey

Anyone who can read history with both hemispheres of the brain knows that a world comes to an end every instant--the waves of time leave washed up behind themselves only dry memories of a closed & petrified past--imperfect memory, itself already dying & autumnal. And every instant also gives birth to a world--despite the cavillings of philosophers & scientists whose bodies have grown numb--a present in which all impossibilities are renewed, where regret & premonition fade to nothing in one presential hologrammatical psychomantric gesture.
Hakim Bey

Physical separateness can never be overcome by electronics, but only by 'conviviality,' by 'living together' in the most literal physical sense. The physically divided are also the conquered and the controlled. 'True desires' - erotic, gustatory, olfactory, musical, aesthetic, psychic, & spiritual - are best attained in a context of freedom of self and other in physical proximity & mutual aid. Everything else is at best a sort of representation.
Hakim Bey

To say that 'I will not be free till all humans (or all sentient creatures) are free' is simply to cave in to a kind of nirvana-stupor, to abdicate our humanity, to define ourselves as losers.
Hakim Bey

In short, it occurred to me that perhaps the only possible avant garde is the avant garden.
Hakim Bey

Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it's neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.
Hakim Bey

One may always attempt as much insight, love, freedom of thought and expression, justice and tolerance as possible for oneself and the very few people who share one's truest life. To be a 'free lord' in secret is better than being a public slave, a willing accomplice of repression and injustice.
Hakim Bey

The Law waits for you to stumble on a mode of being, a soul different from the FDA-approved purple-stamped standard dead meat - & as soon as you begin to act in harmony with nature the Law garottes & strangles you - so don't play the blessed liberal middleclass martyr - accept the fact that you're a criminal & be prepared to act like one.
Hakim Bey

A freedom or pleasure that rests on someone else's slavery or misery cannot finally satisfy the self because it is a limitation or narrowing of the self, an admission of impotence, an offense against generosity and justice. Our freedom depends on other people's freedom, for our fates are inextricably interwoven with others', especially with those we love.
Hakim Bey

Only the dead are truly smart, truly cool. Nothing touches them. While I live, however, I side with bumbling suffering crooked life, with anger rather than boredom, with sweet lust, hunger & carelessness...against the icy avant-guard & its fashionable premonitions of the sepulcher.
Hakim Bey

the dullard sees no eros in fine champagne; the sorcerer can fall intoxicated on a glass of water
Hakim Bey

Words belong to those who use them only till someone else steals them back.
Hakim Bey

Sorcery breaks no law of nature because there is no Natural Law, only the spontaneity of natura naturans, the tao. Sorcery violates laws which seek to chain this flow– priests, kings, hierophants, mystics, scientists & shopkeepers all brand the sorcerer enemy for threatening the power of their charade, the tensile strength of their illusory web.
Hakim Bey

The sorcerer is a Simple Realist: the world is real--but then so must consciousness be real since its effects are so tangible.
Hakim Bey

The last possible deed is that which defines perception itself, an invisible golden chord that connects us: illegal dancing in the courthouse corridors.
Hakim Bey

Moloch merely shovels babies into the fire of productive capitalism. Mammon hooks them on the dead heroin of envy.
Hakim Bey

Turn to yourselves rather than to your Gods or to your idols. Find what hides in yourselves; bring it to the light; show yourselves!
Hakim Bey

A Tong can perhaps be defined as a mutual benefit society for people with a common interest which is illegal or dangerously marginal - hence, the necessary secrecy.
Hakim Bey

Don't just survive while waiting for someone's revolution to clear your head.
Hakim Bey

The media of sameness and separation represent the world in its most religious form - the structuring of the social in images.
Hakim Bey

Mummies are dehydrated & they long for the blood of living words.
Hakim Bey

...only drugs make you feel as good as people in TV ads appear to be.
Hakim Bey

The autonomy of the individual appears to be complemented & enhanced by the movement of the group; while the effectiveness of the group seems to depend on the freedom of the individual.
Hakim Bey