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Harry Redknapp Quotes

English footballer and manager, Birth: 2-3-1947 Harry Redknapp Quotes
Scholes was playing tiki-taka football when nobody in England knew what it was. He was another of those players, like Denis Law or Bobby Moore, who at 15 probably looked as if he wouldn't make it. Too small, you would think - can't run, dumpy little ginger nut - but then the ball would come to him and he would dazzle you. He was the best footballer in that Manchester United midfield, better than Ryan Giggs and Roy Keane.
Harry Redknapp

If you can't pass the ball properly, a bowl of pasta's not going to make that much difference!
Harry Redknapp

We've got sports scientists who insist it's important for the lads to eat after games to refuel, even if it's 2am. I used to refuel after games at West Ham until half past three in the morning in a different way - but then I'm old school.
Harry Redknapp

I've found myself on some days leaving home at three in the morning. I'm outside the training ground at five but they don't open up until seven. I'm just sitting there, listening to the radio.
Harry Redknapp

I tape over most of them with Corrie or Neighbours. Most of them are crap. They can f***ing make anyone look good. I signed Marco Boogers off a video. He was a good player but a nutter. They didn't show that on the video.
Harry Redknapp

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He's disappeared to Azerbaijan, or somewhere ridiculous in the world.
Harry Redknapp

I left a couple of my foreigners out last week and they started talking in foreign. I knew they were saying "Blah, blah, blah, le bastard manager..."
Harry Redknapp

I don't think there is any place in football for drinking. I have said on several occasions to players: You don't put diesel in a Ferrari.
Harry Redknapp

Quote Topics by Harry Redknapp: Football Soccer Player Running Games World Drinking Morning Messi Balls Sitting Sports Champagne Training School New York Years Christmas Speak Care Journalist Pasta Most Amazing Stupid Differences Eight Bentley War Azerbaijan Squad
It's like being on the Titanic and seeing there's only one lifeboat left.
Harry Redknapp

Journalist: 'Have you received any death threats?' Harry Redknapp: 'Only from the wife when I didn't do the washing up!'.
Harry Redknapp

I took Kanu on the Tuesday before the first game of the season because I never had any strikers. He said he hadn't kicked a ball since last season and I asked him if he'd been training.
Harry Redknapp

Luckily they had a stupid on their side too.
Harry Redknapp

I didn't know anything about it, I swear. Nor did Dave Bassett. We were sitting there saying 'What's happening here?'. It is frightening. A nightmare.
Harry Redknapp

Samassi Abou don’t speak the English too good.
Harry Redknapp

I write like a two-year-old and I can't spell.
Harry Redknapp

He is not injured. He's not fit. He's not fit to play football, unfortunately. He played in a reserve game the other day and I could have run about more than he did. I can't pick him.
Harry Redknapp

What are they going to do, shoot me? It's not war you know.
Harry Redknapp

When I heard the draw I was out on the golf course. I had an eight-iron in one hand and my mobile in the other. When we came out with United, my club went further than the ball.
Harry Redknapp

The only relaxed boss is Big Ron. He had me drinking pink champagne - before the match.
Harry Redknapp

I can't keep protecting people who don't want to run about and train, who are about three stone overweight. What am I supposed to keep saying? 'Keep getting your 60, 70 grand a week but don't train'? What's the game coming to?
Harry Redknapp

You come here to Anfield, you stand there and listen to that crowd, and it's the greatest sight in football.
Harry Redknapp

You couldn't put a value on him, he's on another planet. For me, Lionel Messi is undoubtedly the No.1 player in the world.
Harry Redknapp

Thierry Henry is a fantastic professional and will be massive here in New York, i'm sure, he is world class
Harry Redknapp

Lionel Messi is the most amazing player I have ever seen.
Harry Redknapp

I don't care about Christmas, we are going to train on Christmas Day.
Harry Redknapp

Paul Scholes should be included in England's Euro 2012 squad.
Harry Redknapp

David Bentley has got balls - and plenty of them.
Harry Redknapp